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2 FOOD Gives us energy! Our bodies use the chemical energy in food to carry out activities and live our lives Just as cars don’t like dirty gasoline, our bodies need nutritious food to be healthy

3 THE FOOD WE EAT We get our energy from the food we eat. But, where does our food come from? Our food takes a journey with many steps before we eat it Each of these steps requires inputs of resources and energy The Story of Food Video option: Global Food chain showing journey of a peace from Video options: Video: The story of Food Video Global Food supply chain: Image:

4 FROM FARM TO FORK Each step of the food production chain uses energy and resources. But, the amount of energy and resources used depends on the way the food is produced. Image from:


6 DIFFERENT WAYS TO FARM Almost all the food we find in our supermarkets today is industrially grown. The food comes from large farms and a lot of energy goes into producing, and transporting it. Picture – permaculture small scale family farm vs soy harvesting in brazil (animal feed mostly cooking oil and other products)

7 FOOD TRANSPORTATION Our food is often produced in other parts of the world. It then travels long distances by ship, truck, or plane to get to our grocery stores. The distance our food travels to reach us is called food miles.


9 BEFORE WE BUY FOOD Food goes through sorting warehouses, processing factories, as well as packaging and distribution factories. These buildings use a lot of electricity and energy to keep food refrigerated, provide lighting, heating and cooling, and more. Photo: Photo:

10 GROCERIES The large ecological footprint of our food systems allows us to eat a range of fruits and vegetables produced around the world all year long. Photo credit: Although this is great in many ways, we need to be aware of the negative effects of this system and ways our choices can help.

11 DOWNSIDES Environmental Social & Economic Energy intensive
Hard on rural economies Local farmers struggle Dominated by a few large companies Conditions of agricultural labour Environmental Energy intensive Lots of greenhouse gas emissions Water pollution Soil degradation Loss of habitat Pollinators effects Video option: TED talk “what’s wrong with our food system” by Birke Kaehr 5:14 Video: Food eco- Footprint (3:09):

12 40% of the food produced globally is not eaten!
FOOD WASTE 40% of the food produced globally is not eaten! Did you know throwing out 1 gallon of milk is the same as throwing away 1000 gallons of fresh water? Video: UN Food Waste Footprint 3:15 Alternative videos: Why we waste food (cartoon written words no voices) 2:14 Food waste: A story of excess (US focus) 1:40 John Olives Food Waste 17:49 -image

13 WHAT CAN YOU DO? Buy local Buy organic when possible Eat seasonally
Why are these actions important? Support local farmers & economy Know where your food comes from & how it was produced Less energy needed for transport Tastes fresh & good! Photo:


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