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 Using Touchloggers To Build User Profiles Through Machine Learning Craig Dezangle.

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Presentation on theme: " Using Touchloggers To Build User Profiles Through Machine Learning Craig Dezangle."— Presentation transcript:

1  Using Touchloggers To Build User Profiles Through Machine Learning Craig Dezangle

2 Roadmap  Brief Introduction to Malware  Two approaches to Touchloggers  The Research Results  Random Forest Algorithm  Questions

3 Brief Introduction to Malware  Virus – attached to executable files  Worms – standalone program that spreads  Trojan Horses – facilitates unauthorized access to user’s system  Rootkits – changes OS to give intruder access  Keyloggers – keeps a log of keys struck

4 Found Two Research Articles  Article 1: “TouchLogger: Inferring Keystrokes On Touch Screen From Smartphone Motion” by Liang Cai and Hao Chen  Article 2: “From keyloggers to touchloggers: Take the rough with the smooth” by D. Damopoulos, G. Kambourakis, S. Gritzalis

5 TouchLogger: Inferring Keystrokes On Touch Screen From Smartphone Motion  They sought to determine whether keystrokes could be inferred through gyroscope and accelerometer readings.  The touchlogger was implemented in for the android operating system.  Initial results were 70% effective.

6 Motion of a smart phone  Authors determined that motion during typing depended on factors such as:  Striking force of hand  Resistance of supportive hand  Landing location of typing finger  Position of supportive hand  The researchers chose to use orientation events to capture motion.

7 Data collected  Through the touchlogger application there were able to store a record of orientation events consisting of:  α : When the device rotates along the Z-axis (pendicular to the screen plane), ( azimuth ) changes in [0,360).  β : When the device rotates along the X-axis (parallel to the shorter side of the screen), ( pitch ) changes in [ − 180,180).  γ : When the device rotates along the Y-axis (parallel to the longer side of the screen), ( roll ) changes in [ − 90,90).  t : Time of the orientation event  L i : Label of the key  t i s : Starting time of event  t i e : Ending time of event

8 Method 1. Discard α 2. Calculates motion caused by typing β i = β i ′−β ′, γ i = γ i ′−γ ′ 3. Calculate AUB (Angle of Upper Bisector) and ALB (Angle of Lower Bisector) 4. Calculates the mean ( μ k AUB, μ k ALB ) and standard deviation ( σ k AUB, σ k ALB ) for each key k.

9 Method Cont. 5. Used:

10 Method Cont. 6. Calculate AU and AL 7. Calculate μ k AU, μ k AL, σ i AU, σ k AL 8. Determine key probabilities:

11 Example

12 From keyloggers to touchloggers: Take the rough with the smooth  They sought to build a touchlogger that could build user profiles to prevent system intrusion.  The touchlogger was implemented in for the iOS.  Results varied per learning algorithm, but Random Forest in virtually all cases kept intruder out and let in authorized users 99% of the time.

13 What the iOS touchlogger had to do  Gain root permissions to be able to hook and override internal OS methods which are responsible for the detection and management of touch events. Accomplished by Jailbreaking  Run in the background of the OS and constantly track and collect user’s touch behavior. Required version 4 and above


15 Methodology  For the experiment they logged touch events of eighteen participants from age 22-36 years old in order to build user profiles.  Every 24 hours the application would send data to the server for profile building  The analysis was performed on a 2.53 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo T7200 CPU and 8 GB of RAM laptop operating with OS X Mountain Lion. The experiments was carried out using the Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis.  Applied four different Machine learning techniques  Random Forest, Bayesian Networks, KNN, RBF

16 Results

17 Random Forest Algorithm  Is used for classification and regression.  Relies upon the use of many decision trees.  Accuracy and variable importance are part of the results  Splits data into two categories:  Training set is used to estimate error (1/3 of data)  Test set is used to determine results (2/3 of data)

18 Random Forest Algorithm

19 Questions  What are the odds of being infected with a touchlogger?  Would you want a record of your touch events stored somewhere even if it was to fight intruders?  Would you install a touchlogger on your child’s phone to monitor activity?

20 Conclusion  Brief Introduction to Malware  Two approaches to Touchloggers  The Research Results  Random Forest Algorithm  Questions

21 Works Cited D. Damopoulos, G. Kambourakis, S. Gritzalis, From keyloggers to touchloggers: Take the rough with the smooth, Computers & Security, Volume 32, February 2013, Pages 102-114 Liang Cai and Hao Chen. 2011. TouchLogger: inferring keystrokes on touch screen from smartphone motion. In Proceedings of the 6th USENIX conference on Hot topics in security (HotSec'11). USENIX Association, Berkeley, CA, USA, 9-9.

22 Works Cited F. Livingston. Implementation of breiman's random forest machine learning algorithm. Machine Learning Journal Paper, Fall 2005. DC602028. Android Keylogger – Take Control of what is going on?. DEF-CON, 17 Feb. 2013. Web. 26 Feb 2013

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