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on the Conference of PPP world centers within the frames of the III Astana Economic Forum in July 1, 2010 in Astana by the representatives PPP centers.

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2 on the Conference of PPP world centers within the frames of the III Astana Economic Forum in July 1, 2010 in Astana by the representatives PPP centers in Switzerland, Holland, USA, France, Japan, Turkey, Ukraine, Russia, Indonesia, Israel, Poland, as well as an international organization Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). was first announced at the International Forum “Public-private partnership: development of local infrastructure” (September 17, 2009. Aktau). at the meeting of PPP representatives on July 2, 2010 at JSC “Kazakhstan PPP Center” office approved the resolution on the establishment of the Association. History of establishment The idea to establish the Association The intention was expressed Approved the resolution on creation

3 The Association will conduct the following activities: 1) creation, technical support and actualization of the unified informational base: - on the scientific-methodical provision of the Members by the information on international experience in PPP; - on the planned international events in the sphere of PPP; 2) organization of internet forums and оn-line conferences on actual issues of public-private partnership; 3) creation of educational center; 4) publishing of the publications and other specialized literature on the subject of public private partnership; 5) support in attracting of investors for financing of planned PPP projects (manual for investors); 6) conduction of researches on PPP theme for interested parties with hiring of PPP leading experts consultants. The main goal of the Association is promotion of development of public-private partnership member countries by sharing of experience and harmonization of the approaches Association is founded in accordance with the article 18 of the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On non-commercial organizations” from 16 th of January 2001 № 142-II, which provide creation of joint legal entities in the form of association (union). Legal status

4 Планируемая структура Ассоциации General Meeting of the Founders (at the moment of creation– Kazakhstan, Japan, Ukraine) General Meeting of the Founders (at the moment of creation– Kazakhstan, Japan, Ukraine) Executive Body of the Association (in Astana) Executive Body of the Association (in Astana) Members of the Association (legal entities that have main activity in PPP sphere) Inspection commission

5 Main Activities Association Conduction of conferences, training and seminars Creation and updating of unified information databse on PPP Capacity building and experience sharing on PPP Assistance in implementation of PPP projects Creation of educational center Publication of specialized literature on PPP Conduction of researches and surveys on PPP Coordination of technical assistances of IFOs on capacity building in PPP sphere Road-show of PPP projects that are planned for implementation in participating countries Attraction of potential investors to the PPP projects in participating countries Assistance to the central and local authorities on structuring and development of infrastructure projects Assistance to the regional PPP centers in creating and implementation of PPP projects

6 Association Investors (Kazakhstan and international) Experience sharing On-line seminars Library, archive of the PPP projects Publications Research Projects administration Regional PPPs Searching and development of regional projects The Role of the Association in the institutional structure Members of Association Experience transfer to the Association’s members Organizers of the biddings (LEB, CEB) Expertise Indentifies a methodology for project structuring PPP Center Development of methodology for improving of planning and implementation of PPP projects. Economic analysis (risks, benefits and costs) Project approval and bidding announcement Projects Allocated on the web- site in online mode List of the ready for financing projects Participate on the biddings Selection of the project Projects

7 Attract the investments through the PPP mechanism for local and foreign investors Application (implementation) of best PPP practice Ability to conduct the cooperative research in the sphere of PPP Ability to get an access for the unified data base Ability to promote and idea of PPP development Main benefits for the members of the Association

8 1. Consulting services for the concerned entities on the searching and supporting of the investors/projects 1. Conduction of the seminars on PPP 2. Creation of the training center 1. Development of best practices on the basis on legislation analysis, investment climate and experience of PPP projects realization in the member-countries 2. Promotion of creation and implementation of the study course program on PPP in the universities of Kazakhstan 3. Publication of the special literature dedicated to PPP 1. Creation and development of web-site of the Association and full-functioned internet portal with the high rate of visiting; 2. Creation of the data base on current and planned PPP projects in the member countries with the interactive interface. Main Activities Informational activity Science-research activity Capacity building activity for the members of the Association Consultant services

9 Financing of the Association The funds of the Association will be formed from the following sources: Sponsor contributions; Annual fees of the Association’s members; Other sources that do not conflict with the existing legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Funds obtained from the main activity;

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