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PHASE 1: Creating the Georgia Latino & Immigrant- serving nonprofit database To gather all the information relevant to our research, we started by creating.

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Presentation on theme: "PHASE 1: Creating the Georgia Latino & Immigrant- serving nonprofit database To gather all the information relevant to our research, we started by creating."— Presentation transcript:

1 PHASE 1: Creating the Georgia Latino & Immigrant- serving nonprofit database To gather all the information relevant to our research, we started by creating a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet with all of the Latino- or immigrant-serving human service nonprofit organizations in Georgia and listed them by National Taxonomy of Exempt Entities (NTEE) code. By doing so, we were able to classify them by subsectors and annual revenues and evaluate the size of each organization. Part 2: Organization Activities FINDINGS CONCLUSION Georgia Latino & Immigrant-Serving Nonprofit Organizations: Identifying And Mapping Human Services Figure 1-Nonprofits by NTEE Code Figure 3-Literature Review Matrix The second step was obtaining information from the National Center for Charitable Statistics (NCCS) and GuideStar to learn about their current revenue and assets using the IRS Form 990. We then cross-checked this information with the organization’s own publicity (via the internet and social media) to learn of the organization’s mission, programs, services, and contact information. We paid particular attention to identifying if these organizations had filed an H Election to determine their level of advocacy engagement. Phase 1 revealed the time-consuming process of identifying, cataloguing, and confirming the existence of nonprofit organizations. We did not realize how many Latino or immigrant-serving organizations exist in the state and the variety of services and programs they offer. We also learned that between 2005 and 2015 several of these organizations have either dissolved or merged with others, which is worrisome considering the increasing number of Latinos and immigrants in the state. The literature has begun to reveal that based on an organization’s structure and reputation, their ability to engage in micro, mezzo, and macro levels of advocacy, are often hampered by the political, economic, and social climate they must operate in. Creating the database was a vital and necessary step in examining what organizations exist. With phase 1 complete, phase 2 will focus on determining if these nonprofits have filed the appropriate forms with the Internal Revenue Service and the Secretary of State to engage in formal advocacy and lobbying efforts. This information, along with updating the literature review matrix will help us draw inferences about if, when, and how Latino and immigrant-serving nonprofit organizations organize themselves to engage in the policy process. Through this project, we learned how to use Microsoft Excel and various industry-based websites and services, as well as conduct a thorough literature review and complete a matrix to document our research. We look forward to seeing how the project unfolds and the end result! Part 1: NTEE Codes Part 3: Literature Research The third step was to find out what academic research has been done on Latinos and immigrants in relation to their civic engagement and how U.S.-based nonprofit organizations advocate on their behalf. Through the KSU library databases, we searched for peer-reviewed articles between 2010-2015. We used a series of key terms to search for the articles, including advocacy, policy, and immigrant. Hundreds of result came up, but we learned how to use a literature review matrix to review the articles and determined which ones were relevant to our research. For those articles that we did find to be relevant, we completed an entry in the matrix. Entries consisted of the purpose of the research, the size of the sample, the methods used, and key findings, so that larger comparisons and themes could be drawn. Figure 2-Nonprofit Website Examples Salt Scholars: Karen Costa & Gabriela Mosso Faculty Advisor: Dr. Darlene Xiomara Rodriguez Department of Social Work and Human Services OBJECTIVE This is a multi-phase project. The objective of Phase 1 is to create a database for all the Latino and immigrant- serving nonprofits in the state of Georgia. This database will inform qualitative research to determine if, when, and how these organizations are involved in advocacy efforts on behalf of their client-base. Thank you to the Division of Student Success for funding the Student Assistance for Leadership in Teaching (SALT) Scholars to assist in completing phase 1 of this project

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