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!MKR The Client Experience at Push IT Cheltenham Quantitative Research 2012 Core Principles Personal Training & Development.

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1 !MKR The Client Experience at Push IT Cheltenham Quantitative Research 2012 Core Principles Personal Training & Development

2 !MKR Core Principles (CP) is a boutique personal training business in operation since September 2011. CP prides itself on providing fitness services by professionals in expert designed studios. Recently CP purchased an established PT studio in Cheltenham, Push It. With the aim to keep the ‘voice of the customer’ at the centre of the business, Core Principles commissioned an independent consultant* to conduct research among the Push It client base. The research can ensure that: Clients have an opportunity to communicate to Core Principles what is important to them Core Principles can then use an evidence based approach to service & operational decision making Background to this report * !MKR is Louise Montefiore Kennedy Louise is a dualist (qualitative/quantitative) researcher with nine years consulting and client service experience in the market research industry. Prior to going freelance in 2010, Louise worked agency - side at Sweeney Research and TNS Global. As a long term member of the AMSRS, Louise abides by the AMSRS Professional Code of Conduct

3 !MKR The research aims to understand the views of Push It clients More specifically: Find out how clients generally feel about key aspects of Push It personal trainers, group classes, studio facilities Obtain guidance on how to prioritise aspects of the planned refurbishment Identify potential modifications to the service offering (classes, opening hours etc) Research Objectives

4 !MKR Research Approach Client Survey _________ Method Online self completion survey Conducted using the Survey Monkey platform Distributed to clients with email addresses (N=106) n=62 surveys were completed Survey conducted in September 2012 Questionnaire Included the following lines of questioning How long have been a client & which services use Satisfaction with personal trainer performance (across 6 key aspects) Satisfaction with group classes (6 variants) Satisfaction studio facilities (across 9 key aspects) Comparison of Push IT to other gyms or studios Overall satisfaction & likelihood to recommend Push It Priorities for refurbishment at Cheltenham studio


6 !MKR Client snapshot Q1. How long have you been a client at Push It? Base: n=66 Q2. Which services do you use? Base: n=66 How long have been with Push It Services Used ‘Long termers’ (2+yrs) are the majority 3 in 10 people use PT only

7 !MKR Q18. Thinking about experiences you have had training in other studios or gyms, would you say Push It was Base: n=62 Compare to other gyms /studios, Push It was What clients say about Push It “It is a place where all the clients know each others names and many social groups have developed from this. Its part of the fun of being there and working out!!” “The place itself is in dire straits for improvement but it is due to the trainers that we attend” “The trainers are the heart & soul of the gym!” “We have a great bunch of people we train with”

8 !MKR Clients were generally happy & likely to recommend Push It How Satisfied with Push It? Q19. Taking into account all aspects, how satisfied were you with Push It? Base: n= 62 How likely to recommend Push It?


10 !MKR Trainer performance rates highly and there is room to improve Q3/8. How satisfied are you with… Base: n=29


12 !MKR Classes well regarded but some may be getting too crowded Q11. Shown below is a list of the classes on offer. Please indicate how you feel about the one’s you attend. Q12. Thinking about the classes you regularly attend, would you say the number of people is Base: Different base size for each class Totally satisfiedSatisfied Neither satisfied or dissatisfied DissatisfiedTotally dissatisfied How satisfied are you with Classes you regularly attend? # of people in each class is…?

13 !MKR There is interest in new class types Q14 A few new classes are being considered for Cheltenham. To what extent are you interested in the following Base: n=44 Really interestedInterestedNeitherNot interestedNot at all interested


15 !MKR Clients least satisfied with the gym equipment Q16. Shown below are different aspects of the studio. Please indicate how you feel about each one Base: n=62 Totally satisfiedSatisfied Neither satisfied or dissatisfied DissatisfiedTotally dissatisfied

16 !MKR Equipment & ‘the basics’ are priorities for the Cheltenham refurbishment Q22. As you know, the studio will be undergoing a refurbishment in the next few weeks. Shown below is a list of the sorts of things that could be included in a ‘refurb’. As a client of the studio, please indicate how important each one is to you.? Base: n=62


18 !MKR Q21. How do you feel about Push It being taken over by new owners? Base: n=62 People are feeling ‘a bit wary’ about new ownership

19 !MKR To many, Push It = close knit environment & quality training Q24. Lastly, please take this opportunity to share any concerns or thoughts you have about the new ownership and refurbishment. [OPEN RESPONSE] Base: n=42

20 !MKR Most would like the refurb to be fast tracked rather than staged Q23. As a result of the refurbishment we are planning, we know there will be disruption to the way you currently use the studio. Shown below are different ways that the transition could be tackled Please indicate which one of the following options you prefer most Base: n=62 Training would be held at an alternative location (outdoors or in a nearby hall) Training would continue in reduced space while the refurb happens progressively, e.g. restricted areas closed off while we train in the remaining area available

21 !MKR Summary of findings The business has a solid base from which to evolve well regarded training friendly environment well regarded classes (and interest in new classes) There is some ‘apprehension’ among clients about how the studio will evolve will the prices go up? will the atmosphere change? Clients acknowledge that the studio and equipment really need an overhaul priorities are about getting the basics right (equipment, air flow/con, flooring etc.) Preference is for the refurbishment to take place sooner rather than later

22 !MKR !

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