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 Gain firsthand knowledge of the organization and the political, social, and/or community forces that influence its structure and procedures.  Connect.

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3  Gain firsthand knowledge of the organization and the political, social, and/or community forces that influence its structure and procedures.  Connect what you see and learn at the site with what you learned in class.  Engage in field research as a participant observer. These observations will be the basis of your final paper.  Determine whether or not you would like to work in this area!

4  You represent the Department and the University!  Dress, speak, and behave like adults!  Be on time!  Ask your site supervisor about the norms of the agency and then go above and beyond!  If you goof around, then you will damage the relationships we have with internship sites so no goofing around!

5  Confidentiality – Do not reveal the identity of clients or any information that would uncover their identity without written permission from the client.  Competency – Know and acknowledge the limitations of your abilities to assist clients/the public.  Accept that some situations are beyond your experience so seek assistance from your site supervisor and/or staff personnel.

6  Corruption – Interns must not become involved in any illegal operations, activities or any violation of laws.  Respect Clients – Interns are obligated to treat all clients with dignity, respect, and equality.  Integrity – You may see unethical or illegal activities as you intern; they may be realities in the organization, but you should not condone or accept them.

7  Misconduct – As an intern you have an obligation to avoid misconduct. You may encounter ethical gray areas which present conduct such as:  Acceptance of free or discounted meals  Receipt of merchandise at a discount rate  Acceptance of gifts  Use of confidential information for private gain or to impress peers  Accessing mail, e-mail, copiers, computers, and other services for personal use

8  Interpersonal Relationships – it is unethical for interns to become sexually or romantically involved with organization employees and/or clients during the duration of the internship experience.

9  If you don’t know what the right thing to do is, ask yourself these questions:  Are my actions legal?  Am I being fair and honest?  What would my mom and dad say?  How will I feel about myself afterwards?

10  Sexual harassment includes:  Demanding sexual consideration in exchange for a job benefit  Making unwelcome sexual advances including pressure for dates, stalking, love letters, or phone calls  Creating a hostile work environment that includes pranks, jokes, or comments of a sexual nature, or allowing sexually explicit posters and magazines to be kept in general work areas.  Sexual harassment is illegal!  You should contact your site supervisor, your internship professor, and/or the internship coordinator immediately if you witness or are the victim of sexual harassment.

11 While at your internship site, you are an observer and student first and a “worker” second!

12  The minute you enter your internship site, you take on the role of a participant-observer  A participant-observer is someone who works in and studies a particular environment, the people, and events within that environment.  You are a participant observer first and an employee second.  You should observe and study your surroundings, the people, and the activities that are occurring objectively.  Leave your biases and assumptions at home!

13  You will be required to keep a daily log/journal.  The log/journal, if properly written, will be the basis for your Written Course Project.  The log/journal entries describe what you are doing and how that is benefitting you.  A summary of activities will be submitted to the Internship Director every two (2) weeks.  Pay attention to the rubric!  Failure to maintain this bi-weekly communication will result in reduction of your overall grade!

14  Journal entries should include:  Date and time of activities  Detailed descriptions of people, place, behavior, mood, environment, etc.  Changes in work assignments or new information  Thoughts, insights, or ideas you have about how what you see and do is related back to what you learned in class.  Specific issues and problems you encounter during your internship

15  For a 1 st time Internship you will be required to submit a 12 - 15 page final paper in which you:  Analyze a particular operation of the agency,  The relationships between the agency and its clients,  The organization or administration of the agency, or  Any other aspect of the agency that attracts your attention.  Pay CLOSE attention to the paper template and the paper rubric. Both are posted on the Department website.

16  For a 2 nd or 3 rd Internship with the same Agency or another you will be required to submit a 12 - 15 page final paper in which you:  Summarize landmark and recent literature about the type of agency or organization where you did your internship.  Narrow down your literature review to a workable topic about a particular aspect or departmental component.  For example, if you interned with a Police Department, your literature review could be about the organization, operations, and management of police canine units, auto theft or drug task forces, cybercrime, etc.  Specific guidance, templates, and a rubric will be provided for your pre-approved subject-matter proposal.

17  You will be required to keep a daily log of the hours you work. It needs to be signed, every time you work, by your site supervisor.  You will hand this in to your faculty supervisor at the end of your internship.  It will be graded.

18  You will be required to have an evaluation of your work completed by your site supervisor.  You will be evaluated on:  Professionalism  Ethical behavior  Critical Thinking  Evidence-Based Practice  Performance  You will hand this in to your faculty supervisor at the end of your internship.  It will be graded and it counts for 30% of your final grade!



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