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Thermal Waste Gasification (WG/TO) – Solid Waste Disposal & Electrocoagulation Water Purification & Treatment (EC) by International Environmental Technologies,

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Presentation on theme: "Thermal Waste Gasification (WG/TO) – Solid Waste Disposal & Electrocoagulation Water Purification & Treatment (EC) by International Environmental Technologies,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Thermal Waste Gasification (WG/TO) – Solid Waste Disposal & Electrocoagulation Water Purification & Treatment (EC) by International Environmental Technologies, Inc. Environmental Solutions

2 About IET  IET’s Best In Class Technology Solutions  IET’s Core Technologies are cutting edge solutions to the world’s growing demand for effective and environmentally conscious waste disposal and water treatment requirements  IET’s Core Technologies offer superior performance to all of today’s available alternatives Increased efficiency & operating effectiveness Reduced operating costs – minimal material handling, simple process with low maintenance requirements Broad application scope, quick installation, and highly scalable design  IET’s Bundled Technology Solution  Proprietary technology portfolio of complementary products and solutions CORE TECHNOLOGIES Thermal Waste Gasification (WG/TO) – Solid Waste Disposal Process generates significant quantities of recoverable heat and scrap - opportunities include the commercial resale of electric power and recycled metals/glass Electrocoagulation Water Purification & Treatment (EC) Instantaneous treatment of large volumes of water; requires no chemicals COMPLEMENTARY TECHNOLOGIES Nataprene space-age polymer & EC113 Concrete Treatment Highly complementary to the design & construction of IET’s core technology projects 2

3 Mechanics of Thermal Waste Gasification What is Thermal Waste Gasification?  The chemical conversion of organic solids and liquids into synthetic gases is achieved through highly controlled conditions of heat and availability of oxygen  Disassociates the molecules of a complex waste substance into simple gases  Highly efficient method of breaking down hazardous organic substances such as Dioxins and Furons A Two Step Process Primary Gasification Cell  The waste is unloaded the primary cell (16 cells with varying holding capacity depending on facility); municipal waste doesn’t require specific organization  Each cell is surrounded by a steel box where a refractory will insulate, but not hold the heat for a long time  The oxygen-starved process allows combustible waste to be converted to gas and sterile, white ash which is recyclable  The released gas is predominantly composed of CO and H2 Secondary Gas Processor Cell  Outside air is then mixed with the gas from the primary and flared off at a temperature up to 2000 F  This efficient method allows for leftover metals to be further recycled  Finally, the introduction of turbines into this process provides new forms of renewable energy for surrounding areas 3

4 Process Flow Diagram of IET’s Waste Gasification System Gasifier Thermal Oxidizer Waste Heat Boiler Proprietary Scrubber Power Generation Syn Gas Air MSW In Bottom Ash Recyclables Flue Gas Fly Ash 4

5 Proven Technology  The state of the art IET System  IET’s technology was approved by The Florida Department of Environmental Protection following rigorous 3 rd party due diligence.  The State of Pennsylvania commissioned a research report on 35 hazardous/solid waste processing technologies. It concluded that IET's gasification process would clearly serve as the best technology  Proven application of technology – First facility online in Anchorage, AK (1996)  How the IET System is superior to alternative technologies:  Patented waste gasification process (2002)  Lower capital investment costs than less efficient alternative technologies  Lower operating expenses result in higher profitability Multiple cell units working simultaneously – highly scalable & efficient to maintain  Emissions from IET’s system are lower than federal regulations without the use of scrubbers  More types of waste can be gasified with IET’s system than the competitors’ systems – ranging from tires to plastics to large furniture items 5

6 Thermal Waste Gasification- Process Facts and Advantages  Supported by the United States Department of Energy  Eliminates 98.5% of all combustible waste materials  Large scalability (modular cells range from 2 to 2500 ton systems)  Average installation time is 8 to 12 months, depending on the size  Provides for 100% recycling of aluminum, metals, and gases  Clean and quite operation-no noise or obnoxious odors  No pre-sorting or trash separation before processing  Moisture in the waste does not affect performance  Eliminated animals, birds, and insect scavenging in the waste  Kills all pathogens in medical waste  No special handling of medical waste is required  Reduces volume of medical waste by over 98%  Eliminated future need for landfills for combustible waste  Small land requirements are less than 1% of landfill sites  Very inexpensive operating costs/low cost of installation.  Operator training and installation provided by IET  Service and warranty provided by IET 6

7 3 rd Party Verification of Technology  The following list of IET’s WG/TO technology benefits were taken directly from 3 rd party statements after a careful study of the process  commercially proven with mixed waste streams particularly MSW and waste tires  requires minimal presorting and processing of waste including tires  environmentally appropriate - yielding low air emissions well within EPA and EU standards and sterile ash  recapture of recyclables after gasification reduces material handling requirements  relatively low operating costs  robust primary cells with relatively few moving parts  very good utilization of the feed stock with high yield of useable energy  minimal waste disposal requirements, i.e., approximately 10% of incoming volume  modular, scalable and easily expandable to accommodate increased demand 7

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