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ClassScape Benchmark Review Quarter 1. Teacher Resource For Formative Assessments.

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Presentation on theme: "ClassScape Benchmark Review Quarter 1. Teacher Resource For Formative Assessments."— Presentation transcript:

1 ClassScape Benchmark Review Quarter 1

2 Teacher Resource For Formative Assessments

3 Assessments by Objective Next Year Will Include Common Core Standards

4 Types of Reports Available Teacher School Test Administrator District Administrator

5 District Performance Data by Group

6 District Subgroup Data by Schools and Assessment

7 3rd Grade Math


9 3rd Grade Reading


11 4th Grade Math


13 4th Grade Reading


15 5th Grade Math


17 5th Grade Reading


19 6th Grade Math Objective 1.04 Develop fluency in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of non-negative rational numbers. Analyze computational strategies. Describe the effect of operations on size. Estimate the results of computations. Judge the reasonableness of solutions. Objective 1.06 Use exponential, scientific, and calculator notation to write very large and very small numbers. Objective 1.07 Develop flexibility in solving problems by selecting strategies and using mental computation, estimation, calculators or computers, and paper and pencil. Objective 5.01 Simplify algebraic expressions and verify the results using the basic properties of rational numbers. Identity. Commutative. Associative. Distributive. Order of operations. Objective 5.02 Use and evaluate algebraic expressions. Objective 5.03 Solve simple (one- and two-step) equations or inequalities Objective 1.02 Develop meaning for percents. Connect the model, number word, and number using a variety of representations. Make estimates in appropriate situations.. Objective 1.04 Develop fluency in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of non-negative rational numbers. Analyze computational strategies. Describe the effect of operations on size. Estimate the results of computations. Judge the reasonableness of solutions. Objective 1.06 Use exponential, scientific, and calculator notation to write very large and very small numbers. Objective 1.07 Develop flexibility in solving problems by selecting strategies and using mental computation, estimation, calculators or computers, and paper and pencil. Objective 5.01 Simplify algebraic expressions and verify the results using the basic properties of rational numbers. Identity. Commutative. Associative. Distributive. Order of operations. Objective 5.02 Use and evaluate algebraic expressions. Objective 5.03 Solve simple (one- and two-step) equations or inequalities Objective 1.02 Develop meaning for percents. Connect the model, number word, and number using a variety of representations. Make estimates in appropriate situations..

20 6th Grade Math

21 6th Grade Reading


23 7th Grade Math Objective 1.02 Develop fluency in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of rational numbers. Analyze computational strategies. Describe the effect of operations on size. Estimate the results of computations. Judge the reasonableness of solutions. Objective 5.02 Translate among different representations of algebraic expressions, equations and inequalities. Objective 5.03 Use and evaluate algebraic expressions, linear equations or inequalities to solve problems. Objective 1.02 Develop fluency in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of rational numbers. Analyze computational strategies. Describe the effect of operations on size. Estimate the results of computations. Judge the reasonableness of solutions. Objective 5.02 Translate among different representations of algebraic expressions, equations and inequalities. Objective 5.03 Use and evaluate algebraic expressions, linear equations or inequalities to solve problems.

24 7th Grade Math

25 7th Grade Reading


27 8th Grade Objective 1.01 Develop number sense for the real numbers. Define and use irrational numbers. Compare and order. Use estimates of irrational numbers in appropriate situations. Objective 1.02 Develop flexibility in solving problems by selecting strategies and using mental computation, estimation, calculators or computers, and paper and pencil. Objective 2.02 Apply and use concepts of indirect measurement. Objective 5.04 Solve equations using the inverse relationships of addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, squares and square roots, and cubes and cube roots. Objective 1.01 Develop number sense for the real numbers. Define and use irrational numbers. Compare and order. Use estimates of irrational numbers in appropriate situations. Objective 1.02 Develop flexibility in solving problems by selecting strategies and using mental computation, estimation, calculators or computers, and paper and pencil. Objective 2.02 Apply and use concepts of indirect measurement. Objective 5.04 Solve equations using the inverse relationships of addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, squares and square roots, and cubes and cube roots.

28 8th Grade Math

29 8th Grade Reading


31 Algebra 1

32 Algebra I No Data Yet

33 English 1

34 English I No Data Yet

35 Biology


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