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Applied Psychology - The use of psychological principles and research methods to solve practical problems Industrial- Organizational Psychology -study.

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Presentation on theme: "Applied Psychology - The use of psychological principles and research methods to solve practical problems Industrial- Organizational Psychology -study."— Presentation transcript:

1 Applied Psychology - The use of psychological principles and research methods to solve practical problems Industrial- Organizational Psychology -study the behavior of people at work and in organizations -how you are selected for a job and tested, trained, or evaluated for promotion

2 Theories of Leadership Scientific Management (Theory X)- assumes that workers must be goaded or guided into being productive -improves work efficiency -happy workers are productive workers

3 Theory Y – workers enjoy autonomy and are willing to accept responsibility -given proper conditions of freedom and responsibility, many people will work hard to gain competence and use their talents. -knowledge workers add value to a company and see their work as a career vs. job

4 Leadership Strategies: Shared Leadership/ Participative Management -employees at all levels are directly involved in the decision making Management by Objectives: workers are given specific goals to meet, so they can tell if they are doing a good job

5 Self-Managed Team: group of employees who work together toward shared goals Quality Circles: voluntary discussion groups that seek ways to solve business problems and improve efficiency

6 Job Satisfaction – comes from a good fit between work and a person’s interests, abilities, and expectations 1. Job meets expectations 2. needs, values, and wants are met 3. enjoyable 4. Enjoy supervisors and coworkers 5. Coworkers are happy 6. Rewarded for doing a good job 7. Chance to grow and be challenged

7 Job Enrichment – involves making a job more personally rewarding, interesting or intrinsically motivating -increases worker knowledge and skills related to their occupation

8 Organizational Culture How employees are hired, trained, disciplined; dress, communication, power; how they celebrate special occasions or resolve conflicts

9 Personnel Psychology – nearly everyone who holds a job is sooner or later placed under the “psychological microscope” of personnel selection. Job Analysis – a detailed description of the skills, knowledge, and activites required

10 Critical incidents are situations with which competent employees must be able to cope -once job requirements are known, psychologists can state what skills, aptitudes, and interests are needed.

11 Selection Procedures – collecting biodata, interviews, standardized psychological tests 1. Biographical Information- past behavior is a good way to predict future behavior – is a person suited for a type of work

12 2. Interviews – questions about qualifications, gain impression of personality 3. Psychological Testing- general mental ability tests tell about a person’s chances of succeeding in various jobs -personality tests -aptitude tests

13 Environmental Psychology -a specialty concerned with the relationship between environments and human behavior -social environments -physical environments -behavioral setting

14 Environmental Influences – our behavior is controlled by specific types of environments – affected by stressful or unhealthy environments Stressful Environments: 1. Crowding 2. Overload- sensory over-stimulation, excessive demands 3. Kindness 4. Noise

15 Human Influences on the Environment Sustainable Lifestyles Wasted Resources Ecological footprint Conservation Carbon footprint Carbon debt Carbon-neutral lifestyle

16 Educational Psychology -seeks to understand how people learn and how teachers instruct Elements of a Teaching Strategy: 1.Learner preparation 2.Stimulus presentation 3.Learner response 4.Reinforcement 5.Evaluation 6.Spaced Review

17 Direct Instruction: factual information is presented by lecture, demonstration, and rote practice Discovery Learning/Open Teaching: Active teacher-student discussion is emphasized -both approaches have advantages

18 Psychology and Law -the study of the behavioral dimensions of the legal system Jury Behavior -jurors are not good at separating evidence from other information -jurors verdict is influenced by inadmissible evidence -jurors cannot suspend judgment until all the evidence is in

19 Jury Selection -only a limited number of potential jurors can be excused. As a result, many attorneys ask psychologists for help in identifying people who will favor or harm their efforts. -wealthy clients have the advantage of psychological jury selection – something most people cannot afford

20 Sports Psychology -the study of the behavioral dimensions of sports performance. -help with mental and emotional “conditioning” -teach how to relax, how to ignore distractions, how to cope with emotions, personal counseling for peak performance- lowering stresses and conflicts

21 -Break skills into subparts – task analysis -help create a smooth and efficient performance – motor skills

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