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Responsibility of businesses to do the right thing.

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Presentation on theme: "Responsibility of businesses to do the right thing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Responsibility of businesses to do the right thing

2  Social Responsibility- Duty of a business to contribute to the well being of a community  Environmental Protection  Conservation of natural resources ▪ Non-renewable Resources- Can Not Be Replaced  Pollution- Production products causes waste ▪ Federal Government sets measureable regulations on air and water quality to prevent contamination

3  Work Place Diversity- Concept that workforce should reflect groups in the community  No discrimination based on religion, creed, color, gender etc.  Women should not be excluded from physically demanding jobs  Physical disabilities (ADA)-Accommodating to make work possible  No Age Discrimination

4  Job Safety- Employees have the right to work in a place that is free from danger.  Many Programs have been put into place in the workplace to prevent injury. (OSHA)  Employee Wellness- A healthy workforce is a productive workforce  Stop Smoking Seminars, Diet consultation, Free Gym memberships,

5  Benefits  Expanded justice for groups in society  Enhanced company image  Reduced need for government actions  Improved quality of life  Increased awareness of social issues among workers, consumers and others  Costs  Non polluting equipment  Safe Building  Programs for employees

6  Ethics- principles of morality or rules of conduct (Code Of Ethics)  A code must be worded in terms of acceptable behavior rather than forbidden actions

7  Discuss in your groups and post to on this topic:  Should a company expand into a profitable market in a country where doing business requires giving expensive gifts to government officials?  Should a company continue to produce a popular product after it discovers a minor defect in it?  Should a company suspend operations to observe the death of a co-worker?

8  Three questions a business should ask itself when considering the ethics of a business situation: 1. Is the action legal? 2. Does the action violate professional or company standards? 3. Who is affected by the action and how?

9 1. Determine the Purpose of the Code 2. Tailor the code to the needs and values of the organization. 3. Consider involving employees from all levels of the company in writing the code. 4. Determine the rules or principles that all members of the organization will be expected to adhere to. 5. Include information about how the code will be enforced 6. Determine how the code will be implemented and where it will be published or posted. 7. Determine how and when the code will be reviewed and revised.

10 Government plays a role is all economic systems

11  Providing services for members of Society  Protecting citizens, consumers, business, and workers  Regulating utilities and promoting competition  Providing information and support to business  Buying goods and service  Hiring public employees  Raising revenue

12  Protect workers (OSHA & Anti-discrimination)  Contract Enforcement (Goods and Services for something of value). To have a contract, you must have:  Agreement- offer made and accepted  Competent Parties  Consideration- Something of value must be exchanged  Legality

13  Legal System- Criminal and Civil Court  Protection of Intellectual Property  Patents- give inventor the sole right to make, use, or sell an item for 20 yrs.  Copyright- protects creative work of authors, composers and artists  Trademark- word, letter, or symbol linked with a specific company of product. ▪ Can you name some examples of each????

14  Regulate Public Utilities- organization that supplies a service or product vital to all people.  Government closely regulates these (CenterPoint)  Prevent Unfair Business Practices  Prevent Monopolies using power (Microsoft)  Anti-Trust Laws- prevent false advertising, deceptive pricing, and misleading labeling.

15  Buys goods and services  Collecting Data (Incomes, prices, worker availability, and business failures)  Employs workers (About 16% of workforce)

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