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CPK 1.Describe how an ION is different from an ATOM. 2.Identify 3 properties of WATER.

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Presentation on theme: "CPK 1.Describe how an ION is different from an ATOM. 2.Identify 3 properties of WATER."— Presentation transcript:


2 CPK 1.Describe how an ION is different from an ATOM. 2.Identify 3 properties of WATER.

3  Many compounds dissolve in water. ―Solution formed when one substance dissolves in another. Solvents (usually LIQUID) dissolve other substances. Solutes (usually SOLID) dissolve in a solvent. Examples: Kool-Aid, Hot Chocolate… solution

4  Some compounds form acids or bases. ―pH scale Measures concentration of Hydrogen ions (H + ) range of 0-14 ―ACID pH less than 7 ―BASE pH greater than 7 more acidic stomach acid pH between 1 and 3 Baking Soda has a pH between 8 and 9 more basic

5 Learning Objectives : Distinguish between monomers and polymers. Differentiate between a monosaccharide, disaccharide and a polysaccharide. Compare carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids.

6 CFU Read the Learning Objectives for today. (Choral/Cloze Reading) With your partner, Identify the Content and Skill from today’s Learning Objective.



9  Carbon atoms have unique bonding properties. ―Carbon forms covalent bonds with any four atoms. ―Carbon-based molecules have three structures. straight chain branched chain ring

10 ― MACROMOLECULES (polymer) made of small subunits bonded together. ―MONOMER Individual (or one) subunit of a macromolecule ― POLYMER made of many monomers  Carbon-Based MACROMOLECULES

11 CFU A –B pair share: Explain why carbon molecules have unique bonding properties. A –B pair share: Differentiate between monomers and polymers. Be ready to share out

12  4 types of Carbon-Based MACROMOLECULES CarbohydratesProteinsLipidsNucleic Acids

13 Carbohydrates --Characteristics POLYMER made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen Examples: Sugars (GLUCOSE) and Starches Monosaccharides (simple sugars) Disaccharides Polysaccharides (starches, cellulose, and glycogen) Polymer (starch) Starch is a polymer of glucose monomers Polymer (cellulose) Cellulose is a polymer of glucose monomers monomer

14 --Functions Broken down to provide energy for cells part of cell membrane structure Major part of plant cells (cellulose)

15 Lipids –Characteristics Polymer nonpolar molecules that include fats, oils, and cholesterol. Made up of 1 glycerol and 3 fatty acids Example: PHOSPHOLIPIDS Polar phosphate “head” Nonpolar fatty acid “tails” -- Functions Stores a large amount of energy Major part of Cell Membrane Triglyceride Phospholipid

16 CFU A –B pair share: Describe the function of carbohydrates. A –B pair share: Describe the function of lipids. Be ready to share out

17  Proteins ―Characteristics: Polymer made of Monomers called AMINO ACIDS (A.A.) 20 different AMINO ACIDS in all living things amino acids: made of Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Hydrogen & Sulfur amino acids: linked by peptide bonds to form polypeptides (proteins) Structure and Function of PROTEINS depend on the number and order of those 20 amino acids Make ENZYMES

18 --Functions Catalyze (speed up) Chemical reactions Transport (move) molecules Help in Movement of muscles Protection vs. pathogens Involve in cell growth and differentiation

19 CFU White Board DNA is the genetic material that codes for a sequence of amino acids. Many amino acids make up a protein. Which is the monomer? A celluloseB protein C amino acidD DNA Which of the following is a function of protein? A catalyze chemical reaction B transport molecules C help moves muscles D all the above Fats and oils are examples of A lipids.B proteins. C nucleic acids. D carbohydrates.

20  Nucleic Acids ―Characteristics Polymer made of Monomers called nucleotides. Nucleotides: made of a sugar, phosphate group, and a nitrogen base Examples: DNA and RNA A phosphate group nitrogen-containing molecule, called a base deoxyribose (sugar)

21 –Functions: DNA stores genetic information. RNA builds proteins. DNA RNA

22 2.3 Power Notes Made of carbon…… Broken down for energy... Individual (or one) _____ of a ______Made of many ________

23 Lab: “Carbon Based Organic Molecules” “Carbon Based Organic Molecules”

24 STEP 1 - I F V STEP 2 - Write out the TOPIC sentence from above example Breaking down definition consists of several steps STEP 3 - Create a FACT OUTLINE from NOTES STEP 4 - Write the IVF Summary Paragraph beginning with the TOPIC sentence and details from above DO IT !!! You do by yourself Objective Revisited

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