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Published byCharlotte Jacobs Modified over 8 years ago
ESRF Operation and Upgrade Status Achievements and Perspectives J. L. Revol, L Farvacque On behalf of the Accelerator & Source Division European Synchrotron Light Source workshop (ESLS XX) work
ESLSXX- ESRF Operation and Upgrade Status- Revol JL, November 19th, 2012 2 Experimental hall extension May 2012 November 2011 November 2012 ID 16: October 2012
ESLSXX- ESRF Operation and Upgrade Status- Revol JL, November 19th, 2012 3 ESRF Upgrade 2009-2018 @ Phase 1(from 2009 to 2015) in progress: Eight new beamlines, with an extension of the experimental hall Refurbishment of many existing beamlines Developments in synchrotron radiation instrumentation Upgrade of the X ray source for availability, stability and brilliance While maintaining an operational facility The Upgrade Programme @ Phase 2 projects elaborated and proposed to Council New
Accelerator Upgrade Phase 1 Upgrade of BPM electronics Improvement of the beam position stability Coupling reduction 6 m long straight sections Cryogenic in-vacuum undulators 7 m straight sections New RF Transmitters New RF Cavities Top-up operation Studies for the reduction of the horizontal emittance 4 ESLSXX- ESRF Operation and Upgrade Status- Revol JL, November 19th, 2012 Done To be installed winter 2012 Done for the booster Prototypes under test Done Project started In progress New
Machine statistics 2009201020112012 (10 October) Availability (%)99.0498.7898.9198.6 Mean time between failures (hrs) 75.867.50107.855.3 Mean duration of a failure (hrs) 0.730.821.180.82 5 ESLSXX- ESRF Operation and Upgrade Status- Revol JL, November 19th, 2012 ESRF Record Machine statistics No major difficulties to restart after the Long winter shutdown (5 Dec 2011 / 3 May 2012) Larger number of failures in 2012 (only a few of them resulting from the upgrade programme)
ESLSXX- ESRF Operation and Upgrade Status- Revol JL, November 19th, 20126 8 mn ID11 ID17 ID27 Feedback OFF New orbit feedback 2.5 m 0.9 m @ sub m stability routinely achieved in V @ m stability routinely achieved in H rms Cell1 Cell32 224 libera BPM Horizontal OFF Horizontal ON Vertical OFF Vertical ON Single system from DC to 200 Hz 224 Libera BPMs 96 standard steerers up to 200 Hz (integrated in the sextupoles) New power supplies 10 kHz operation Much better correction of the orbit distortion induced by ID gap motions
ESLSXX- ESRF Operation and Upgrade Status- Revol JL, November 19th, 2012 7 CPMU: Cryogenic Permanent Magnet Undulator Second device completed & successfully tested in ID11 BL - period 18 mm NdFeB - peak field 1 T @ 145 K, gap 6 mm Photon flux in 0.6 mm x 0.6 mm @ 30 m in ID11 Robust consistency between magnetic design field measurements observation in beamline Gain in photon flux ~ 2 @ 60 keV, ~3 above 90 keV compared to a conventional IVU 22
6 m sections 6 m section no canting ID18, ID14, ID1, ID32 ID31, ID15 ID 24 & ID20 full 6m operational with 4 carriages 6 m Large Angle canting ID30 (±2.2 mrad ) ID16 (±2.7 mrad ) 8ESLSXX- ESRF Operation and Upgrade Status- Revol JL, November 19th, 2012 No change in optics New vacuum chambers Cabling & piping modification Front End modification for canting c c c c c c All phase 1 beamlines done 6173 mm ID chamber ID16
ESLSXX- ESRF Operation and Upgrade Status- Revol JL, November 19th, 2012 9 5 metres Qd6 S22S24 QF7 Qd8 Qd6 S24 QF7 Qd8 S22 7 metres bpm 7 metre 3 single cell cavities C C C QF7 _HG QD6 _HG S22_IR S24 _200 Infra Red beam port bpm QF7 _HG QD6 _HG S24_200 S22 bpm C ID 1.6 m C C C Mini beta test QD_low 7 m ID straight Sections New girders New quadrupoles Individual power supplies New vacuum chambers 1 st symmetry breaking Goal: Redistribute RF cavities to install undulators in the present dedicated RFstraight sections Create 2 lower vertical beta points to reduce the in-vacuum undulator gap from 6 to 4 mm
7 m ID straight sections ESLSXX- ESRF Operation and Upgrade Status- Revol JL, November 19th, 201210 First 7 m straight section next winter shutdown Test of mini beta optics during first half 2013 MDT Installation of the RF cavities summer 2013 Dec 2012 All hardware ready, Magnetic measurements in progress QD_low = spare HG quadrupole ID23
ESLSXX- ESRF Operation and Upgrade Status- Revol JL, November 19th, 2012 11 Taking advantage of mini betaz for ID gap reduction Primarily for High photon energy (> 50 keV) Mini beta Z test
SY: Booster Synchrotron 4 Waveguide switches to 4 water loads 2 five-cell cavities x 2 couplers Solid State RF transmitters ESLSXX- ESRF Operation and Upgrade Status- Revol JL, November 19th, 201212 Replacing one 352.2 MHz 1.3 MW klystron booster transmitter SYRF now ready for TopUp operation, (electrical power reduced from 1200 to 400 kW). Goal: Prevent klystron obsolescence Prepare future upgrades Booster RF : Four 150 kW amplifiers in operation since March 2012 Smooth and efficient commissioning in limited time; high reliability for operation 75 kW tower of 128 RF modules New 150 kW - 352.2 MHz Solid State Amplifiers for the booster Efficiency: > 55 % at nominal power 3 SSA from for SR: Powering 3 new HOM damped cavities on the storage ring: delayed 1 st SSA to power 1 cavity in August 2013 Next SSAs: December 2013, March 2014
ESLSXX- ESRF Operation and Upgrade Status- Revol JL, November 19th, 201213 9 MV with 12 to 18 cavities (4.7 ± 0.4 M ) Planned operation at 300 mA Power capability to sustain up to 500 mA No HOM up to 1 A HOM absorbers: Ferrite loaded tapered ridges HOM dampers = ridge waveguides Based on 500 MHz BESSY, MLS, ALBA design [E. Weihreter et al.] ESRF 352.2 MHz design: several improvements Single cell NC HOM damped cavity 352 MHz Goal: RF distribution to create new experimental stations Prepare future upgrades 3 Prototypes under test
ESLSXX- ESRF Operation and Upgrade Status- Revol JL, November 19th, 2012 14 October 2011: Installation on Storage Ring Passive operation with excellent vacuum behaviour in USM Active operation V acc = 0.5 MV (conditioned to 0.6 MV) I beam = 200 mA in uniform fill pattern during MDT, with 150 kW of RF power I beam = 4*10 mA during one week of USM without trip I beam = 85 mA in 16 bunch after a few hours of conditioning 1 st HOM damped cavity delivered by RI – Research Instruments 2 nd cavity delivered by SDMS May 2012: Installation on RF teststand V acc = 0.5 MV after long conditioning September: Straightforward conditioning from 0.5 to 0.75 MV Installation in cell 25 in coming winter shutdown Delivered in June 2012 3 rd cavity delivered by CINEL Starting RF conditioning before the end of the year Test with beam directly on cell 23 (we skip cell 25 test) Single cell NC HOM damped cavity
ESLSXX- ESRF Operation and Upgrade Status- Revol JL, November 19th, 2012 15 Top Up Project Pro: Reduced heat load variation on the beamline optics. Improves stability Con: Increased number of injections. Disturbs stability @ Survey of Top Up operation at ESRF/ APS/ SPRing8/ PETRA/ SOLEIL/ DIAMOND/ BESSY/ ELETTRA/ ALBA /SLS Top Up is multi parameter with discrepancies between institutes! @ ESRF has developed a lot of expertise in the design of the optics and in the layout of beamlines to manage heat load variation, especially for the UPBLs, which should be less sensitive to refills. Could we still gain (a lot) by reducing the current variation ? What would be the (maximum) current variation which would make a refill transparent? @ Most facilities operate in Top Up mode, except ESRF
ESLSXX- ESRF Operation and Upgrade Status- Revol JL, November 19th, 2012 16 Stability in current All machines are in the m stability standards, injection disturbs all machines for ≈ a few ms time ! But very low use of gating by the beamlines Top Up Survey
ESLSXX- ESRF Operation and Upgrade Status- Revol JL, November 19th, 2012 17 Top Up Project 17 Mode 7/8 200 mA, 45h, 5pm vertical emittance t= 30 mn I<≈ 2 mAinstead of 40 mA today with an injection every 12hours Mode 16 bunch 90 mA, 6h, 6pm vertical emittance t= 30 mn I<≈ 10 mA instead of 30 mA today with an injection every 6 hours and vertical emittance *10 @ 15-30mn Top-Up cycle seems reasonable @ We are doing tests and studies during MDTs (including feedback from Users) @ We are upgrading our injector to improve reliability and operation in particular a new ramped power booster power supply is under design Standard decay 2mA 30mn Possible Top-UP scheme
ESLSXX- ESRF Operation and Upgrade Status- Revol JL, November 19th, 2012 18 Low Horizontal Emittance SR The pros: - Brightness increase while maintaining the same flux - Spatial resolution increase - Transverse coherence The first two points improve almost linearly for a decrease from 4nm down to 100pm. For lower emittance the gain becomes less than linear due to: - the diffraction limit - mismatch of the electron beam with the X-Ray beam The coherence fraction increases linearly as well, but to be above 50% emittances below 5pm are needed. For example: @10KeV 80% coherence needs about 1pm emittance ESRF is investigating a low horizontal emittance SR lattice The boundary conditions: - Maintain the existing Straight Sections and BeamLines unchanged (as much as possible) - Maintain the present injector - Design and Implement a new challenging lattice for the 32 arcs (A Franchi’s talk) provide a horizontal emittance of 160 pm. - Cost and shutdown - Reduction in operation costs
ESLSXX- ESRF Operation and Upgrade Status- Revol JL, November 19th, 2012 19 LatticePresentNew Hor. Emittance [nm]40.16 Vert. Emittance [pm]53.2 Energy spread [%]0.1 Betax[m]/Betaz [m]37/33.3/2.8 Electron beam: 6.04 GeV I=200 mA Brilliance at lower horizontal emittance
ESLSXX- ESRF Operation and Upgrade Status- Revol JL, November 19th, 2012 20 Heat load at lower horizontal emittance The spatial distribution of the power density is primarily driven by the deflection parameter K of the undulator. No change for present ESRF high beta ~ 30% more expected for low beta straight section Critical parameter is the power density of the white beam from undulator Heat load on first optical components (i.e Silicon monochromators)
ESLSXX- ESRF Operation and Upgrade Status- Revol JL, November 19th, 2012 21 ESRF UPgrade Phase II The new lattice is part of the ESRF Upgrade phase II White paper presented at the meeting of the ESRF Council on 26 November The ESRF UP Phase II (2015-2019) includes three principal projects: The construction and commissioning of the new lattice The Vercors hall extension for the preparation and storage of the new SR equipment to be used later for the beamlines The construction of four new state-of-the-art beamlines fully exploiting the brilliance and coherence of the new X-ray source An aggressive instrumentation development programme aiming to integrate the technologies required to fully exploit the ESRF beamline portfolio in terms of sample positioning and environment, nano- focusing, detectors and data retrieval, storage and analysis. Green line expected to start the Technical Design Study including prototyping to create a Machine Advisory Committee
ESLSXX- ESRF Operation and Upgrade Status- Revol JL, November 19th, 2012 22 Enabling Technology @ Energy efficient source: 60% of the present power consumption RF systems tailored to the reduced losses per turn Increase efficiency of the production of magnetic field @ Magnets: Main design with electromagnets but permanent magnet design with small range tuning system commencing in parallel quadrupoles (100T/m) sextupoles (1.9 kT/m 2 ) @ Vacuum: Low vacuum conductance due to reduce aperture of the chambers Main chamber made from extruded aluminium with NEG coating and ion pumps @ RF: 12 HOM damped cavities @ Mechanical design very challenging due the compactness
ESLSXX- ESRF Operation and Upgrade Status- Revol JL, November 19th, 2012 23 ESRF UPgrade Phase II schedule 1 Year Shutdown
ESLSXX- ESRF Operation and Upgrade Status- Revol JL, November 19th, 2012 24 Magnets and Power Supplies35000k€ Vacuum system19000k€ Storage Ring Infrastructure10000k€ FE modification8000k€ RF system2500k€ Mechanical supports6000k€ Diagnostics and control5000k€ External manpower4000k€ Peak Load manpower5000k€ Injection straight section3000k€ Insertion Devices2500k€ Total for the Source: 100000 k€ Vercors building &services 10000 k€ 4 New Beamlines 20000 k€ Beamline enabling Technology 20000 k€ Grand Total 150000 k€ EngineerTechnician Conventional magnets11 Permanent magnets11 Mechanical12 Vacuum11 Control11 Project coordination11 Beam dynamics1 RF1 Diagnostics1 ESRF UPgrade Phase II budget Additional resources
ESLSXX- ESRF Operation and Upgrade Status- Revol JL, November 19th, 2012 25 MANY thanks for your attention
ESLSXX- ESRF Operation and Upgrade Status- Revol JL, November 19th, 2012 26 Storage ring 6GeV, 844 m Booster synchrotron 200 MeV 6 GeV 300m, 10 Hz E- Linac 200 MeV 32 straight sections DBA lattice 42 Beamlines 12 on dipoles 30 on insertion devices EnergyGeV6.04 Multibunch CurrentmA200 Horizontal emittancenm 4 Vertical emittance pm3.5 The ESRF today 89 magnetic assemblies: 39 standard 1.6 m/1.4 m insertion devices 17 revolver type undulators 12 in-vacuum undulator/CPMUs 4 helical undulators (ESRF and APPLE II type)
27 EnergyGeV6.04 Multibunch Current in 7/8+1 mA200 4 (single) Horizontal emittancenm 4 Vertical emittance pm3.5 84 % of Beam time available for Timing Experiments Filling modes in 2011 ESLSXX- ESRF Operation and Upgrade Status- Revol JL, November 19th, 2012 Mode 7/8+1: 200 mA Uniform 9% 2*1/3 filling 7% 4*10 mA 7% 16 Bunch 29% Hybrid 24*8 4% 7/8+1 44% *2*1/3 Not initially scheduled but necessary to replace 30 shifts in 7/8 + uniform because of HOM instabilities
ESLSXX- ESRF Operation and Upgrade Status- Revol JL, November 19th, 2012 28 Hor. Emittance [nm]40.150.01 Vert. Emittance [pm]322 Energy spread [%]0.10.09 Betax[m]/Betaz [m]37/36/2 Electron beam: 6.039 GeV I=0.2 A ~ x 25 ~ x 5 Brilliance at lower horizontal emittance
Upgrade of BPM Electronics Sum signal of the 4 buttons: Lifetime monitor Instant Fractional-Beamloss monitor 224 Libera Brillance Slow Acquisition (10 Hz, orbit correction) Fast Acquisition (10 kHz) For fast global orbit correction Turn by Turn (355 kHz, for lattice studies) First Turn mode (For injection tuning) Post-Mortem (Data loging on trigger) 29ESLSXX- ESRF Operation and Upgrade Status- Revol JL, November 19th, 2012
But while preparing the upgrade… ESLSXX- ESRF Operation and Upgrade Status- Revol JL, November 19th, 201230 The priority is still machine operation:
Coupling reduction Achieving lower coupling Better resolution of the response matrices improved model New correction method: minimization of Resonance Driving Terms Increased number of skew quad correctors: 32 64 Down to 3.5 pm Maintaining small coupling ID gap variations with magnetic field errors induce varying contributions to coupling Local correction of ID magnetic field errors 2 skew quad correctors, lookup table Automatic periodic retuning of the correction ε z < 5 pm on medium term (1 week) ESLSXX- ESRF Operation and Upgrade Status- Revol JL, November 19th, 201231
ESLSXX- ESRF Operation and Upgrade Status- Revol JL, November 19th, 2012 32 16 Bunch 4 Bunch 10 pm Mai 2012 November 2012
Lifetime maintained in excess of 45 hours in multibunch (7/8+1) Reduction of the lifetime in multibunch limited to less than 10 hours despite a reduction of the coupling by an order of magnitude ==> Still no topping-up envisaged The other modes do not benefit from the coupling reduction because the emittance is vertically blown up to get a reasonable lifetime ==> Topping up would be valuable 33 ESLSXX- ESRF Operation and Upgrade Status- Revol JL, November 19th, 2012 Lifetime evolution 4 pm 45 hours 1 week of delivery to users
Coupling reduction Maintaining low emittance during USM: 1 week delivery ESLSXX- ESRF Operation and Upgrade Status- Revol JL, November 19th, 201234 @ Vertical Diffraction Limit reached routinely Current Vertical emittance Lifetime 3.5 pm 50 hours 200 mA
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