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Melanie Micha Maia Tarrab. Chapter 1  In this chapter, Leclerc died, he was the captain of the boat Pharoh.  Mercedes promised Dantes to marry him 

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1 Melanie Micha Maia Tarrab

2 Chapter 1  In this chapter, Leclerc died, he was the captain of the boat Pharoh.  Mercedes promised Dantes to marry him  Dantes leave the ship for fourteen days to Mr Morral, to get married  Mr Morral said to Dantes thay he will be the captain of the Paraoh  Dantes went to see Mercedes and his father.

3 Chapter 2  Dantes arrive to his father house, he was very old and ill  His father paid all the money to Carderousse, he doesn`t have nothing to eat.  Caderousse met Dantes  Caderousse and Danglars went to La Reserve

4 Chapter 3  Dantes went to see Mercedes, she was on his window when Dantes arrived  Edmond and Mercedes went to walk to La Reserve, Caderousse and Danglars were still there.  They will send a letter to an officer of the goverment  They wrote that Dantes is working for Napoleon, He wants to bring Napoleon back.  La reserve prepared a meal for the wedding  Dantes and Mercedes were up to got married but some soldiers interrupted.  They took Dantes to saw a judge, he was acossed.

5 Chapter 4  Dantes came into the room  Villefort started to ask many questions  Villefort took the letter that he recived, Dantes read it, he was very sad.  He don`t know the writing, but he said that the writer was a real enemy.  Dantes was free, he was very happy  Villefort said that Noirtier wanted to destroy the king  The judge said that he must stay some time  He said to Dantes that he will help him.  Nobody should know about the letter.

6 Chapter 5  The soldier took Dantes to a small room  Then they took him to a shore, they put him on a boat  They were sailing away everithing that he loved  They were going to the Chateau dÌf stands  The prision was about 300 years old  The man took him to a room wich was under the ground  The man left and Dantes was in the darkness and the silence  Dantes said to the guard that he wanted to see the governor  The soldiers took Dantes to another room, he has hungry and crazy.

7 Chapter 6  Time passed  The chief officer visited the prisioners rooms  They went to visit other prisioners  First they visit the prisioner number 34  Dantes was in his room, he ask the officer what would happened to him  The officer can`t tell him that, but he promise him to ask about it  The officer left the room, he left something in the room

8 Chapter 7  Days passed, Dantes think that he officer visit was only a dream  He heard a noise, but he thought that was a dream, but he heard it again  He thought hat was a prisioner escaping so he wanted to help him.  Dantes started to work, later the guard came. When the man left he started to work again  Dantes worked all night, and did a hole  He heard a voice that was talking to Dantes  Was the Number 27  They were friends and he was called Faria  They escaped from the room because Dantes wanted to se the secret path behind the wall

9 Chapter 8  They went to Faria`s room  Dantes want that Faria teach him  He learned about the history of the world, and the English language, and many other things  Time passed, Dantes was very happy but Faria`s health was not good  One day Faria was on Dantes room, and suddenly he hard Faria cry out in pain  He harry went to help him, Faria said that he has to take him to his room  In one of the feet that holds the bed was a small bottle of liquid in the hole  He put the liquid in his mouth

10 Chapter 9  The next morning Dantes went to visit Faria, he was better  He show Dantes a small piece of paper. Half of it was burnt away  He told the story about the paper means

11 Chapter 10  Faria was dying so Dantes gave it a liquid to survive  Faria don´t survive, he was very ill  They put Faria in a bag  Dantes went down into the underground path and put back the stones behind him  The guard enters but first went to Dantes room  Dantes wantd to escape he went to Faria room and nobody was their and he came in

12 Chapter 11  Dantes wants to escape  He enters to the bag were faria was, and he left Faria on his room.  He has a knife  The policeman thought that Faria was in the bag, but it was Dante  The policeman throw the bag to the water and Dantes has in his foot a rock.  He take off with the knife the rock.

13 Chapter 12  He was on the water when a boat came and pick up Dante.  The captain of the boat that Dantes was, thought that Dantes escape form the chateau  He said to Dantes if he wanted to stay with them, beacuse he was good at sailing  They have to go to Livorno first and then they have to go to Monte Cristo

14 Chapter 13  When they finished to go to Livorno, then they went to Monte Cristo  When they sail to Monte Cristo, Dantes fell to a rock and broke his leg.  He could not move  He said to his best friend that they have to left him in Monte Cristo, and go to Livorno  His best friend said that he want to stay with Dante.  Dante said to the Captain that when they finish going to Livorno to pick him on 4 months.  When they go away, Dantes went to search the treasure, and he found it.

15 Chapter 14  Edmond climbed carefully from the rocks  Dantes went to search the treasure, and he found it.  4 months later, the Captain came again for Dantes  Day went to a place were Dantes so a little boat  He wants to buy it, he has a lot of money because he has the tresure

16 Chapter 15  The next morning Dantes climbed to the top of the rock  He returned to the treasure place and went into the second room  He covered the chest wih earth and put sand over the place  He waited for his friends to return  After six days the Amelia returned  Dantes went on board, and the ship sail for Livorno  In genoa he saw a boat builder, the man had a pretty little boat that was for a Englishman.  Dantes offered a lot of money for the boat  So the man sell him  Dates wen to Marseilles

17  Nicolas a seamen from the Paraoh, was one of the first men that he met on shore.  Danes asked him some questions but Nicolas didn`t reconized him  Dantes give some money  Nicolas said to Dantes that the coin was gold not silver  But Dantes said yes that is true, so he gave another gold coin  Dantes wen to see his father, a voice was talking  He open the door and saw Mercedes  Dantes went to see his father. His faher said Death you can come and take me now.


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