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1. 2 A civilization could not be seperated from religion? – religion is the one which defines about the life for an individual/ a society whereby it effects.

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1 1

2 2 A civilization could not be seperated from religion? – religion is the one which defines about the life for an individual/ a society whereby it effects are related to human life. Tamadun tidak dapat dipisahkah dari agama? - agama berperanan membentuk pandangan semesta seseorang dan sesebuah masyarakat serta perilaku tindakan mereka dalam kehidupan

3 3 A CIVILIZATION is very related to the history and tradition/ culture of a place. Tamadun mempunyai pertalian rapat dengan sejarah dan tradisi/ budaya kawasa geografi tertentu Tamadun mempunyai pertalian rapat dengan sejarah dan tradisi/ budaya kawasa geografi tertentu

4 4 a) In the course if its evolution, a civilisation produced, among other things, a universal state and higher form of religion (Toynbee). b) Oriental civilisation such China and India which could not be exactly understood unless with referring to the greatest religions in Asia (Thomas Berry). c) Muslim civilisation was the product of Muslim religion (Edward Sullivan). d) Islam is the main factor for development in Islamic civilization (Ali Shariati).

5 5 a) From uncivilized to civilized nation. Proses yang dilalui oleh sesuatu masyarakat daripada tidak bertamadun ( uncivilized ) kepada bertamadun ( civilized ). b) From simple society to complex society. Masyarakat simpel mudah ( simple society ) kepada masyarakat kompleks ( complex society ).

6 6 CIVILIZATION CONCEPTS Civilization/ Tamadun/ Hadharah/Umran/Madaniyyah Tangible: Material/physical (building, structure, cities, facilities, food, science & technology, etc) Intangible: Spiritual (Manner, Intellectual, behavior, feeling, ethics, culture, personality,etc) A bundle of Achievement & Establishment in the aspects of …

7 7 1.5 CHARACTERISTICS OF A CIVILIZATION 1)Building & Structures: Ibn. Khaldun said civilization as social & cultural organization, hadharah, Urbanization with clean air, enough food, sources of food, development, sewerage and irrigation.

8 8 2) Language & Writing : For the purpose of interaction and communication to disseminate the information and ideas

9 9 3) Land (specific area): a society with 5,000 people living in one place, having a written language and monument 3) Land (specific area): a society with 5,000 people living in one place, having a written language and monument Indus Valley

10 10 4) Needs: Social order, social development, clean air, enough food (sources of food), sewerage and irrigation. There are 3 levels of human needs in Islām, i.e. Daruriyyat, Hajiyyat & Tahsiniyaat. 4) Needs: Social order, social development, clean air, enough food (sources of food), sewerage and irrigation. There are 3 levels of human needs in Islām, i.e. Daruriyyat, Hajiyyat & Tahsiniyaat.

11 11 5) Social & community Institution: Social organization based on status, hierarchy and races such elite (landlord) group & servant group, privilege 5) Social & community Institution: Social organization based on status, hierarchy and races such elite (landlord) group & servant group, privilege

12 12 6) Religion: Doctrine to Guide: holy book, recognized teaching brought by a recognized prophet send by God, man as vicegerent on earth, mortality of creation 6) Religion: Doctrine to Guide: holy book, recognized teaching brought by a recognized prophet send by God, man as vicegerent on earth, mortality of creation

13 13 7) Governance system: Start from the family context, social, states, nations in order to manage & coordinate human needs and responsibility. It also includes the form of legislative, civil services, council, police, military, 7) Governance system: Start from the family context, social, states, nations in order to manage & coordinate human needs and responsibility. It also includes the form of legislative, civil services, council, police, military, Prime Minister Office Complex

14 14 8) Arts & Culture: the symbol of life cohesiveness and group membership as a way of life and entertainment

15 15 9) Economy: The transaction of items for the life survival and upgrade the lifestyle and needs.

16 16 10) Science & Technology: the innovative and creative product in various field such agriculture, transportation, etc

17 17 11) Education: Character building, knowledge based society, inner transformation, realizing the reality of men & life) 11) Education: Character building, knowledge based society, inner transformation, realizing the reality of men & life)

18 18 12) Family institution (cooperation among family members, living together, guide by local rules and values) 12) Family institution (cooperation among family members, living together, guide by local rules and values)

19 19 13) Development ( Based on morality, justice, & ownership ) 13) Development ( Based on morality, justice, & ownership ) 14) Sovereignty Ethics and morality as foundation for nation tability 14) Sovereignty Ethics and morality as foundation for nation tability

20 20 1.6 Factors of Emergence of Civilization Religious boost Strategic Geographical areas Positive Influences Depressing distress Experience Appreciation of Moral Values

21 21 a. Stategic location for a settlement whereby there are natural resources could be found for their living. Kedudukan strategik sesebuah penempatan masyarakat memperoleh sumber- sumber semula jadi untuk kelangsungan kehidupan. b. Religion and spiritual boost. Rangsangan keagamaan dan kerohanian. c. Application of high moral and values among the leaders and society. Penghayatan yang tinggi terhadap moral dan nilai terpuji oleh pemimpin dan masyarakatnya. d. Depressing stress of life faced by a nation. Kesengsaraan hidup yang dialami oleh sesebuah masyarakat. e. Mutual tolerance to other civilizations. Toleransi yang tinggi terhadap sumbangan tamadun-tamadun yang lain.

22 22 1.6 Falling factors of Civilization Natural Disaster Moral Decay among Leaders Closed mindedness to improvement and changes Obvious differences between wealthy communities from deprived people Depression and abundance of human rights

23 23 Based on history, a civilization could collapse based on these factors: a) Unjust happens such as the obvious differences between wealthy communities from deprived people. b) Depression and abundance of human rights. c) Moral decay prevails among society especially their leaders. d) Closed/ narrow mindedness to positive improvement or changes..


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