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Rhetorical Situation ›This is The Baby Show, a Toronto, Ontario tradeshow for pregnancy- and child-related products ›The primary audience is women and.

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Presentation on theme: "Rhetorical Situation ›This is The Baby Show, a Toronto, Ontario tradeshow for pregnancy- and child-related products ›The primary audience is women and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rhetorical Situation ›This is The Baby Show, a Toronto, Ontario tradeshow for pregnancy- and child-related products ›The primary audience is women and couples struggling with infertility ›The secondary audience is people who want to become pregnant ›I am a Cambridge Temperature Concepts rep who is presenting the company’s new product, DuoFertility

2 DuoFertility: Assisted Natural Conception Reita Sutherland TWR 2009 Accurate. Convenient. Natural.

3 Struggling with Infertility? ›Infertility: –Being unable to become pregnant after two full years of actively trying to conceive. Or Just Trying to Conceive? ›Couples who do not become pregnant within their first six months of trying are statistically less likely to become pregnant within four years.

4 Tired of Seeing This Every Month?

5 Have You Tried DuoFertility? ›Invented by Cambridge Temperature Concepts in 2009 ›FDA approval as of 2013 ›Over 900 babies produced the DuoFertility way!

6 What is DuoFertility? ›Accurate –Effortless predicts your ovulation with up to six day’s notice ›Convenient –Wearable tech lets you wear it and forget about it ›Natural –Requires no shots, surgeries, or medical interventions Our Product How It Works Who Uses It? Try it Yourself!

7 What is DuoFertility? Our Product How It Works Who Uses It? Try it Yourself! Stick-on Sensor Hand-held Reader

8 What is DuoFertility? Our Product How It Works Who Uses It? Try it Yourself!

9 Our Pathway to Pregnancy Our Product How It Works Who Uses It? Try it Yourself!

10 How Do I Use It? Step One: Attach DuoFertility’s discreet easy-to-wear sensor. Our Product How It Works Who Uses It? Try it Yourself!

11 How Do I Use It? Step Two: Tap the sensor with your monitor. Our Product How It Works Who Uses It? Try it Yourself!

12 How Do I Use It? Step Three: Upload your data to your computer. Even generate reports for your doctor! Our Product How It Works Who Uses It? Try it Yourself!

13 How Do I Use It? Step Four: Consult DuoFertility’s experts whenever you need it. Our Product How It Works Who Uses It? Try it Yourself!

14 Scientifically Proven to be Accurate! ›DuoFertility is accurate in predicting the day of ovulation 100% of the time in infertile women aged 27 to 40 ›Rollason, J. Outtrim and R. Mathur, 'A pilot study comparing the DuoFertility monitor with ultrasound in infertile women', International Journal of Women's Health, p. 657-662, 2014. Our Product How It Works Who Uses It? Try it Yourself!

15 Scientifically Proven to be Accurate! DuoFertility senses the small changes in your basal body temperature that predict ovulation! Our Product How It Works Who Uses It? Try it Yourself!

16 Is DuoFertility the Right Choice for You? Our Product How It Works Who Uses It? Try it Yourself! ›Have you been trying to get pregnant for at least six months? ›Have you been diagnosed with a medical condition that impedes your fertility? ›Are you considering a pricey medical procedure like IVF or IUI?

17 Trying to Get Pregnant? Our Product How It Works Who Uses It? Try it Yourself! ›Many women don’t understand their bodies’ natural fertility. DuoFertility can help you quickly harness it! ›After six months of actively trying, your likelihood of conceiving significantly drops!

18 Do You Have a Fertility-Related Medical Issue? ConditionCan You Use DuoFertility? Primary Infertility Secondary Infertility PCOS Low Sperm Count Irregular Cycles Blocked Fallopian Tubes  No Viable Sperm  Our Product How It Works Who Uses It? Try it Yourself!

19 Are You Considering Another Method? Requires Medical Intervention Gives Advance Notice to Try Inexpensive (<$1500) Non- Invasive Time- Consuming Professiona l Advice IVF  IUI  Serena ST  Calendar Method  Ovulation Test Strips  DuoFertility  Our Product How It Works Who Uses It? Try it Yourself!

20 So Who Uses DuoFertility? Our Product How It Works Who Uses It? Try it Yourself! Parents! Here are a few testimonials from our customers!

21 Emma: PCOS Sufferer ›“This monitor is the only aid to conception that I found to be reliable as PCOS makes the LH ovulation tests unreliable […] The monitor takes your temperature thousands of times a day which means you get the most accurate readings possible - it meant I could go to the doctor and present extremely accurate charts to prove I was not ovulating and push for help. After surgery to attempt to correct the PCOS I fell pregnant the first cycle of use with Duofertility.” Our Product How It Works Who Uses It? Try it Yourself!

22 Anne-Marie & Richard: Irregular Cycles ›“We really didn’t want to embark on IVF, which we were advised would be our next step after medication. DuoFertility empowered me, gave us the knowledge we needed and the fertility team reassured us and supported us through the entire process. We actually found out that I was pregnant on my birthday, which was the best present ever!” Our Product How It Works Who Uses It? Try it Yourself!

23 John & Cara: Immobile Sperm/Low-Quality Eggs ›“The DuoFertility service has been invaluable to us and we can’t recommend it enough. I honestly don’t know where we would be without the monitor and the birth of our boys.” Our Product How It Works Who Uses It? Try it Yourself!

24 Elise & Paul: Unknown Causes ›“The interesting part is that [when we got pregnant] we had been using DuoFertility for a very short time (less than three months) so it was not that we were not able physically to conceive, we were just not getting enough information ahead of time through the other traditional methods to plan appropriately.” Our Product How It Works Who Uses It? Try it Yourself!

25 Try It Today! ›Low-Cost ›Easy to Buy ›Three Models Available Our Product How It Works Who Uses It? Try it Yourself!

26 All Models Have Essential Features! FeatureLite - $385Premium - $795Deluxe - $1299 Stick-on sensor & wireless handheld reader Up to six days’ advance warning of your ovulation Your data reviewed every time you log in Precise confirmation when you ovulate Proactive alerts of any potential issues with your cycle 24/7 support line with fertility and technical advice Monthly fee ($79)  Our Product How It Works Who Uses It? Try it Yourself!

27 Premium Model: More Features For You! FeatureLite - $385Premium - $795Deluxe - $1299 Initial review by our senior fertility experts  Expert advice & feedback after every cycle  Dedicated personal fertility coach for one-on-one support  Confidential medical reports to share with your doctor  Our Product How It Works Who Uses It? Try it Yourself!

28 Deluxe Model: Even More! FeatureLite - $385Premium - $795Deluxe - $1299 Free pregnancy test kits  Pre- & post-natal support and advice  Free pregnancy goody bag  Donate your monitor to a friend service  Our Product How It Works Who Uses It? Try it Yourself!

29 Why DuoFertility is the Smart Choice! 80% of couples can be helped 10% of the price of one cycle of IVF 2500 temperature readings every day 6 days’ advance notice to try 931 babies conceived the DuoFertility way Our Product How It Works Who Uses It? Try it Yourself!

30 Contact Us! Begin Your Journey to Parenthood! ›UK customer service: 01223 967 701 US customer service: 1-866-727-9807 ›UK customer support: US customer support: ›Twitter: @DuoFertility ›Website: Our Product How It Works Who Uses It? Try it Yourself!

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