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Using Parcel Data and GIS as an Outreach Tool Kansas Natural Resources GIS Technical Meeting March 16, 2016 Darci Paull GIS Specialist Kansas Forest Service.

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Presentation on theme: "Using Parcel Data and GIS as an Outreach Tool Kansas Natural Resources GIS Technical Meeting March 16, 2016 Darci Paull GIS Specialist Kansas Forest Service."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Parcel Data and GIS as an Outreach Tool Kansas Natural Resources GIS Technical Meeting March 16, 2016 Darci Paull GIS Specialist Kansas Forest Service

2 Kansas Forest Service and mixed messaging Plant Trees HereKill Trees Here

3 Mary Tyrell School of Forestry at Yale University Social Marketing  Designing programs to persuade people to take a desired action Target Marketing  Designing communications to bring about a specific behavior change in a selected group of people

4 Outreach Outcomes Mailings Newsletters Flyers/brochures Emails Social Media Posters Personal contact Presentations Meetings Workshops Newspaper articles Healthy Riparian Forests Windbreaks Lesser Prairie Chicken habitat Intact Wetlands Reduced erosion Prescribed fire in oak woodlands Stewardship plans NRCS EQIP participation Watershed rehabilitation

5 Team Effort  Foresters  Technical knowledge  Communicators  Craft the story and the form of communication  Geographers  Location  Resource concerns  Landowners

6 Kansas Forest Service Projects & Forested Resource Concerns  Windbreak Assessments  Riparian Forest Assessments  Landowners with 100+ Acres of Woodland  Conservation Tree Sales

7 County Parcel Data

8 Windbreak Assessments and Outreach

9 Windbreak Assessments and Outreach Mailings sent through local Conservation Districts  Coronado Crossing  Assessment completed in 2010  Letters sent in February 2011  Smoky Hills  Assessments completed in 2015  Letters sent to *Wallace, Logan and *Gove counties fall of 2015  Letters will be sent to *Trego, Ellis, Russell, and *Ellsworth counties in 2016  South Central  Currently working on assessments  Letters to be sent in the future  *No parcel data available


11 Logan County Windbreaks

12 Smoky Hill Windbreak Outreach  Wallace County  136 letters sent  19 respondents or 14%  Logan County  120 letters sent  10 respondents or 9%  Gove County  88 letters sent  7 respondents or 8%  95% of requests will have a windbreak renovation plan  Totals: 44 properties visited, 53 windbreaks serviced, 33 renovation plans, 5 new windbreak plans

13 Riparian Assessment and Landowners with 100+ Acres of Woodlands  Regional Conservation Partnership Program  Establishing & Improving Riparian Forests  Timber Stand Improvement  14 Priority Watersheds  Riparian Assessment  1/3 of the HUC12s in each watershed  100+ Acres of Woodlands


15 Finding Landowners with 100+ Acres  Parcel data from individual counties (yellow lines)  Clip to watershed (red line)  Combine parcels with common landowners  Aerial Imagery  2014 NAIP imagery  Clip down to forested areas  Purple areas  Calculate the number of acres

16 Landowners with 100+ Acres of Woodlands (so far) WatershedLandownersAcres Delaware14723,418 Tuttle Creek25245,259 Spring River7213,282 Neosho Headwaters517,748 Middle Neosho23848,073 Grand Total (so far)760137,780

17 Conservation Tree Sales and Outreach

18 Conservation Tree Sales  Sent a postcard to all out of state landowners with more than 40 acres  Focused on counties that fall within the Kansas Forest Service Action Plan priority areas  Over 4,000 postcards in 32 counties

19 Lessons Learned and Improvements  Partnerships with local organizations are a key to the success of these programs  County Appraiser’s and GIS offices  Conservation Districts  The forester must be available to the landowners when sending out the letters  Be aware of cost share dollars available for programs  Tracking Conservation Tree sales – add a coupon code to next year’s postcard  Expand to fire management and defensible space

20 Thank you! Questions, Comments, Ideas… Right Tree for My Soil:

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