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Rural Lands Stewardship Area Five Year Review. RLSA Committee Meetings Meeting time and location: Meeting time and location: 1st Tuesday of the month.

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Presentation on theme: "Rural Lands Stewardship Area Five Year Review. RLSA Committee Meetings Meeting time and location: Meeting time and location: 1st Tuesday of the month."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rural Lands Stewardship Area Five Year Review

2 RLSA Committee Meetings Meeting time and location: Meeting time and location: 1st Tuesday of the month 1st Tuesday of the month 9-11am 9-11am CDES Room 609-610 CDES Room 609-610 Last meeting of the committee will be October 2008 Last meeting of the committee will be October 2008 Attendance Policy Attendance Policy

3 Agenda Staff and Committee Member Introductions Staff and Committee Member Introductions Committee Mission Committee Mission BCC Resolution BCC Resolution RLSA Primer RLSA Primer History of RLSA History of RLSA Review Process Review Process Sunshine Law Sunshine Law Elect Chair and Vice-Chair Elect Chair and Vice-Chair

4 Staff Liaison Noah Standridge Senior Planner Comprehensive Planning

5 Laura Roys, Senior Environmental Specialist Laura Roys, Senior Environmental Specialist Jeff Wright, Assistant County Attorney Jeff Wright, Assistant County Attorney Website Website Additional Staff

6 Committee Members Brad Cornell Zach Floyd Crews Gary Eidson David Farmer Ron Hamel Jim Howard Tom Jones Bill McDaniel Timothy Nance Tammie Nemecek Neno Spagna Fred Thomas Dave Wolfley

7 Committee Mission BCC Resolution 2007-173: The functions, powers, and duties of this Committee shall be to aid and assist in the public participation phase of the Review. 1.Review data concerning the participation and effectiveness in the Overlay meeting the Goal, Objective, and Policies in the Future Land Use Element of the Growth Management Plan.

8 2.Review the RLSA Overlay and make recommendations to increase the effectiveness of the Overlay. 3.Assist in determining the most effective venues and dates to hold public presentations; and 4.Assist in promoting public interest in the review process.

9 RLSA Primer


11 Goal of the RLSA Collier County seeks to address the long-term needs of residents and property owners within the Immokalee Area Study boundary of the Collier County Rural and Agricultural Area Assessment. Collier County’s goal is to protect agricultural activities, to prevent the premature conversion of agricultural land to non-agricultural uses, to direct incompatible uses away from wetlands and upland habitat, to enable the conversion of rural land to other uses in appropriate locations, to discourage urban sprawl, and to encourage development that utilizes creative land use planning techniques.

12 RLSA Land Designations Open 73788 Open 73788 HSAs 45776 HSAs 45776 FSAs 38657 FSAs 38657 WRAs 18228 WRAs 18228 SSAs & SRAs SSAs & SRAs

13 Natural Resource Index Values NRI

14 Current SSAs and SRAs SSAs 1-9 Approved ~24,000 Acres ~24,000 Acres SSAs 10-16 Pending = ~ 30,000 Acres ~ 30,000 Acres

15 History of the RLSA Nancy Payton Florida Wildlife Federation & Al Reynolds WilsonMiller, Inc.

16 Five Year Review

17 GMP and LDC GMP - Long Range Plan that provides the blueprint for the future of the County. Divided into various elements containing Objectives and Policies. GMP - Long Range Plan that provides the blueprint for the future of the County. Divided into various elements containing Objectives and Policies. LDC - takes its basis from the GMP and is the regulatory fabric that implements the goals, objectives and polices of the GMP. Subdivided into various sub-sections LDC - takes its basis from the GMP and is the regulatory fabric that implements the goals, objectives and polices of the GMP. Subdivided into various sub-sections

18 GMP and LDC Policy GMP FLUE 1.22 GMP FLUE 1.22 The RLSA Overlay was designed to be a long-term strategic plan with a planning horizon Year of 2025. Many of the tools, techniques and strategies of the Overlay are new, Innovative, incentive based, and have yet to be tested in actual implementation. A comprehensive review of the Overlay shall be prepared for and reviewed by Collier County and the Department of Community Affairs upon the five-year anniversary of the adoption of the Stewardship District in the LDC. The purpose of the review shall be to assess the participation in and effectiveness of the Overlay implementation in meeting the Goal, Objective and Policies set forth herein.

19 LDC 4.08.04 G1 LDC 4.08.04 G1 ….The County shall encourage public participation in the review process through publicly noticed workshops and meetings and through the solicitation of public input ….The County shall encourage public participation in the review process through publicly noticed workshops and meetings and through the solicitation of public input

20 Review Process Consist of Two Phases Consist of Two Phases Technical Review directed by GMP Technical Review directed by GMP Policy Review with possible amendments to the GMP and LDC Policy Review with possible amendments to the GMP and LDC

21 Technical Review Nov. ’07 – Feb. ‘08 1. The amount and location of land designated as FSAs, HSAs, WRAs and other SSAs. 2. The amount and location of land designated as SRAs. 3. The number of Stewardship Credits generated, assigned or held for future use. 4. A comparison of the amount, location and type of Agriculture that existed at the time of a Study and time of review. 5. The amount, location and type of land converted to non- agricultural use with an without participation in the Stewardship Credit System since its adoption. 6. The extent and use of funding provided by Collier County and other sources Local, State, Federal and private revenues described in Policy 1.18. 7. The amount, location and type of restoration through participation in the Stewardship Credit System since its adoption. 8. The potential for use of Credits in urban areas.

22 Policy Review Mar. ’08 – Oct. ‘08 Assess the GMP and LDC Policies that implement the RLSA Program Assess the GMP and LDC Policies that implement the RLSA Program Potential opportunities and amendments to the GMP and LDC Potential opportunities and amendments to the GMP and LDC

23 Sunshine Law Presentation Jeff Wright, Assistant County Attorney Jeff Wright, Assistant County Attorney

24 Elections Nominations Nominations Member backgrounds Member backgrounds Elections Elections Chair Chair Vice-chair Vice-chair

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