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NQT Induction 2013 Edward Pryce System Leader (Induction) Lorraine Hunter Professional Programme Coordinator.

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Presentation on theme: "NQT Induction 2013 Edward Pryce System Leader (Induction) Lorraine Hunter Professional Programme Coordinator."— Presentation transcript:

1 NQT Induction 2013 Edward Pryce System Leader (Induction) Lorraine Hunter Professional Programme Coordinator

2 Purpose of Induction (NQT) Year Ensure that every teacher meets a minimum professional standard by the end of that year Provide additional support to teachers in the first year of their career

3 Overview of the Induction Year

4 Induction Year (Revised 1 st September 2012) Statutory requirement for all newly qualified teachers in Wales who gain qualified teacher status after 1st April 2003. Usually over 3 full terms or the equivalent Flexibility to work part time / take breaks Work on a short term supply basis (STS) In order for a period of employment to count towards statutory Induction, a newly qualified teacher must: – have qualified teacher status (QTS); – must be registered with the General Teaching Council for Wales (GTCW) and; – must be employed in a maintained school or non-maintained special school;

5 Outline of Induction Year – Detail Later 3 school terms if on a full time contract 380 sessions (190 days) for P/T, temporary or STS For supply teachers ALL sessions can be accrued Assessed against Practicing Teacher Standard (PTS) Required to reference evidence in an ‘Induction Profile’, but not collate in a portfolio Support carried out through partnership between: – School – “Appropriate body” (LA) – management delegated to EAS – External Mentor (teacher appointed by Welsh Government (WG)) An optional Masters in Education Practice (MEP) running concurrently

6 Overview of Induction Year Programme of professional development activities designed to support the start of your career as a teacher Set objectives arising from reflection on your practice during Initial Teacher Training (ITT) These will evolve as the Induction period continues in meetings with School Based Mentor Aim - meet “Practising Teacher Standard” (PTS) Induction Profile – Describes how you meet the PTS This and professional dialogue assist the Headteacher and the External Mentor in reporting on progress and deciding whether to recommend that you have met the PTS

7 NQT - Key Responsibilities Make Career Entry Profile (CEP) available to the school and work with School Based Mentor to use CEP and Practising Teacher Standard as a basis for setting professional development objectives and action planning; Take part in planning your Induction programme, identifying and reviewing objectives; Engage fully in the programme of monitoring, support and assessment, taking increasing responsibility for their professional development; Know and understand the elements of the Practising Teacher Standard, monitor their own progress and collect evidence for use in formal assessment; Record progress using the ‘Induction Profile’ Raise any concerns about the Induction programme, initially using the schools’ internal procedures, but with the Induction Co-ordinator at the EAS if necessary

8 School - Key Responsibilities Allocate a School Based Mentor to help provide support for each NQT Work with the NQT, using the CEP and as a basis for setting professional development objectives and action planning in order to meet the Practising Teacher Standard; Plan an Induction programme, identifying and reviewing objectives; Provide statutory release time from teaching commitments; Arrange a programme of support and monitoring; Monitor progress towards meeting Professional Teacher Standard, advising the NQT on evidence to collect; If necessary raise any concerns about an NQT’s progress with the local authority, at the earliest opportunity, so that additional support may be provided. Liaise with the External Mentor

9 Local Authority (EAS) - Key Responsibilities Allocate an External Mentor to provide support AND assess progress Work with the NQT, using the CEP as a basis for setting professional development objectives and action planning in order to meet the Practising Teacher Standard; If necessary discuss any concerns about an NQT’s progress with the school and NQT, so that additional support may be provided. Liaise with the External Mentor and moderate their work

10 Funding and its use Funding document aimed at schools, not NQTs £2,100 per NQT To fund: – additional 10% non-contact time – Cost of training courses – Supply cover

11 Use of the funding All teachers undertaking Induction will be expected to focus their professional development activities on the following core priorities: – Literacy – Numeracy – Reducing the impact of poverty on attainment – Additional Learning Needs – Behaviour management – Reflective practice

12 Support time Additional 10% time over normal teaching time In addition to PPA time Can be: – regularly timetabled – in blocks – time to attend specific courses – time to attend training in school or support meetings with your school based mentor / external mentor

13 GTCW Role

14 GTCW Role in Induction Maintaining a register of completed Terms / Sessions Maintaining register of supply sessions for STS Distributing funding to schools Issuing NQT certificate upon completion Acting as an ‘Appeals’ body

15 English: fessional-development Guidance from GTCW Cymraeg: essional-development

16 SCHOOL ACTION – Send to GTCW TitleSent toCompeted / Sent by When Induction/MEP Notification Form GTCWSchoolWithin 10 working days of commencement of induction Induction Funding Claim FormGTCWSchoolAt end of each calendar term. Date stipulated by GTCW in direct correspondence with each school.

17 Step 1Step 5

18 Guidance on GTCW Processes Full details in this document:

19 The Induction Profile OVERVIEW

20 Induction Profile (Pale Green in Packs) Used to manage the induction process Plan objectives and describe support to be provided Describe progress Provide pointers to evidence that you are meeting each of the Practising Teacher Standards Practical session this afternoon on how to complete

21 SCHOOL ACTION – email to EAS SectionTitleSent toCompeted / Sent by When 1Personal DetailsEASSBM with NQTWithin 3 weeks of start of induction 2:Part AInduction Priorities: Planning EASSBM with NQTWithin 3 weeks of start of induction 2:Part BInduction Priorities: Progress Review EASSBM with NQT (and EM when appointed) Termly OR after 140 / 280 / 380 Sessions 3Evidence of meeting PTS EASNQT (supervised by SBM and EM) With above – as a work in progress 4Record of Induction Period GTCWNQT – signed by schools After each period of employment

22 EAS Website & Access to further Training Opportunities

23 EAS Website – NQT Section


25 Useful hyperlinks (further down main page)



28 EAS NQT Programme Courses specifically for NQTs Courses for other teachers that may also be suitable for NQTs




32 Contact Details

33 AreaWho to Contact Contact Details All ADMINISTRATIVE QUERIES, requests for and submission of documentation Business Support 01633 232454 (New, Mon, Tor) 01443 864963 (BG, Caer) Concerns about INDUCTION PROGRAMME or Individual NQT Edward Pryce 07904644686 MEP and MENTOR MANAGEMENT / NQT Allocation Lorraine Hunter 07904644994

34 Masters In Educational Practice

35 Eligibility for the Masters in Educational Practice The criteria for entry to the MEP in January 2014 are that the NQT Has a recognised degree at pass level or above Has QTS and is employed as an NQT in their first year of teaching in a maintained school in Wales in a role that can count toward induction Be registered with GTCW Be employed until at least the end of Spring term 2014 in one or more maintained schools in Wales equivalent to at least 0.4 contract Has an agreement from the HT

36 Summary Based around the every-day classroom practice and outcomes for learners Provided with high quality resources and mentoring support, covering behaviour management, ALN, literacy, numeracy and reducing the impact of poverty on attainment Apply via initial notification to GTCW Based on classroom experiences, schools asked to release at times, but will require some of your own time, in line with any Masters programme Final Action Enquiry Project rather than dissertation Funded by WG, apart from teacher release time

37 Programme Outline

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