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PLANNING A LESSON An example of a CLIL maths lesson plan for Y. L. This is the first lesson and fits into the course or syllabus at the start of a unit.

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3 PLANNING A LESSON An example of a CLIL maths lesson plan for Y. L. This is the first lesson and fits into the course or syllabus at the start of a unit about analytic geometry. Content Introduction to analytic geometry: coordinates and axes (x,y), linear and non-linear graphs and their properties. Teaching aims: to enable learners to understand that different graphs have different equations, to develop learners’ abilities to mark the position on a graph using the two coordinates, observe and carry out calculations, to raise learners’ awareness of different equations and to predict what kind of graph they represent.

4 Learning outcomesKnow: The most important key subject concepts That equations explain the relationship between coordinate pairs Be able to: Differentiate linear from non- linear equation Draw linear graphs from an equation or table of values Make predictions Observe and record calculations Be aware: That the diagram can help clarify definition. Assessment Can the learners… Identify and name axes, origin, coordinate pairs ? Be able to: interpret data accurately? Make predictions? Represent data in a diagram? Be aware: Cooperate in a group?

5 Communication Vocabulary Revisited: Revisited: brackets, order, divide, multiply, add, subtract. New: New: substituting, straight-line graphs, linear functions, straight-line equation, diagrams, linear graphs, non linear graphs, curves,Structures: (I think) It’s … (I think) they’re …Functions: Listening and reading data Examples of communication Compare and contrast what is the same and what is different between two sets of graphs (linear and non-linear) Sharing ideas about properties, then reporting classifications Stating which equations are linear/will be represented by straight-line graphs

6 Cognition Identifying graphs and their properties, comparing different graphs Classifying equations Predicting and reasoning Citizenship Be aware of graphs utilities Examples of cognition Sorting equations into two different groups Classifying (range of properties) Examples of citizenship Separating linear and non-linear equations into different bins

7 Resources 10-12 cards of linear and non linear equations(at least half of which are known to the learners). Produce a classifying sheet like this to sort the cards into groups: Worksheet + differentiate worksheets for less able learners, crossword puzzle, vocabulary cards LinearNon-LinearDon’t know

8 Procedure Whole classActivate prior knowledge of equations. Learners classify cards into three simple categories such as linear or non- linear and don’t know. GroupsSort cards into the table. Sort equations according to properties given (adjectives and opposites).Predict which equations are linear and which are non-linear. Check predictions using graphs. Feed-back ideas. Were there any surprises? Individually Learning record observations on worksheets Whole class Final plenary : a simple crossword with clues so learners can produce the vocabulary needed to study linear graphs. The crossword could be done as a class work activity (one student has three clues in the crossword and another student has the other three clues, and so on. In turns they ask each other, e.g. What’s 3 across?). This allows learners to speak as well as write the vocabulary. Differentiation Ask more able learners to classify the linear graphs into four further categories: horizontal lines, vertical lines, lines with apositive gradient and lines with a negative gradient. Follow-up Investigate the meanings of new terms.

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