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- To be able to select appropriate types of metal for different applications - To be able to explain why metals are suitable for these different applications.

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Presentation on theme: "- To be able to select appropriate types of metal for different applications - To be able to explain why metals are suitable for these different applications."— Presentation transcript:

1 - To be able to select appropriate types of metal for different applications - To be able to explain why metals are suitable for these different applications GCSE recall -List 4 different ferrous metals -List 4 different non-ferrous metals -List 2 different alloys AS understanding -For each types you name describe the physical and mechanical properties of that metal.

2 - To be able to select appropriate types of metal for different applications - To be able to explain why metals are suitable for these different applications Ferrous metals - Iron (from magnetite ore) is smelted with carbon - Depending on the % of carbon smelted with iron results in different types of steel <0.3% - low carbon steel (mild steel) 0.3-0.6% - medium carbon steel 0.6-1.7% high carbon steel 3.5% cast iron What happens to the properties of the steel as you add more carbon? -The steel structure (crystalline) can be altered by the additional application of heat after smelting -Tempering can be done to medium and high carbon steel

3 - To be able to select appropriate types of metal for different applications - To be able to explain why metals are suitable for these different applications Non-ferrous metals -Commonly pure metal from their ores -Copper (Chalcopyrite) -Aluminium (Bauxite) -Lead (Galena) -Tin (Cassiterite) -Zinc (Zinc blende) -All but gold need processing from their ore before they are useful -Although aluminium is one of the most common ores on earth it needs a lot of energy to process it from its ore so about 75% of aluminium is currently from recycled. Generally what properties to non-ferrous metals have compared to ferrous?

4 - To be able to select appropriate types of metal for different applications - To be able to explain why metals are suitable for these different applications Alloys -These are composite materials (a combination of two or more materials to increase or change its range of properties) What are the types of properties changed by making alloys? Common alloys -Duralumin (aluminium, copper, manganese and magnesium) -Brass (copper and zinc) -Bronze (copper and tin) -Nitinol (Nickel and titanium) Steel alloys -Stainless steel (Steel, chromium, nickel and magnesium) -High speed steel (Steel, tungsten, chromium and vanadium) -Tool/Die steel (Steel, chromium and maganese) -High tensile steels (Steel, nickel)

5 - To be able to select appropriate types of metal for different applications - To be able to explain why metals are suitable for these different applications Application

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