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Training for professionals.  Nothing about me without me.

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Presentation on theme: "Training for professionals.  Nothing about me without me."— Presentation transcript:

1 Training for professionals

2  Nothing about me without me.

3  Revised Code of Practice, September 2014  No decision about me without me, NHS policy, December 2012  Getting a Life Project, 2008-11  Transition Support Network Programme, 2008-11  Giving people a choice and control, 2007

4 Social care Teacher Paediatrician Education welfare officer Speech and language therapist Counsellor Teaching assistant School nurse Education Psychologist Advisory teachers Wrap around care givers

5  Getting to know the real person.  A way of working that puts the child or young person at the centre.  Everyone has the right to choice and control in their lives.

6  A range of skills and tools that are centred around the child: ◦ Their gifts and skills ◦ Their interests and what motivates them ◦ What is important to them and provides good support ◦ Person-centred thinking is the foundation for planning

7  Driven by outcomes  Owned by the individual  A process of continual listening, learning and action

8  We act as facilitators and good listeners  Commitment and strength of purpose  It is a powerful instrument for the CYP to achieve the life they want  What is working and what isn’t working for the child  Full inclusion

9  The plan is not the outcome  It is simply – assisting people to work out what they want, the support they require and helping them get it!  Values and beliefs / right ethos will ultimately guide us

10  Think about your morning routine, tell the person next to you about your routine and make notes. My routine 6.30 alarm goes off 6.45 I get up (must have 3 snooze opportunities) 6.48 shower 7.15 brush my teeth 7.20 get dressed 7.25 put make-up on 7.35 make a cup of tea 7.40 make some cereal 7.45-8.00 watch the news and have my breakfast 8.05 leave the house to travel to work

11 Important to me: To have opportunity to wake up slowly and have chance to snooze! To be able to watch the news before I leave for work so that I know whether I have to go on the motorway or not. How best to support me: Make sure the bathroom is free at the time that I like to use it so that I am not late in the morning. Make sure that there is plenty of my favourite brand of cereal in the cupboard for me to enjoy.

12  What people appreciate about an individual. What is important to them. How they want to be supported.  It can be created by looking at what is working and not working for the person, what needs to happen to change what is not working. ◦ Changes can be quite minor but of extreme significance to the young person. Good dayBad day

13  A one page profile provides an at a glance insight into the child or young person.  Typically it will show: ◦ Things we like and admire about the CYP ◦ What is important to the CYP ◦ How best to support the CYP


15   

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