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Adaptation Proposals UNEP - GEF Perspective Dr Mahendra Kumar Task Manager, Adaptation.

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Presentation on theme: "Adaptation Proposals UNEP - GEF Perspective Dr Mahendra Kumar Task Manager, Adaptation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adaptation Proposals UNEP - GEF Perspective Dr Mahendra Kumar Task Manager, Adaptation

2 Outline of Presentation General issues on project development –Discussion of frameworks GEF modalities & opportunities –Adaptation Funds Current UNEP-GEF portfolio –Planned/ongoing activities in SSA Challenges

3 Assessment of Vulnerability and Adaptation What is of concern? –Food production, water supply, health? –Concerns may not be expressed in climate terms, e.g., extreme temperature, but in consequences of climate for people Who may be affected? How far into the future is of concern? For what purpose is the assessment to be used? –Raising awareness (education)? –Policy making? What kind of output is needed?

4 Other considerations What resources are available to conduct the study? –Money –Staff –Expertise How much time is available?

5 Questions key to scope of study One should not begin with the methods or models one has in hand, but with these questions Select methods and models that best help answer the questions

6 Approaches depends on questions Questions about how climate change may affect resources may lead to analysis of long-term impacts, e.g., out to 2050, 2100 Questions about adaptation may lead to analysis of vulnerability within a planning horizon, e.g., 5 to 50 years

7 Vulnerability Vulnerability to climate change is the risk of adverse things happening Vulnerability is a factor of: –Exposure –Sensitivity –Adaptive capacity Vulnerability is a Function of All Three V = F(E+, S+, AC-)

8 Frameworks Impacts –Also known as “first generation” or “top down” Adaptation – Also known as “second generation” or “bottom up”

9 Frameworks Description of some V&A frameworks One size does not fit all Select a framework or method that best suits the: –Questions being asked –Who is asking them –What kind of answers you need –What resources and time you have to work with –How the study should be carried out

10 Adaptation Frameworks Driven by stakeholder identification of issues and involvement in process –Bring in analysis as necessary and appropriate –Could use non-analytic techniques Tend to address near-term concerns –Often address climate variability and change –Emphasis on socioeconomic context

11 Impacts Framework IPCC Seven Steps U.S. Country Studies Program UNEP Handbook

12 IPCC Framework Define the problem Select the method Test the method Select scenarios Assess biophysical and socioeconomic impacts Assess autonomous adjustments Evaluate adaptation strategies

13 US Country Studies Program Provided detailed guidance on specific methods –Coastal resources –Agriculture –Livestock –Water resources –Vegetation –Human health –Wildlife –Fisheries –Adaptation Publications

14 UNEP Handbook Presents overviews of methods –Source for information on different methods –Not detailed guidance Topics include –Climate change scenarios –Socio-economic scenarios

15 UNEP Handbook (cont’d) Integration Adaptation Water resources Coastal zones Agriculture Rangeland and livestock Human health Energy Forests Biodiversity Fisheries

16 Adaptation Frameworks UNDP Adaptation Policy Framework NAPA Guidance UKCIP USAID

17 NAPA Guidance National Adaptation Programme of Action Least developed countries identify and rank proposed measures to adapt to climate change Decision 28/CP.7

18 Other approaches AIACC VARA Sustainable Livelihoods

19 Approach for addressing development planning for poor communities Focuses on their assets and vulnerabilities Can examine shocks from climate variability and change More focused on near term planning rather than long term planning

20 Application of Framework Projects often take longer and cost more than originally thought (or proposed) Be careful about complex frameworks You may only get through the first few steps before running out of time or funds Do what you need early on

21 GEF and Adaptation Enabling Activities Strategic Priority on Adaptation (SPA) Trust Fund LDC Fund (UNFCCC) SCCF Fund (UNFCCC) Adaptation Fund (Kyoto Protocol)

22 Piloting an Operational approach to adaptation (SPA SPA will “show how adaptation and planning can be practically translated into projects that will provide real benefits” (5/CP.7) Guidelines (May 2004, GEF Council document)

23 SCCF Programming Areas Water resource management Land management Agriculture Health Infrastructure development Fragile ecosystems including mountainous ecosystems Integrated coastal zone management Improving monitoring of diseases and vectors affected by cc and related early warning systems Disaster preparedness Strengthening and establishing national/regional centres and info. Networks for rapid response

24 GEF Adaptation Projects (SPA) Kiribati Adapt. Project (KAP) (GEF $1.5 M) WB Colombia Integrated National Adaptation Pilot: High Mountain Ecosystems, Colombia’s Caribbean Insular Areas, and Human Health (INAP) (GEF $4M) WB Regional (Caribbean) Implementation of Pilot Adaptation Measures in coastal areas of Dominica, St. Lucia and St. Vincent & the Grenadines (GEF $1.9M) WB

25 Approved Projects Regional (West Africa) Responding to Shoreline Change (GEF $4M) UNDP countries include: Senegal, Gambia, Guinea Bissau, Mauritania, Cape Verde Global: Community-Based Adaptation Program (pilot in Bangladesh, Bolivia, Niger and Samoa) (GEF $5M) UNDP Regional, Africa: Coping with Drought and Climate Change (GEF $4M) countries include: Ethiopia, Kenya, Mozambique and Zimbabwe

26 UNEP GEF Approach Project link to National Priorities, Action Plans and Programs. Assist countries in identifying priorities, in context of the wider SD goals and poverty reduction strategies. The NCs, NCSAs,TNAs and Plans from other focal areas such as Biodiversity, IWs, LD etc are useful hooks.

27 Format A template provided to assist countries structure their ideas in terms of the GEF guideline for proposals. Include discussion on baselines, incrementality, global environmental benefits, actual objectives, outcomes, outputs and activities.

28 Types of Projects Projects can be stand alone, or independent add-on, or integrated with a project in other focal areas such as biodiversity, land degradation and international waters. A lot of the activities in projects in sustainable land management for example are designed to enhance resilience and reduce risks to droughts, floods etc.

29 GEF projects Emphasis on actual implementation of activities on ground. Capacity building and awareness raising is a vital component, link to policies – mainstreaming Studies (research) can form part of the proposal, but not the key emphasis Opportunities for stand alone research projects

30 Examples: UNEP Projects AIMS Adaptation Program: Reducing Vulnerability of Coastal Zones (IW) Integrating Vulnerability to CC into Sustainable Development Planning in E/S Africa (Energy, Land) Using IT to reduce vulnerability of Indian/Pakistan agriculture sector Integrated Pest Management in new malaria zones as a result of shifting climate zones (POPs) Amazon Basin Integrated Watershed Management

31 Projects in Progress CC Adaptation and tourism in Fiji, Maldives and Seychelles Enhancing adaptive capacity in the health sector in Solomon Islands Improving watershed management in the Philippines

32 Challenges Building national capacity through projects Strengthening scientific understanding Application to national priority setting

33 National Skills Lot of perceived ‘truths’ about the ability to design action oriented projects such as adaptation Nationals have better understanding of the development issue, cultural context, take more pragmatic approach to problem May need assistance in sourcing references, resources and formatting proposals

34 Enhance National Capacity Problem of ‘credibility’ of national scientists in the eyes of decision makers Lack of self-confidence Weak coordination amongst scientists Need for a greater degree of linkages to global issues

35 Role for Implementing Agencies Enhance confidence amongst and credibility of national scientists Enhance communication between scientists and greater exchange of data and information Emphasise their unique strengths and roles in terms of focusing research based on local circumstances

36 Conclusion Developing proposals for adaptation different from that for other areas? Not really! Adaptation provides a unique niche for scientists/researchers in their own setting to bring their particular advantages IDS and AAI provided this unique mechanism

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