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Published byEdgar Wells Modified over 8 years ago
2016-6-13 Lecture 1 12016-6-131 Course Introduction An Hong 2015 Fall School of Computer Science and Technology Lecture on Introduction to Computing Systems ( 01170401 )
2016-6-13 Lecture 1 22016-6-132 Today Why Take This Course? Great Ideas in Computing Systems Great Idea #1: Computer is an Universal Computing Device Great Idea #2 存储程序计算机 (Von Neumann Model) Great Idea #3: Abstraction Helps Us Manage Complexity Great Idea #4 Software and Hardware Co-design What’s This Course All About? Object Content Course Implementation Text Book Background/Prerequisites Lectures/Reading/Quizzes Homework(Problem Sets, Programming Assignment) Exams Grades Academic Integrity
2016-6-13 Lecture 1 3 Why Take This Course?
2016-6-13 Lecture 1 4 Why Take This Course? Foundational Intersects all aspects of computing system Preparatory/Complementary Programming Language Algorithm and data structures Digital Systems Organization and Design Operating Systems Compilers and Interpreters Mathematical Foundations of CS Fun!!! Who wouldn’t want to understand the magic?
2016-6-13 Lecture 1 5 Great Ideas in Computing Systems
2016-6-13 An Hong CS USTC 6 今天, 计算机无处不在 ! Robots Supercomputers Automobiles Laptops Set-top boxes Smart Phones Servers Media Players Sensor Nets Routers Cameras Games
2016-6-13 An Hong CS USTC 7 无处不在的计算是如何做到的 ? 本科四年, 到底哪些计算机课程内容 是相对更加基础和必须掌握的?
2016-6-13 An Hong CS USTC 8 Old Machine Structures Mainframe: IBM System/360
2016-6-13 An Hong CS USTC 9 Old Machine Structures I/O systemProcessor Compiler Operating System (Mac OSX) Application (ex: browser) Digital Design Circuit Design Instruction Set Architecture Datapath & Control transistors Memory Hardware Software Assembler
2016-6-13 An Hong CS USTC 10 New “Great Ideas” Personal Mobile Devices
2016-6-13 An Hong CS USTC 11 iPhone Innards 1 GHz ARM Cortex A8 I/O Processor Memory
2016-6-13 An Hong CS USTC 12 New “Great Ideas” Data Center: Warehouse Scale Computer
2016-6-13 An Hong CS USTC 13 Core … Memory Input/Output Computer Parallel Requests Assigned to computer e.g., Search “Katz” Parallel Threads Assigned to core e.g., Lookup, Ads Parallel Instructions >1 instruction @ one time e.g., 5 pipelined instructions Parallel Data >1 data item @ one time e.g., Add of 4 pairs of words Hardware Descriptions All gates functioning in parallel at same time Programming Languages Smart Phone Warehouse Scale Computer Software Hardware Leverage Parallelism & Achieve High Performance Logic Gates Cache Memory Core Instruction Unit(s) Functional Unit(s) A 3 +B 3 A 2 +B 2 A 1 +B 1 A 0 +B 0 New “Great Ideas” (It’s a bit more complicated!)
2016-6-13 Lecture 1 14 Great Idea #1: Computer is an Universal Computing Device All computers, given enough time and memory, are capable of computing exactly the same things. == Smart Phones Laptops Supercomputers
2016-6-13 An Hong CS USTC 15 自动计算设备 : 从机械计算机到电子计算机 Charles Babbage, 1791 – 1871,England Turing Machine, 1936 Eckert(24) and Mauchly(36) 1832,2002,2008 The Babbage Difference Engine, 17 years, 25,000 parts, 5ton, cost: £17,470 1946 Alan Turing(24)
2016-6-1316 巴贝奇 (Babbage) 差分机 : 第一台机械式计算机 ( 1832 年) 2002,2008 The Babbage Difference Engine 17 years, 25,000 parts, 5ton cost: £17,470
2016-6-13 Lecture 1 172016-6-13 Turing Machine Mathematical model of a device that can perform any computation – Alan Turing (1937) ability to read/write symbols on an infinite “tape” state transitions, based on current state and symbol Every computation can be performed by some Turing machine. (Turing’s thesis) T add a,ba+b Turing machine that adds T mul a,bab Turing machine that multiplies
2016-6-13 Lecture 1 182016-6-1318 Universal Turing Machine Turing described a Turing machine that could implement all other Turing machines. inputs: data, plus a description of computation (Turing machine) U a,b,c c(a+b) Universal Turing Machine T add, T mul U is programmable – so is a computer! instructions are part of the input data a computer can emulate a Universal Turing Machine, and vice versa Therefore, a computer is a universal computing device!
2016-6-13 Lecture 1 192016-6-1319 From Theory to Practice In theory, computer can compute anything that’s possible to compute given enough memory and time In practice, solving problems involves computing under constraints. time -weather forecast, next frame of animation,... cost - cell phone, automotive engine controller,... power - cell phone, handheld video game,...
2016-6-1320 ENIAC - 第一台电子计算机( 1946 年) ENIAC(Electrical Numerical Integrator And Calculator ) 18000 vacuum tubes 174 KW 30 tons 1800 sq. ft. footprint -80 feet long -8.5 feet high Clock: 100kHz, About 5000 additions per second RAM: ~230bytes, Could store 20 numbers Could store 20 numbers in main memory IO: punched card Cost about $500,000 1904 年,世界上第一只 电子管在英国物理学家 弗莱明的手下诞生了
2016-6-13 An Hong CS USTC 21 Great Idea #2 存储程序计算机 (Von Neumann Model) EDSAC, University of Cambridge, UK, 1949 Maurice Vincent Wilkes Von Neumann
2016-6-1322 晶体管的发明 Bell Labs lays the groundwork: 1945: Bell sets up lab in the hopes of developing “solid state” components to replace existing electromechanical systems. William Schockley, John Bardeen, Walter Brattain: all solid-state physicists. Focus on Si and Ge. 1951: Shockley develops junction transistor which can be manufactured in quantity. 1954: The first transistor radio! Also, TI makes first silicon transistor (price $2.50) 1956: Bardeen, Shockley, Brattain receive Nobel Prize.
2016-6-1323 存储程序概念 + 晶体管技术 改变程序, 即可以在相同的硬 件上完成各种各样的任务 与真空管相比,器件的体积更 小,速度更快 微处理器芯片的两大发明
2016-6-1324 第一台计算机 vs. 第一颗微处理器芯片 1946 , ENIAC( Electrical Numerical Integrator And Calculator ) 18000 vacuum tubes 1500 relays 174 KW 30 tons 1800 sq. ft. footprint Clock: 100kHz RAM: ~230bytes IO: punched card 1971, Intel 4004 − 10 micron process , NMOS-Only Logic − 2,300 transistors − 3x4 mm die − 4-bit bus − Performance < 0.1 MIPS − 640 bytes of addressable Memory − 750 KHz 25 年后
2016-6-1325 1971, Intel 4004 10 micron process 2,300 transistors 3x4 mm die 4-bit bus 640 bytes of addressable Memory 750 KHz 2000, Intel Pentium IV Issues up to 5 uOPs per cycle MMX, SSE, and SSE2 0.18 micron process 42 million transistors 217 mm die 64-bit bus 8KB D-cache, 12KB op trace cache (I-cache), 256KB L2 cache 1.4 GHz 386 ( 275K ) 486 ( 1180K ) Pentium ( 3100K ) Pentium II ( 7500K ) Pentium III ( 24000K ) Pentium IV ( 42000K ) 30 年后 第一颗微处理器芯片诞生后 30 年 性能提高了 5000 倍:更小,更快,更便宜
2016-6-1326 第一台计算机 vs. 今天的 Top 1 超级计算机 2013, Tianhe-2 CPU+GPU 16,000 个运算节点,每节点 : 2 X Xeon E5 CPU(12 核 X 2.2GHz X 22 纳米工艺 X 0.2112TFLOPS) + 3 X Xeon Phi (57 核 X 1.1GHz X 1.003TFLOPS)XeonGHzTFLOPS 共 312 万核 : 32,000 颗 Xeon E5 CPU+ 48,000 个 Xeon Phi GPU 内存 每个节点拥有 64GiB 主存,而每个 Xeon Phi 协处理器板载 8GiB 内存,故每节点共 88GiB 内存,整体总计内存 1,375TiB (1.34PiB) 。GiBPiB 外存 12.4PiB 容量的硬盘阵列硬盘阵列 1946 , ENIAC − 18000 tubes − 1500 relays − 174 KW − 30 tons − 1800 sq. ft. footprint − Clock: 100kHz − RAM: ~230bytes − IO: punched card 67 年后
2016-6-13 Lecture 1 27 What is Computer Architecture? Application Physics Gap too large to bridge in one step In its broadest definition, computer architecture is the design of the abstraction layers that allow us to implement information processing applications efficiently using available manufacturing technologies. (but there are exceptions, e.g. magnetic compass)
2016-6-13 Lecture 1 28 Algorithm and Data Structure Gates/Register-Transfer Level (RTL) Application Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) Operating System/Virtual Machines Microarchitecture Electronic Devices Programming Language/Compiler Analog/Digital Circuits Physics 集成电路 数字逻辑 操作系统 / 虚拟机 算法基础 / 数据结构 程序设计 / 编译技术 微电子 计算机组成 USTC Courses Abstraction Layers in Modern Systems
2016-6-13 Lecture 1 29 lw $t0, 0($2) lw $t1, 4($2) sw $t1, 0($2) sw $t0, 4($2) High Level Language Program (e.g., C) Assembly Language Program (e.g., MIPS) Machine Language Program (MIPS) Hardware Architecture Description (e.g., block diagrams) Compiler Assembler Machine Interpretation temp = v[k]; v[k] = v[k+1]; v[k+1] = temp; 0000 1001 1100 0110 1010 1111 0101 1000 1010 1111 0101 1000 0000 1001 1100 0110 1100 0110 1010 1111 0101 1000 0000 1001 0101 1000 0000 1001 1100 0110 1010 1111 Logic Circuit Description (Circuit Schematic Diagrams) Architecture Implementation Anything can be represented as a number, i.e., data or instructions How do we get the electrons to do the work?
2016-6-13 Lecture 1 302016-6-1330 Great Idea #3: Abstraction helps us Manage Complexity Complex interfaces Specify what to do Hide details of how Goal: Use abstractions yet still understand details Electronic circuits Analog Digital Circuits Computer Organization Machine Language (ISA) Compiler Program Design(in C) Operating System Scope of this course
2016-6-13 Lecture 1 31 Abstraction to Simplify Hardware Design 晶体管( MOSFET : PMOS/NMOS ) CMOS 电路 门电路(非门 / 与非门 / 或非门。。。) 功能模块( ALU , FPU ,寄存器堆。。。) 芯片系统( CPU 芯片, SOC 芯片,。。。) How do we put the devices into system?
2016-6-13 Lecture 1 32 Abstraction to Simplify System Design How do we put the devices into system?
2016-6-13 Lecture 1 33 Great Idea #4 Software and Hardware Co-design 1-33 软件 (Software) 硬件 (Hardware) 应用问题 (Application) 语言 (Language) 指令集体系结构 (Machine Architecture, ISA) 微体系结构 (Microarchiture) 逻辑和集成电路设计 (Logic and IC) 器件 ( 晶体管 / 集成电路工艺学 )(Device) 算法 + 数据结构 (Algorithm & Data Structure)
2016-6-13 Lecture 1 34 A Computer Architecture in a broad sense
2016-6-13 Lecture 1 35 ISA and ABI Interface at the top ABI (Application Binary Interface ,应用二进制代码接口 ) ISA (Instruction Set Architecture ,指令集体系结构 ) C.P. API(Application Program Interface ,应用程序接口 ) ISA separates hardware from rest ABI separates processes from rest
2016-6-13 Lecture 1 36 What’s This Course All About?
2016-6-13 Lecture 1 37 Compatibility Cost of software development makes compatibility a major force in market Architecture continually changing Applications Technology Applications suggest how to improve technology, provide revenue to fund development Improved technologies make new applications possible
2016-6-13 Lecture 1 382016-6-1338 Transformations Between Layers How do we solve a problem using a computer? A systematic sequence of transformations between layers of abstraction. Problem Algorithm Program Software Design: choose algorithms and data structures Programming: use language to express design Instr Set Architecture Instr Set Architecture Compiling/Interpreting: convert language to machine instructions
2016-6-13 Lecture 1 392016-6-1339 Deeper and Deeper… Instr Set Architecture Instr Set Architecture Microarch Circuits Processor Design: choose structures to implement ISA Logic/Circuit Design: gates and low-level circuits to implement computer components Devices Process Engineering & Fabrication: develop and manufacture lowest-level components
2016-6-13 Lecture 1 402016-6-1340 Descriptions of Each Level Problem Statement stated using "natural language" may be ambiguous, imprecise Algorithm step-by-step procedure, guaranteed to finish definiteness, effective computability, finiteness Program express the algorithm using a computer language high-level language, low-level language Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) specifies the set of instructions the computer can perform data types, addressing mode
2016-6-13 Lecture 1 412016-6-1341 Descriptions of Each Level (cont.) Microarchitecture detailed organization of a processor implementation different implementations of a single ISA Logic Circuits combine basic operations to realize microarchitecture many different ways to implement a single function (e.g., addition) Devices properties of materials, manufacturability
2016-6-13 Lecture 1 422016-6-1342 Many Choices at Each Level Solve a system of equations Gaussian elimination Jacobi iteration Red-black SORMultigrid FORTRANCC++Java Intel x86Sun SPARCIBM PowerPC Pentium 4 Core 2 Duo AMD Athlon X2 Ripple-carry adderCarry-lookahead adder Static CMOSDynamic CMOS Nanomechanical Tradeoffs: cost performance power (etc.)
2016-6-13 Lecture 1 432016-6-1343 What’s This Course All About? Course Objectives Understand role & relationship of hardware and software Exposure to... -Machine organization -Assembly language programming -C programming Understand how to build entire (slow) computing system -Hardware and software You’ll get a chance in complementary courses Be distinguished from mere programmers 计算机系统(晶体管器件、数字逻辑、组成原理、高级语 言的编译与汇编、高级语言的硬件实现、操作系统)核 心概念和思想的最小集
2016-6-13 Lecture 1 442016-6-1344 Objectives “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” Arthur C. Clarke, "Profiles of The Future” (Clarke's 3rd law) No magic: Computers should not be magic to computer scientists! Bottom UP: Start with what they “know” Computing systems from transistors on up The transistor as light switch Not quantum mechanics Choose a computer model that is simple Not about “design”, but about “insight” into all computers As the genius said: simple, but still rich Continually build on what you know Continually raising the level of abstraction Memorizing as little as absolutely necessary Trying very hard to not introduce magic You take, You enjoy!!!
2016-6-13 Lecture 1 452016-6-1345 计算机系统概论 ( 冯 · 诺依曼模型机设计 / 程序的硬件实现基础 ) 计算机组成与设计 ( 流水 线处理器 /Cache 设计 ) 模拟与数字电路 ( 功能部 件设计,HDL/EDA) 计算机体系结构 ( 软件的 结构建模与量化分析 ) 操作系统原理与设计 ( 小型操作系统设计 ) 编译原理与技术 ( 小型编译系统设计 ) 计算机系统原型设计 ( 开放性综合实验 ) (“ 真实的 ” 计算机系统设计 ) 兴趣培养 (一年级) 知识验证 (二、三年级) 知识运用 (四年级) 数据结构设计 程序设计基础 ( C 语言) 软件设计 ( 各门计算机 软件课程, 如数据库、 人工智能、软件工程 ) 算法设计 Why Take This Course? 跨系统地介绍计算机系统的核心概念
2016-6-13 Lecture 1 46 Related Courses in UC Berkeley CS61C CS 152 CS 150 Basic computer organization, first look at pipelines + caches Computer Architecture, First look at parallel architectures Digital Logic Design, FPGAs Strong Prerequisite CS 250 VLSI Systems Design CS 252 Graduate Computer Architecture, Advanced Topics
2016-6-13 Lecture 1 472016-6-1347 What’s This Course All About? 1.Overview 12.Transition to C 13.Programming in C 8.Programming and Debugging 11.Subroutines, Calls, traps, interrupts 10.Physical I/O 9.Assembly Language programming 2.Operations on bits, bytes (arithmetic, logical) 7.The LC-3 Instruction set architecture 6.The Von Neumann model 5. The finite state machine 4.Digital Logic 3.The transistor
2016-6-13 Lecture 1 482016-6-1348 The Transistor & Digital Logic
2016-6-13 Lecture 1 492016-6-1349 The ISA
2016-6-13 Lecture 1 502016-6-1350 The Data Path(von Neumann Model)
2016-6-13 Lecture 1 512016-6-1351 The State Machine(Turing Machine equivalent)
2016-6-13 Lecture 1 52 Course Implementation
2016-6-13 Lecture 1 532016-6-1353 计算机科学技术专业的入门基础课程 60 学时 /40 学时, 3+1 学分 教材 : Yale N. Patt and Sanjay J. Patel , Introduction to Computing Systems: from bits and gates to C and beyond, 2nd edition, June 2003, McGraw-Hill Higher Education 课程作业:每次课 课程实验: 基本要求:机器语言程序设计,汇编语言程序设计,高级语言程 序设计 提高(英才班):汇编器设计,小计算机模拟器设计 实验教学条件 : LC-3 软件模拟器 / 汇编器 课程设计参考 德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校, Introduction to Computing Systems -undergraduate - 课程网站:
2016-6-13 Lecture 1 542016-6-1354 About the Text Book Introduction to computer architecture(ISA) How is data represented? What are the pieces of a computer? How do computers work? Programming How do I "talk" directly to the machine?- Assembly language How do I program in “C”?-high level language(HLL) Computer systems and computation How do simple HW/SW elements come together to realize complex computations?
2016-6-13 Lecture 1 552016-6-1355 Text Book Components Part 1: Hardware(Chapter 1-4) Representing data, transistors, gates, digital logic structures von Neumann machine model Part 2: Software:Assembly language(Chapter 5-10) Instructions, (structured) programming, input/output, relationship to hardware Part 3: Software:C programming(Chapter11-19), selected Syntax, operators, control structures, functions, pointers,recursion, data structures, relationship to assembly language Assume already familiar with programming (C)
2016-6-13 Lecture 1 562016-6-1356 This Course Focus on Chapt 2 Bits and Bytes How do we represent information using electrical signals? Chapt 3 Digital Logic How do we build circuits to process information? Chapt 4, 5,6 Computer Machine Model, Processor and Instruction Set How do we build a processor out of logic elements? What operations (instructions) will we implement? Chapt 7 Assembly Language Programming How do we use processor instructions to implement algorithms? How do we write modular, reusable code? (subroutines) Chapt 8,9,10 I/O, Traps, and Interrupts How does processor communicate with outside world? Chapt 11, C Implemention related to Hardware
2016-6-13 Lecture 1 572016-6-1357 Other Reference Text Books [1] R. H. Katz, G. Borriello, Contemporary Logic Design, 2nd Ed., Pearson Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, Contemporary Logic Design, Second Edition , 2005 [2]D. M. Harris, S. L. Harris, Digital Design and Computer Architecture ('DDCA'), Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, 2007 [3] David A Patterson, John L. Hennessy, Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface , 4th edition. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc.
2016-6-13 Lecture 1 582016-6-1358 Background/Prerequisites Requirement background in programming(C) Assume you can program/debug in C
2016-6-13 Lecture 1 592016-6-1359 课程开设情况 2011 年, 暑期小学期 全校 160 人选修,10 级计算机英才班必 修 主讲 : -Yale Patt, 中国科大客座教授 - 安虹教授 助教 : 8 名研究生 2012 年, 秋季学期 计算机学院 47 人选修,11 级计算机英才 班必修 主讲 : 安虹教授 助教 : 2 名研究生 2013 年, 秋季学期 计算机学院 47 人选修,12 级计算机英才 班必修 主讲 : 安虹教授 助教 : 2 名研究生
课程开设情况 2014 年, 秋季学期 计算机学院 57 人选修,12 级计算机英才班必修 主讲 : 安虹教授 助教 : 2 名研究生 2015 年, 秋季学期 计算机学院 65 人选修,12 级计算机英才班必修 主讲 : 安虹教授 助教 : 2 名研究生 2016-6-13 Lecture 1 60
2016-6-13 Lecture 1 612016-6-1361 从 Yale N. Patt 那里学到的东西 非常熟悉教材 赤手空拳上讲台 自底向上 避繁就简,软件与硬件同时展开
2016-6-13 Lecture 1 622016-6-1362 A snapshot to show how design LC-3 according to Von Neumann Model Algorithm Using natural language Microarchitecture(Data Path ) Can execute LC-3 Machine Language Program Machine Language Program Using ISA
2016-6-13 Lecture 1 632016-6-1363 从 Yale N. Patt 那里学到的一些东西 教学方法 传统:用黑板+粉笔,演译对问题的思考过 程 用大量生活中的例子去说明一个个重要的概 念 用敬业精神感染学生 用幽默的语言吸引学生 经常性的提问,耐心回答学生的每个问题
2016-6-13 Lecture 1 642016-6-1364 从 Yale N. Patt 那里学到的一些东西 精心设计的课后作业 书面作业:引导学生深入思考,互相学习 实验安排:一步步吸引学生的兴趣,激发学生的成就感和自信心 每一份作业的诚信要求 不接受迟交的作业 对 TA 的要求很高 必须随堂听课 必须非常熟悉教材 事先完成所有作业
2016-6-13 Lecture 1 652016-6-1365 Lecture/Discussion Expectation Read appropriate sections in textbook before lecture See class schedule for reading assignments Lectures Will not simply “cover” the material Will focus on the “hard stuff” Will not stand alone, instead build on reading Discussion Encouraged! (3 TAs, 2 discussion group, every week! ) Okay: discuss meaning of problem, discuss approaches Not okay: comparing answers, solving questions together
2016-6-13 Lecture 1 662016-6-1366 Location, Date and Time Location: Teaching Building Room 3A221 Date: September 2-December 19 Time 1(7,8): 14:50-16:40 4(1,2): 7:50-9:25
2016-6-13 Lecture 1 672016-6-1367 Communication with staff Instructor Prof. Hong An( 安虹 ): , 63603583, Office Room: 科技楼西楼 1409 TA: 迟孟贤 : , 18788835331 金旭 , Office Room: 科技楼西楼 1411 Office hours and Discussion Chaired by 2 TAs, fellow students Fact to face help See web page for times Web site Course Descriptor,Syllabus,Announcements,Problem Sets, Programming Assignments etc.
2016-6-13 Lecture 1 682016-6-1368 Homework Problem Sets Problem solving Complete before each due date Can work ahead Great exam preparation! Programming projects Simple exercises Challenging projects
2016-6-13 Lecture 1 692016-6-1369 Academic Integrity( 学术诚信 ) The rule is simple Claiming another’s work as your own will ruin your life See syllabus for details and examples Who will know? We will (inspection, similarity detectors, exams) Your friends will… your parents will… You will Analogies Cheating is like going 150 MPH over speed limit while drunk Analogous consequences (legal -> educational) Remember If you need to cheat now, you’ve got much bigger problems
2016-6-13 Lecture 1 702016-6-1370 Grades Registering for the course: 1% Middle Exam 10% Final Exam: 20% Homework: 54% Problem Sets for every chapter: 0% (BUT it will affect your participation) 6 Programming Assignments: 9% for each program Participation in discussion section: 15% If you do not attend discussion, you can not participate; 15% 0% If you don’t do the problems, you can not participate well; 15% 0%
2016-6-13 Lecture 1 712016-6-1371 Programming Assignments Programming Assignments1: Programming In machine language Programming Assignments2~4:Programming In assembly language Programming Assignments5~6:Assignments2~4:Programming In C See schedule for each lab due dates
2016-6-13 Lecture 1 722016-6-1372 Schedule See web page: Syllabus Subject to change
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