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The Game Plan (Success Strategies) Dr Ibipo A. Salami.

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Presentation on theme: "The Game Plan (Success Strategies) Dr Ibipo A. Salami."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Game Plan (Success Strategies) Dr Ibipo A. Salami

2 History of Studying Success What do successful people do RIGHT? Emotional Intelligence Positive Psychology Sports Psychology Success in Business Stephen Covey’s “7 Habits of Successful People”

3 This talk is NOT Panacea All encompassing “life system” Something I thought up myself Recommending that you become Pollyanna (foolishly or blindly optimistic) ▫A positive attitude may not solve all your problems but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort” – Herm Albright Replacing Hard Work and Perseverance as the 2 critical factors in success

4 Why am I presenting this?

5 The game-plan (figurative) a carefully thought out strategy for achieving an OBJECTIVE in, politics, business or personal affairs-Word web OBJECTIVE=GOAL A goal is the state of affairs that a plan is intended to achieve

6 More definitions A success is an event that accomplishes its intended purpose A career is the general progression of your working or professional life Extraordinary; magnificent, splendid, and spectacular

7 Its simply about the goals

8 The role of goals in success "If you don't set goals, you can't regret not reaching them." - Yogi Berra

9 "People with goals succeed because they know where they're going." – Earl Nightingale

10 The role of goals in success "Goals are dreams we convert to plans and take action to fulfil." - Zig Ziglar

11 To set a smart goal

12 What goals? Professional Personal standards Communication skills (rapport) Team Interpersonal skills Competence

13 Other goals… Financial security Family and friends Health and fitness House and apartment Recreation and free time New life skills Contribution, legacy and service to the world

14 In essence… Be specific but think out of the box Be realistic but stretch your creativity Follow your mind but keep the time Blow your own imagination, because you can!

15 Be specific but think out of the box

16 Be realistic but stretch your creativity

17 You follow your believe and self image

18 Blow your own imagination, because you can!

19 A written goal Statement of fact or belief designed to prepare me for reaching a predetermined outcome or goal. A statement of my goal describing myself as though my desired goal has already been achieved. Adapted from Increasing Human Effectiveness Edge Learning Institute Unit 7

20 Guidelines Personal Positive Present Tense Positive Emotion Realistic Specific “I” compare only with my own best self. Describe what you want. Express it as though it’s already happened Use words like enjoy, terrific, happy. Use words like consistently and regularly. Use measurable terms and words. Adapted from Increasing Human Effectiveness Edge Learning Institute Unit 7

21 2 minutes exercise

22 Traditional rules are still the basics Hard work Focus Perseverance Brilliance (mental ability) Obedience Values

23 Ten attributes for an extraordinary life/career

24 1 SELF AWARENESS Self mastery is key “Man know thyself” What is your passion? What are your values? What do you do with feedback? Self mastery is the hardest job you will ever tackle, if you do not conquer self you will be conquered by self...Napoleon Hill

25 2 TAKING RESPONSIBILITY Ability-to-respond Take personal responsibility for making things happen Full accountability for delivering on results Responsibility for failure Take responsibility for your values

26 "Many people dream of success. To me, success can only be achieved through repeated failure and introspection." Author: Soichiro Honda, founder of Honda Motors


28 3 PREPAREDNESS FOR CHANGE Recognise change promptly and adjust appropriately (preparedness) Reposition yourself always Don’t wait for your cheese to be moved; move with it! Networking

29 4 MULTITASKING ABILITY Multiple demands on your time and energy without exhaustion or loosing focus Looking forward to the next challenge with passion Consistency on delivering

30 5 QUALITY DELIVERY Taking pride in delivering high quality work Full accountability for delivering on results Aesthetics, grammar, personal touch Boost your self esteem, credibility and a track record Consistent and reliable performance through yourself or personal network You will become the “subject matter expert”

31 6 LEVERAGING ON YOUR STRENGTH Always play to your strength It gives you credibility on performance standards

32 7 PRIORTISE OBJECTIVES Planning to focus your energy and time on the most important things To ensure consistent and reliable performance Set the goals and keep it in focus

33 8 RESOURCE UTILISATION Not just what you know; or who you know; what who knows what you know, that counts. Show you skill Get the Responsibility, Recognition, Reward Your self esteem grows and you take on more challenges for your effort

34 9 REFLECT ON EXPERIENCES Reflection is a great teacher Reflection is key for self improvement “At the low tide” take stock and realign yourself Don't settle for the calmness, things are changing at breakneck speed What is working?

35 Power of Repetition & Reminders Continual evaluation

36 10 Three PRONG: CALL TO ACTION Play to your strength set your Passion free be Prepared!

37 "Keep a definite goal of achievement constantly in view. Realize that work well and worthily done makes life truly worth living." Author: Grenville Kleiser

38 Summary Spend the time to reflect on your beliefs and values Write down goals and positive affirmations to develop positive habits Practice visualizing successful outcomes Re-frame failures as great opportunities to learn Develop your own personal story Review, change and evolve as you grow and develop


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