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Group for European Integration – Romania – Group for European Integration [ GIE – RO ] Brief Presentation.

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2 Group for European Integration – Romania – Group for European Integration [ GIE – RO ] Brief Presentation

3 Group for European Integration – Romania – Legal Status GIE-RO is a NGO - national level - created in 2002 GIE-RO is a NGO - national level - created in 2002 It is located with the main office in Piteşti, Romania, a city 114 Km N-W from Bucharest It is located with the main office in Piteşti, Romania, a city 114 Km N-W from Bucharest Created by staffs of the University of Piteşti – Romania. Created by staffs of the University of Piteşti – Romania. A group of enthusiasts believing in a common future Europe…

4 Group for European Integration – Romania – MAIN GOAL… To actively contribute to the integration process of European Union, by educational actions, cultural actions or other types of actions.

5 Group for European Integration – Romania – OBJECTIVES… To constitute a base of information useful to those interested about the fundamental concepts of European Union. To constitute a base of information useful to those interested about the fundamental concepts of European Union. To be up-to-date with the current state of the European integration process, by permanently monitoring the interest indicators in the field of education, culture, political and socio-economical environment. To be up-to-date with the current state of the European integration process, by permanently monitoring the interest indicators in the field of education, culture, political and socio-economical environment.

6 Group for European Integration – Romania – OBJECTIVES (2) To be up-to-date with the educational programs, professional-training programs, cultural programs, socio-economical programs and political programs of the European Union, by activating in the view of their implementing in Romania and also in other countries that are subdue to the European integration process, taking into account the specific possibilities. To be up-to-date with the educational programs, professional-training programs, cultural programs, socio-economical programs and political programs of the European Union, by activating in the view of their implementing in Romania and also in other countries that are subdue to the European integration process, taking into account the specific possibilities. To perform educational, training and/or cultural, socio-economical and political actions, adequate to the aim of the association, contributing thus to the European integration process. To perform educational, training and/or cultural, socio-economical and political actions, adequate to the aim of the association, contributing thus to the European integration process.

7 Group for European Integration – Romania – OBJECTIVES (3) To initiate fundamental and/or applicative research activities, destined to the study of the processes that are contributing to the European integration of Romania and of other countries subdue to the European integration process. To initiate fundamental and/or applicative research activities, destined to the study of the processes that are contributing to the European integration of Romania and of other countries subdue to the European integration process. To activate in the common European spirit, for promoting the fundamental values of democracy and of human rights. To activate in the common European spirit, for promoting the fundamental values of democracy and of human rights.

8 Group for European Integration – Romania – OBJECTIVES (4) To cultivate and to develop collaboration relations with other governmental or non-governmental organisations from Romania and from abroad, having as goal to promote the humanist values, the European values. To cultivate and to develop collaboration relations with other governmental or non-governmental organisations from Romania and from abroad, having as goal to promote the humanist values, the European values. To create or to participate at the creation of mass-media structures (television, radio, publications, and web) and also to the elaboration of adequate materials in the view of disseminating the fundamental concepts those are at the base of the European Union’s development and of the universal values. To create or to participate at the creation of mass-media structures (television, radio, publications, and web) and also to the elaboration of adequate materials in the view of disseminating the fundamental concepts those are at the base of the European Union’s development and of the universal values.

9 Group for European Integration – Romania – STAFF… The staff is well experienced in EU projects under different programmes such as: The staff is well experienced in EU projects under different programmes such as: Tempus; Tempus; Leonardo da Vinci; Leonardo da Vinci; Socrates (Grundtvig 1, 2 and 3, Lingua and Comenius 2.1 components) Socrates (Grundtvig 1, 2 and 3, Lingua and Comenius 2.1 components) PHARE PHARE Current Lifelong Learning Programme, etc. Current Lifelong Learning Programme, etc. Youth in Action Youth in Action European Social Fund European Social Fund The members of GIE-RO have been either coordinators of such projects or partners. The members of GIE-RO have been either coordinators of such projects or partners.

10 Group for European Integration – Romania – STAFF (2) The staff has been involved in EU projects focusing on environmental protection, social/labour market inclusion, institution building, training the trainers, developing or improving the activity in community centres, designing educational materials for different categories (for adult education, for VET teachers, for primary and secondary education, etc.). The staff has been involved in EU projects focusing on environmental protection, social/labour market inclusion, institution building, training the trainers, developing or improving the activity in community centres, designing educational materials for different categories (for adult education, for VET teachers, for primary and secondary education, etc.).

11 Group for European Integration – Romania – STAFF (3) The members of GIE’s staff are experts in ICT, curriculum development, ECTS system, didactic evaluation, foreign languages, etc. The members of GIE’s staff are experts in ICT, curriculum development, ECTS system, didactic evaluation, foreign languages, etc. They are very experienced also in software and web design, field research for different domains, publishing operations, etc. They are very experienced also in software and web design, field research for different domains, publishing operations, etc. GIE-RO developed and reliable network of collaborators at the level of our city – Pitesti, of our region – the Argeş County and recently created new branches in Romania and Bulgaria. GIE-RO developed and reliable network of collaborators at the level of our city – Pitesti, of our region – the Argeş County and recently created new branches in Romania and Bulgaria.

12 Group for European Integration – Romania – GIE-RO PROJECTS… Year Programme / Action Promoter Ref. No. Title 2003 Socrates / Grundtvig 1 Social Innovation fund - Kaunas - LT 109771 - CP -1- 2003-1- LT - GRUNDTVIG - G1 Wo-Men: Gender Equality Creates Democracy [WO-MEN] 2003 Socrates / Grundtvig 2 Group for European Integration - RO 03-G2-102-AG- IT PEOPLES AND RELIGIONS 2003PHARE Group for European Integration - RO 2003_064- 759_105 ROMANIA on its way to European Integration: welcoming the “acquis communautaire” in the judicial system

13 Group for European Integration – Romania – GIE-RO PROJECTS (2) Year Programme / Action Promoter Ref. No. Title 2004PHARE GULTEN CONSULTANTS - RO EUROFEM 2004 2005 Socrates / Grundtvig 2 Group for European Integration - RO 04-G2- 116-AG- PT 05-G2-141-AG- PT-R Social and Cultural Associations Development [SCAD] 2004 Socrates / Grundtvig 1 The Institute of Creative Proceedings Co. Ltd. - Lodz - PL 114174 - CP -1- 2004-1- PL - GRUNDTVIG - G1 Education for Parents - School of Inter- generational Communication

14 Group for European Integration – Romania – GIE-RO PROJECTS (3) Year Programme / Action Promoter Ref. No. Title 2007 LLP/ Gruntdvig Multilateral VIVA Municipal Education Komvux Mimer - SE VIVA Municipal Education Komvux Mimer - SE 134677 – LLP-1- 2007-1-SE- GRUNDTVIG-GMP Back to School - A Chance for Better Life [BtoS] 2007LLP/ Grundtvig - Learning Partnership Group for European Integration - RO Group for European Integration - RO GRU-07-PAR- 184-AG-UK Culture in Your Region in Informal Learning [CYRIL] 2007 LLP/ Gruntdvig Multilateral National Agency for VET - BG 134346-LLP-1- 2007-1-BG- Gruntvig-GMP Educational Tool to Integrate Inmates [ETI 7]

15 Group for European Integration – Romania – GIE-RO PROJECTS (4) YearProgramme / Action PromoterRef. No.Title 2008LLP / Leonardo da Vinci Fédération des Centres d'Insertion, Lille - FR LLP-LAV-TOI- 2008-FR- 117017 Transfeert d’innovation et de Methode pour les Services a la Personne [TIMSAP] 2008LLP/ Grundtvig - Learning Partnership Group for European Integration - RO 08-GRU- P-LP- 51-AG-DE Danube Networkers

16 Group for European Integration – Romania – GIE-RO PROJECTS (5) YearProgramme / Action PromoterRef. No.Title 2009LLP/Grundtvig Learning Partnership Group for European Integration 2009-1-TR1- GRU06-05461 4 National ID: GRU-09-P-LP-2- AG-TR Training of parents of people with disabilities [TPPD] 2009LLP/Grundtvig Mesures d’accompag nement Federation des Centres d’Insertion, Lille, FR 503258-LLP-1- 2009-1-FR- GRUNDTVIG- GAM Pour des Actions Moins Excluantes [PAME]

17 Group for European Integration – Romania – GIE-RO PROJECTS (6) YearProgramme / Action PromoterRef. No.Title 2010 ESF - Romania Group for European Integration 63236 Era Valorificarii Antreprenoriatului feminin (The era of varorization of the women’s entrepreneurship) [EVA] 2010LLP/Grundtvig - Multilateral projects Vocational Training Organisation 'Epicentre' S.A. 510658-LLP-1- 2010-GR- GRUNDTVI G-GMP Adult Learning for MArginalised and Disadvantaged Citizens [ALMA-DC ]

18 Group for European Integration – Romania – GIE-RO PROJECTS (7) Year Programme / Action Promoter Ref. No. Title 2011LLP-LdVLP Jugend am Werk Steiermark GmbH, AT LLP- LdV/PAR/2011/RO /051 VET concepts and programmes for professionals working with disabled children and families in divorced situations [DisVorced] 2011LLP-LdVLP Akademie fur berufliche Bildung gGmbH, DE LLP- LdV/PAR/2011/RO /131 ECVET in the field of Health AND sociaL carE - Investigating and sharing implemented instruments and principles [HANDLE ECVET]

19 Group for European Integration – Romania – GIE-RO PROJECTS (8) Year Program me / Action Promoter Ref. No. Title 2011 LLP – LdV DoI University of Pitesti 517580-LLP-1- 2011-1-RO- LEONARDO-LMP Major competencies to manage minor offenders [MAJ-MIN]

20 Group for European Integration – Romania – THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION!

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