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NÁZEV ŠKOLY: Základní škola Strančice, okres Praha - východ AUTOR: Mgr. Lenka Kulhavá NÁZEV: VY_32_INOVACE_3.2.2.2.O 20 TEMA: ANGLIČTINA ČÍSLO PROJEKTU:

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Presentation on theme: "NÁZEV ŠKOLY: Základní škola Strančice, okres Praha - východ AUTOR: Mgr. Lenka Kulhavá NÁZEV: VY_32_INOVACE_3.2.2.2.O 20 TEMA: ANGLIČTINA ČÍSLO PROJEKTU:"— Presentation transcript:

1 NÁZEV ŠKOLY: Základní škola Strančice, okres Praha - východ AUTOR: Mgr. Lenka Kulhavá NÁZEV: VY_32_INOVACE_3.2.2.2.O 20 TEMA: ANGLIČTINA ČÍSLO PROJEKTU: CZ.1.07/1.4.00/21.2976

2 Anotace: o Prezentace je určena žákům 2. stupně ZŠ k seznámení s tvořením příslovcí z přídavných jmen, k jejich procvičení a opakování. o V první tabulce se žáci seznámí s pravidelným tvořením přídavných jmen z příslovcí i s tvořením nepravidelným. o V dalších dvou cvičeních si děti mohou procvičit použití přídavných jmen a příslovcí v kontextu - nejdříve ústně, pak písemně fixem na tabuli. Cvičení lze také použít k opakování látky nebo k testování žáků. o Nakonec si žáci procvičí použití přídavných jmen a příslovcí v pohádce The Three Little Pigs. Protože se v textu objevuje také stupňování přídavných jmen, je lépe, když této prezentaci předchází procvičení stupňování, případně prezentace Comparison of adjectives.

3 ADJECTIVES AND ADVERBS Lenka Kulhavá easy - easily happy - happily good - well slow - slowly brave - bravely fast -fast tired - tiredly quick - quickly safe - safely

4 ADJECTIVE: what ADVERB: how They describe nouns or pronouns: The car is very slow. easy happy quiet brave tired quick slow safe loud horrible careful Irregular: good fast hard They describe verbs: He opened his eyes slowly. easily happily quietly bravely tiredly quickly slowly safely loudly horribly carefully well fast hard

5 Write down the correct form of the word in brackets (adjective or adverb): The boy pushed him very …………….. (hard, hardly). She is very …………… She ´s talking to him very ………………(unhappy, unhappilly) He is a……………worker. He works very ………………(good, well) This homework is really ……………….(easy, easily) Those people are speaking ……………….(quiet, quietly) Jane can speak English very …………….....(good, well) Tigers are said to be …………….animals (brave,bravely) The tennis player is ……………...(tired, tiredly) Cheetahs can run …………..(quick, quickly) He can lift the weight …………….(easy, easily) The children are playing the game ………………..(happy, happily) George is a ……….. skier. (good, well) Ann is writing the postcard ………….. (slow, slowly) I think we can do it …………….(easy, easily) Mice can move very ………………..(quiet, quietly) Knights usually fight ………………( brave, bravely) The girl are singing ………….. (happy, happily). She grabbed the bag and pulled ………………….(hard, hardly) He drove as ……………as possible to the airport (fast, fastly) Great. You´ve done that very …………….(good, well) The door behind him …………….opened. (sudden, suddenly)

6 Write down the correct form of the word in brackets (adjective or adverb): Tom is …………. He works………………. (slow) Sue is a ………. girl. She climbed up the ladder …………… (careful). The dog is ……….. It barks ……………. (angry) He acted ……………. He's an …………actor. (excellent) They learn English ………..They think English is an ………language. (easy) Max is a ………..singer. He sings ………….. (good) It's …….cold today. The cold wind is ………... (awful) Dogs rely on their noses as they can smell…. (extreme / good). If that is true, why does dog food smell so ……………..(terrible) ? The little boy looked…... I went over to comfort him and he looked at me ……. (sad) I tasted the soup………….. (careful) but it tasted……………… (wonderful). She drove the car very……..(slow). The pilot flew the plane …… (safe). Dad can drive very ……….(good). He made a ………noise. (loud). The doctor spoke ……….(quiet). He was a……………….. man (horrible). She put the vase on the table …………..(careful).

7 Fill in the correct form of the adjective or adverb. 1.Once upon a time there were three little pigs who wanted to see the world. When the they left home, their mum gave them some advice: Whatever you do, do it the …… can. (good) 2.So the three pigs wandered through the world and were the…… pigs you've ever seen. (happy) 3.They were playing …… games all summer long, but then came autumn and each pig wanted to build a house. (funny) 4.The first pig was not only the ……but also the……… of the pigs. (small, lazy) 5.He ………….built a house out of straw. (quick) 6.The second pig made his house out of wood which was a bit …….than building a straw house. (difficult) 7.The third pig followed his mum's advice and built a strong house out of bricks, which was the ………….house to build. (difficult) 8.The pig worked very……….., but finally got his house ready before winter. (hard) 9.During the cold winter months, the three little pigs lived ……… ………….. in their houses. (extreme, good) 10.They…………. visited one another and had the ………………… time of their lives. (regular, wonderful) THE THREE LITTLE PIGS - 1

8 Fill in the correct form of the adjective or adverbs: One night, however, a wolf came to the place where the three little pigs lived. It was the …………….. wolf in the whole wide world. (horrible) Being …………..hungry, he went straight to the straw house. (terrible) "Let me in, little pig," the wolf shouted out…………, "or I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house down!" (angry) The pig didn't let him in, but as the house was made out of straw, the wolf blew it down…………… (easy). The little pig ran to his brother's house as ………. as he could. But the wolf followed him to the wooden house. (fast) "Open up, little pigs," he shouted even ……….. (angry). Then he huffed and puffed and it didn't take him much ……… blow the house down. (long) The two pigs ……………..ran to their brother who lived in the brick house. (nervous) THE THREE LITTLE PIGS - 2

9 Fill in the correct form of the adjective or adverbs: The wolf followed them …………... (grim) "Open the door," he shouted………………. (furious) As the pigs didn't open, the wolf huffed and puffed ………….. But the stone house didn't fall down. (heavy) From all the huffing and puffing the wolf became even……………... (hungry) With his last power he……….. climbed up the house to get in through the chimney. (slow) The pigs saw this and …………….. lit a fire. (hasty) When the wolf climbed down the chimney, he fell into the fire which was………… (awful) He burnt his bum ………...... and ran away. (bad) From that day on, the pigs had no more trouble with the wolf and they lived ………………..ever after. (happy) THE THREE LITTLE PIGS - 3

10 Použité zdroje: Exercise - Adjective or Adverb. [online]. 2010 [cit. 2012-01-19]. Dostupné z: up/grammar/adjectives-adverbs/exercises Exercise “The three little pigs” – Part 1. [online]. 2010 [cit. 2012-01-19]. Dostupné z: Exercise “The three little pigs” – Part 2. [online]. 2010 [cit. 2012-01-19]. Dostupné z: PICTURE: Exercise “The three little pigs” – Part 2. [online]. 2010 [cit. 2012-01-19]. Dostupné z:

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