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Jesus of Nazareth Crucifixion, Resurrection Events and Meaning NT Understanding of Jesus.

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1 Jesus of Nazareth Crucifixion, Resurrection Events and Meaning NT Understanding of Jesus

2 Jesus’ Crucifixion Crucifixion – “being placed on a cross” Christ crucified (1 Cor. 1:23); cross of Christ (1:17) Foolish & scandalous to those outside Christianity Deut. 21:23 “cursed is anyone hanged on a tree. Flogging & torture usually preceded a crucifixion. Punishment reserved for the lowest criminals, a death penalty sentence.

3 Jesus’ Crucifixion (cont.) Last week of Jesus’ earthly life referred to as the Passion of Jesus (passion=suffering) Sunday – Jesus’ Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem. Jesus’ final week marked by controversy leading to his betrayal, arrest & execution.

4 Jesus’ Crucifixion (cont.) Maundy Thursday – celebration of Passover led to the Christian rite of Lord’s Supper or Eucharist. (Last Supper) Passover – celebration of the Jews being delivered from bondage in Egypt. God’s act of deliverance in the Exodus. Lord’s Supper –celebration of deliverance from bondage to sin. God’s act of deliverance in Christ’s death on the cross. Jesus – the Passover (Lamb of God) to take away the sins of the world. John 1:29

5 Jesus’ Crucifixion (cont.) After the Last Supper, comes Jesus’ betrayal by Judas – 30 pieces of silver. Brought before Pontius Pilate for trial. Flogged – whipped – 39 lashes. Crucified @ Golgotha “Place of the Skull” Mocked, lots cast for his clothes Cry of forsakenness on the cross (Ps. 22)

6 Jesus’ Crucifixion (cont.) Good Friday – death of Jesus on the cross Three hours of the cross &Seven words from the cross. Father, forgive them for they know not what they are doing. Luke 23:34 I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise. Dear woman here is your son, Here is your mother Jn 19 My God, My God, why have you forsaken me? Mt. 27:46 I am thirsty John 19:28 It is finished. John 19:30 Father, into your hands I commit my spirit. Lk. 23:46

7 Jesus’ Resurrection Jesus buried in a tomb on Good Friday. Tomb is empty on Sunday morning. All four Gospels. Resurrection comes as a surprise to the disciples. Jesus appears to them and is experienced by them as someone who is living. (individuals, small & large groups). No precedent in Jewish religious thought for a resurrection like Jesus. Yes, for one at the end of time, but not here. Jesus’ resurrection has happened and has implications for one’s present situation and not just one’s future.

8 Event and Meaning Christ’s death – historical fact Christ died for the sins of humanity – a theological principle. Christian understanding of Christ’s death is that it results in God’s salvation toward all humanity, forgiveness of sins and victory over death to all who believe and become Christians. Receive grace. Become gracious. Receive mercy. Become merciful. New life. New way of living.

9 New Testament Understandings of Jesus Messiah – Anointed One (Christ). Deliverer of God’s people. Lord – (kurios) used to translate the four letters used to refer to God in OT (YHWH). Yahweh. This word used only of God and for Christians came to be used for Jesus – equal with God and worshipped as God. Savior – Able to bring the salvation that God has promised to his people. Luke 2:1-11.

10 NT Understandings of Jesus Son of God – Jesus’s divinity, divine image (John 1) on a physical level, Jesus is a descendant of David, the great king of Israel to whom God promised a future successor. Also, Jesus resurrection established his identity as the Son of God. Jesus directly addresses God as Father (Abba) personal Biblical writers refer to Jesus as the Son of God. Throughout the Bible, Jesus is clearly understood to have a unique and very personal relationship to God.

11 NT Understanding of Jesus Son of Man Jesus’ humanity Also used as to denote one that is a coming figure of judgment. (Book of Daniel) & Jesus before the high priest of the Jews. The Son of Man will come in glory at the end of time, coming to judge the world. God (John 1:1, 18) John 20:28 (Thomas) “My Lord and my God.” Jesus equal with God (Philippians 2:5 –11).

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