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1 Waiting for the Organiser… The webinar will begin shortly.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Waiting for the Organiser… The webinar will begin shortly."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Waiting for the Organiser… The webinar will begin shortly

2 2 IPR Protection Strategies for EU SMEs from the Manufacturing Industry in Indonesia South-East Asia IPR SME Helpdesk Email: Website: 30 September 2015 Mr. Andrew Conduit, IP Expert

3 Welcome to the Webinar 3 Berdine van Oosterhout Project Manager South-East Asia IPR SME Helpdesk 30 September 2015

4 Webinar Interaction Tools 4 Turn on full screen here Raise your hand here Send the IP expert a question here Webinar 24 hour technical support number: ‘Contact Us’ section 30 September 2015

5 5 Snapshot: Helpdesk Free Services Enquiry Helpline IP Guides & Newsletters E-learning & Business Tools Training Workshops & Live Webinars Website & Blog 30 September2015

6 Speaker’s bio Name: Andrew Conduit Firm: SKC Law, Advocates and IP Consultants Location: Jakarta, Indonesia Email: Andrew is uniquely qualified to advise foreign clients on Indonesian intellectual property issues. He is a registered Foreign Advocate (PERADI, Indonesia), a Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Queensland (Australia), a Solicitor of the High Court of Australia, and a registered mediator (PMN, Nasional Mediation Center). His tertiary studies include a masters in intellectual property and dispute resolution, and advanced-level Indonesian studies. Andrew is a member of the International Trademark Association, the Indonesia-Australia Business Council, PERADI (Indonesian Bar Association), and the Queensland Law Society. 30 September 2015

7 Agenda  Indonesia and manufacturing  Intellectual property in Indonesia  Designing a successful IP strategy  Case studies  Take-Away Messages  Q&A 7 30 September 2015

8 8 Question: Do you already have an established business in Indonesia? A.Yes B.No Poll 1 21 May 2014 30 September 2015

9 Indonesia 30 September 2015

10 Manufacturing in Indonesia 30 September 2015

11 ASEAN Economic Community 30 September 2015

12 Legal framework International treatiesIndonesian laws TRIPS Trade Secrets Paris Convention Industrial Designs Berne Convention Patent Trademarks Copyright 30 September 2015

13 13 Question: Have you already read the Helpdesk IP Factsheet for Indonesia? A.Yes B.No Poll 2 30 September 2015

14 IP Audit 30 September 2015

15 IP Plan 30 September 2015

16 Registration strategies 30 September 2015

17 Case Study 1 – packaged food 17 30 September 2015

18 Enforcement strategies 30 September 2015

19 Case Study 2 – general purpose engines 19 30 September 2015

20 Take away messages 1.Conduct an IP Audit 2.Create an IP Plan 3.Register your IP 4.Regular visible enforcement action 5.Raise awareness 30 September 2015

21 Q&A 21 Name: Andrew Conduit Firm: SKC Law, Advocates and IP Consultants Location: Jakarta, Indonesia Email: 30 September 2015

22 Helpdesk Country IP Factsheets for the ASEAN countries Check it out NOW! To access all our publications \ 2221 May 2014 30 September 2015

23 23 Social Media: Stay Connected… Follow us on social media for latest news and developments on IP issues in South-East Asia, as well as project activities e.g. events, webinars, new guides. Fan page: ‘South-East Asia IPR SME Helpdesk' @iprASEAN ‘South-East Asia IPR SME Helpdesk’ Channel: Helpdesk TV 30 September 2015

24 The South-East Asia IPR SME Helpdesk provides free, confidential, business- focused advice to European Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) relating to IPR in South-East-Asia. To learn about any aspect of intellectual property rights in Vietnam or elsewhere in South East Asia, including Local partners Due diligence IP audits Or to simply learn about the local landscape and adapt your IP plan accordingly – something which can save you EUR in the long term Contact us on “know before you go, we’re here to help you grow…” 24 30 September 2015

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