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General facts – for all STDs Agents that cause the disease live only in the body  Spread through genital contact,  from mother to baby- HIV/AIDS  through.

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Presentation on theme: "General facts – for all STDs Agents that cause the disease live only in the body  Spread through genital contact,  from mother to baby- HIV/AIDS  through."— Presentation transcript:

1 General facts – for all STDs Agents that cause the disease live only in the body  Spread through genital contact,  from mother to baby- HIV/AIDS  through blood and infected needles Girls are more at risk – greater negative health effects than boys

2 General facts continued The symptoms of STD’s are not all obvious An individual may not know they have contracted an STD Not all STD’s are treatable Not all STD’s are curable Some may cause cancer for both males and females

3 Sexually Transmitted Diseases Six most common STDs among unmarried, sexually active young people Human Papillomavirus (HPV) difficult to treat Chlamydia very common, may not know you have it Herpes 2 types: 1 cold sore virus; 2 genital herpes no cure herpes, but can be treated Gonorrhea can be treated, but most girls have no symptoms and don’t know they have it Syphilis can be cured, but may go undetected HIV/AIDS not curable, but drugs slow the spread of the disease

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