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2010 Rotary International Convention Montreal, Quebec, Canada June 20 – 23, 2010.

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1 2010 Rotary International Convention Montreal, Quebec, Canada June 20 – 23, 2010




5 “Bigger, better, bolder clubs” Be flexible and innovative Action oriented Significant, sustainable projects Promote networking opportunities and signature projects “Continually improving to keep Rotary radiant and relevant is vital.”



8 Purpose of the COL Board “The purpose of the COL Board is to assure the operations of the club run smoothly to enable all members to participate in the avenues of service.” - Jim Nelson, 2009-10 President



11 “What’s Possible” Paul Batz facilitated a process that helped us define what is possible over the next 3 – 5 years, with a look toward the next 25 years All the ideas were summarized and prioritized by: 2010-11 COL Board Past President’s Council Projects Committee

12 What’s Possible - Results Club Service 1.Make the weekly hour we spend together each week as interesting and powerful as we can – speakers, relationships 2.Keep humor – Happy Hours, Happy Bucks 3.Focus on building great internal relationships, both on Wednesdays and during events and trips

13 “The Connector”

14 What’s Possible - Results Community Service 1.Work with teenage population through groups we are alreading working with: YCAP, Boys & Girls Club, Camp Enterprise 2.Partner with a specific organization on a consistent basis to accomplish a specific goal – adolescent age kids 3.Improve participation in hands-on projects – more dynamic community service

15 What’s Possible - Results International Service 1.Regular youth exchange and group exchange involvement and club support 2.Make more connections internationally – work on joint projects with sister city clubs to have impact locally and internationally 3.Joint project in Haiti with Ibaraki and Upsala (ex. – bio tech project)

16 What’s Possible - Results Vocational Service 1.Career “work fair” and a Rotary Career manual – show what various careers/trades look like, paths to reach, education req. 2.Further develop Rotaract and other efforst to reach out to younger professionals 3.Vocational Service sponsorship by focusing in a specific area (ex. – medicine)

17 Minneapolis City of Lakes “The Greatest Rotary Club on Earth” Let’s be even bigger, better, bolder in 2010-11!

18 “One Rotarian had an idea and other Rotarians cared”

19 Father Marciano “Rocky” Evangelista Founder of the Tuloy Foundation Member of a Rotary Club in the Philippines Help street children that no one else cared about “Children in distress cannot wait…”

20 Greg Mortenson Wrote the book, Three Cups of Tea Promoting literacy, particularly among girls Focused in Afghanistan and Pakistan Emphasized the importance of building relationships and involving local leaders

21 “The real key, and Rotarians do this, is that it’s not about helping, but it’s about empowering people. And when you empower people, then you can make change in the world.” - Greg Mortenson


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