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Office of Overseas Programming & Training Support (OPATS) Agriculture Sector Training Package Role of Nutrition in Food Security.

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Presentation on theme: "Office of Overseas Programming & Training Support (OPATS) Agriculture Sector Training Package Role of Nutrition in Food Security."— Presentation transcript:

1 Office of Overseas Programming & Training Support (OPATS) Agriculture Sector Training Package Role of Nutrition in Food Security

2 Session Learning Objectives Note: If Practice Activity Option 1 is chosen, assess Learning Objective 1a. If Practice Activity Option 2 is chosen, assess Learning Objective 1b. All participants will be assessed on Learning Objective 2. Edit this slide (Slide 2) to remove the LO you are not assessing. 1a. After a field visit, participants will analyze the observed event to identify whether ENAs were promoted during the event and possible opportunities for PCV involvement in similar events. 1b. Given two of the Essential Nutrition Actions (ENAs), participants will identify at least two possible promotion ideas for these ENAs for use in their communities. 2. Participants will analyze a case study and develop two food and nutrition security activities that address the underlying causes of malnutrition in their case study, and incorporate at least one ENA into every activity. We will revisit these after we finish reworking the session.

3 Intergenerational Effects of Malnutrition Teen Pregnancy Adapted from Peace Corps ENA-EHA Handbook

4 1,000 Days Campaign  Critical window: conception to age 2  Adequate diet, care, and health can lead to “catch-up” growth for children before the age of 2  Opportunity to break the inter-generational cycle of malnutrition and poverty

5 Essential Nutrition Action (ENA) Framework  Supports seven proven nutrition action areas  “Nutrition through the life-cycle” approach, first 1,000 days  Targets pregnant and lactating women  Targets children 0 – 24 months  Integrates fathers as partners in health  Promotes behavior change through “small, doable actions”

6 ENA 1 - Optimal Nutrition for Women Booklet on Key ENA Messages. 1,000 Days. booklet-on-key-essential-nutrition-actions-messages-2/

7 ENA 2 - Prevention and Control of Anemia for Women and Children

8 ENA 3 - Promotion of Household Intake of Iodized Salt

9 ENA 4 – Promotion of Optimal Breastfeeding During the First Six Months

10 ENA 5 - Promotion of Optimal Complementary Feeding  Optimal feeding from six months to two years  Continued breastfeeding

11 ENA 6 - Promote Optimal Care for Sick and Malnourished Children

12 Children Suffering from Diarrhea UNICEF:

13 Children with Moderate Acute Malnutrition (MAM)

14 ENA 7 - Prevention of Vitamin A Deficiency in Women and Children

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