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Words not to be confused. Kind-kindly(adv)-kindly(adj) Kind-gentle, generous and friendly (добрый) It was kind of you to help me Kindly (adv)- a) in kind.

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Presentation on theme: "Words not to be confused. Kind-kindly(adv)-kindly(adj) Kind-gentle, generous and friendly (добрый) It was kind of you to help me Kindly (adv)- a) in kind."— Presentation transcript:

1 Words not to be confused

2 Kind-kindly(adv)-kindly(adj) Kind-gentle, generous and friendly (добрый) It was kind of you to help me Kindly (adv)- a) in kind manner. He spoke kindly to them (по-доброму); b) used when making polite requests or with irony when ordering people to do sth (будьте добры) Would you kindly hold this for a moment? Kindly leave me alone! Kindly(adj)-(used attributively) kind or friendly in character, manner or appearance (добродушный, добрый) The man gave a kindly little chuckle

3 To lean-to bend To lean- to be in a sloping position or to rest on sth in a sloping position for support. The girl leant out of the window. To bend (bent, bent)- to move the top part of the body forward and down. Can you bend over and touch your toes?

4 Despise(v)- contempt(n) To despise- to look down on sb or sth as very bad. I always tell the truth and despise lying. Contempt (n)- a feeling that a person or act is bad, mean or worth nothing; scorn. I have nothing but contempt for people who are cruel to animals To despise sb= to feel contempt for sb

5 High-tall-lofty High-a) measuring a long distance from top to bottom in a position a long way above the ground ( used usually about mountains, walls, fences or buildings with long or broad bases, not people) Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.; b) large in amount. High prices, high temperatures, high wages; c) very good, excellent or important. High standards, high quality, high opinion high regard, high esteem, high spirits, high position, high status.; d) near the upper end of a range of sounds. A high note, a high voice. Tall- high and not wide or long ( used usually about people and things that are more high and wide) John is the tallest boy in his class Lofty (mainly literary) – a) very tall. The town hall`s lofty tower dates from the fourteenth century.; b) noble and morally admirable. Such lofty goals were held to justify any means.

6 Sleep-slumber-nap Sleep- the natural resting state of unconsciousness of the body. Try to get 8 hours` sleep a night. Slumber (literary) – a state of sleep (often in plural: slumbers) He woke the princess from her slumber. Nap- a short sleep, especially during the day. Father always has a nap in the afternoon

7 To get- to receive- to gain To get- to obtain, receive or be given sth. Jane got a new job the other day To receive (formal) – a) to get sth that someone gives or sends to you. She received a camera as her birthday gift.; b) to formally welcome a visitor. We were received by the Deputy Mayor To gain – to get or achieve sth, to get a benefit or advantage for yourself. India gained Independence from Britain in 1947.

8 Thin- slender-skinny Thin- having very little fat on their body. She looked pale, thin and unhealthy. Slender – tall or long and thin in a way that is attractive (often used with part of someone`s body) She was tall, slender and good-looking. Skinny – very thin, especially in a way that unattractive. I was really skinny when I was a teenager.

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