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College and Career Awareness: Lesson One. What is your next step? Job College Some other form of training Anything else?

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Presentation on theme: "College and Career Awareness: Lesson One. What is your next step? Job College Some other form of training Anything else?"— Presentation transcript:

1 College and Career Awareness: Lesson One

2 What is your next step? Job College Some other form of training Anything else?

3 Barriers What are some barriers that might complicate your plans?

4 Barriers Financial Time Child Care Skills

5 Overcoming Barriers- JOURNAL Please answer the following questions in your journal: 1. What can you do to help overcome those barriers? 2. What can this class do to help with that process?

6 Employment? JOURNAL What jobs are you interested in? Why are you interested in this career? What do these jobs pay? What training is involved?

7 Job Survey Please fill out the job survey to the best of your ability. At the end of the course we will compare and see what you’ve learned!

8 What is reading? What do we read? Why do we read? What makes a good reader? What is reading?

9 A Complex Skill Reading is a complex skill There are many levels of reading We are all better at some forms of reading than others. Let’s look at a few examples.

10 Newspaper Articles Rachel Mordhorst, owner of Rhythm & Blooms, has been selling flowers grown on her Coburg farm since she started her business 24 years ago.But customers checking out the bouquets at her three retail shops in Eugene might never know that many of the flowers for sale are homegrown.That’s why she’s trying to spread the word.

11 Technical Writing The heat produced by the short circuit, along with a non-reactive (hence inert) gas locally melts the metal and allows them to mix together. Once the heat is removed, the metal begins to cool and solidify, and forms a new piece of fused metal.

12 Victorian Poetry No coward soul is mine, No trembler in the worlds storm-troubled sphere: I see Heavens glories shine, And faith shines equal, arming me from fear. - Emily Bronte

13 What do these words mean? Blate Crex Entrask Drize Jort

14 Clues Phonics (sounds we use to figure out a words pronunciation) Are these really words? What does it take to be a word? Does a word have to have meaning?

15 What do those words mean??? In order to gather information you have to be able to read and understand the information from a variety of sources. College and employers also expect that you will be able to read a variety of materials with understanding.

16 Friendly eating hopeless understanding

17 Did you understand the sentence? Is it really a sentence? What does it take to have a sentence?

18 What are words and sentences for? Meaning!

19 Previewing before reading

20 Previewing Title

21 Previewing Title Read first paragraph

22 Previewing Title Read first paragraph Look at how it’s organized

23 Previewing Title Read first paragraph Look at how it’s organized Look for headings

24 Previewing Title Read first paragraph Look at how it’s organized Look for headings Look for other things that stand out (italics, bold, etc.)

25 What is reading essay Let’s read it!

26 Main Ideas What is a main idea?

27 Main Ideas What is a main idea? They are the main points that an author hopes you will understand and remember.

28 Main Ideas What are the main ideas of each paragraph?

29 Main Ideas Paragraph 1

30 Main Ideas Paragraph 1- introductory paragraph, main idea is a question, “What is reading?”

31 Main Ideas Paragraph 2

32 Main Ideas Paragraph 2- Reading is a common activity that most people take for granted.

33 Main Ideas Paragraph 3

34 Main Ideas Paragraph 3- Experts have different ideas about what reading is.

35 Definition of Reading Reading is thinking. Reading is decoding written symbols (words), discovering their meaning and integrating that meaning with your own experience to improve your understanding and to achieve your specific purposes.

36 Life Timeline My life

37 My Life How did I get to where I am now?

38 Your Timeline I want you to create your occupational timeline in your journal Are there any moments that helped motivated you further? What about future events?

39 Timeline Where are you at in your timeline right now? Where does your future begin? What kinds of things can you do to help propel you forward?

40 Essay Time! Please free-write about the following questions: Something interesting, useful, important, etc., that you learned or remembered during today’s class Any ideas about possible careers that came up for you today

41 End of Lesson One! Please submit your Lesson One handout packet and your journal to your instructor for grading.

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