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The Second New Deal Unit 3 Section 1 Part 4 Unit 3 Section 1 Part 4.

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1 The Second New Deal Unit 3 Section 1 Part 4 Unit 3 Section 1 Part 4

2 A. The Second Hundred Days  Despite criticism, support for the New Deal still high  Democrats won congressional elections of 1934  This was a sign to FDR, that he was accepted by the people  Courts still trying to find New Deal Unconst.  Econ. Still not recovering  Liberals were wanting president to do more  1935, FDR passed a 2 nd wave of legislation called the Second Hundred Days or the Second New Deal  Despite criticism, support for the New Deal still high  Democrats won congressional elections of 1934  This was a sign to FDR, that he was accepted by the people  Courts still trying to find New Deal Unconst.  Econ. Still not recovering  Liberals were wanting president to do more  1935, FDR passed a 2 nd wave of legislation called the Second Hundred Days or the Second New Deal

3  1. Emergency Relief  In the 2 nd ND, FDR tried to do away w/ direct payments to people in need  Instead, FDR said people ought to work for pay  The WPA employed 8.5 million Americans  Built roads, subways, airports, zoos  Funded writers and artists as well  FDR hoped that paychecks would lift spirits  1. Emergency Relief  In the 2 nd ND, FDR tried to do away w/ direct payments to people in need  Instead, FDR said people ought to work for pay  The WPA employed 8.5 million Americans  Built roads, subways, airports, zoos  Funded writers and artists as well  FDR hoped that paychecks would lift spirits

4  2. Social Security  Social Security created in 1935  Provided pensions for people 65 and older  Many no longer needed to fear hunger or homelessness  Also provided unemployment insurance  To fund these new programs, Congress raised taxes  SS responded to critics who argued that FDR didn’t help elderly  Very few people actually received SS in the beginning  2. Social Security  Social Security created in 1935  Provided pensions for people 65 and older  Many no longer needed to fear hunger or homelessness  Also provided unemployment insurance  To fund these new programs, Congress raised taxes  SS responded to critics who argued that FDR didn’t help elderly  Very few people actually received SS in the beginning

5 B. Reviving Organized Labor  Unions had suffered losses in the 20s  NIRA guaranteed workers’ right to organize  Many businesses ignored the NIRA  1934, Unions lost a lot of strikes, labor violence increased  FDR supported Wagoner Act aka the National Labor Relations Act  Outlawed many anti-labor practices  Created the National Labor Relations Board  Gave more power to unions  Unions had suffered losses in the 20s  NIRA guaranteed workers’ right to organize  Many businesses ignored the NIRA  1934, Unions lost a lot of strikes, labor violence increased  FDR supported Wagoner Act aka the National Labor Relations Act  Outlawed many anti-labor practices  Created the National Labor Relations Board  Gave more power to unions

6  2. The CIO is Born  A new union emerges under the leadership of John L. Lewis  Head of the United Mine Workers  New union called the Committee for Industrial Organization

7  3. The GM Sit-Down Strike  1936, United Auto Workers started a new kind of strike  Workers simply sat down and stopped working at the GM plant in Michigan  They stayed there day and night  Workers relied on people outside to bring food and look after families  GM couldn’t fight it  Michigan state gov’t refused to help  GM lost millions of dollars  Eventually, workers win and get benefits they wanted

8 C. The Election of 1936  1. Rural Electricity  One goal of FDR was to give more help to rural Americans  Rural Electrification Act  Regular elec. Co.’s were unwilling to raise power lines  Bring electricity to people living in rural areas  # of rural homes w/ electricity increased from 10 to 90%

9  2. Americans re-elect FDR  FDR had a solid record going into election  Also experienced improvements in Econ.  Unemployment still high  Personal income was up  New Deal had given hope to millions  FDR faced no serious competition  FDR made speeches against Big Business  Business leaders began to pour money into American Liberty League

10  FDR still gained tremendous victory  Democrats also gained both houses of Congress  For the 1 st time, African Americans voted primarily democrat

11 D. A Troubled Year  FDR’s determination to overcome obstacles leads to problems  1. The Court-packing Plan  FDR tried to pass a plan to reorganize U.S. Courts  Would give the Pres. Power to appoint many new judges  Would also add six new judge positions to Supreme Court  FDR argued it would make the courts more efficient  Many saw him as trying to “pack” the courts  Congress spent most of 1937 dealing w/ his plan  Many democrats began to desert FDR

12  2. Moving Forward  Court plan ultimately failed  Farm Tenancy Act  Gave tenant farmers and share croppers a chance to own land  Supreme Court ruled in favor of est. a minimum wage law in Wa.  Also declared Social Security to be constitutional  2. Moving Forward  Court plan ultimately failed  Farm Tenancy Act  Gave tenant farmers and share croppers a chance to own land  Supreme Court ruled in favor of est. a minimum wage law in Wa.  Also declared Social Security to be constitutional

13  3. Recovery in Doubt  Fall 1937, stock market crashed again  2 million Americans lost their jobs  FDR had to change his plan  He had hope to cut back gov’t spending so as not to create a deficit  Despite growing deficit, FDR began to seek more money to help  John Maynard Keynes argued that Deficit Spending could fix the economy  By 1938, things were getting better, but good feelings about New Deal and FDR faded  3. Recovery in Doubt  Fall 1937, stock market crashed again  2 million Americans lost their jobs  FDR had to change his plan  He had hope to cut back gov’t spending so as not to create a deficit  Despite growing deficit, FDR began to seek more money to help  John Maynard Keynes argued that Deficit Spending could fix the economy  By 1938, things were getting better, but good feelings about New Deal and FDR faded

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