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Affordable Rental Housing Plan A PEACE INITIATIVE March 19, 2010.

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1 Affordable Rental Housing Plan A PEACE INITIATIVE March 19, 2010

2 Polk Ecumenical Action Council for Empowerment (PEACE) The purpose of the organization is to build a strong coalition capable of negotiating the interests of our community with a special concern for the involvement and issues of low and moderate-income people. Mission Statement Polk County is committed to working with PEACE to provide affordable housing for low and moderate income households.

3 Polk Ecumenical Action Council for Empowerment (PEACE) Goal: Provide Affordable Rental Housing for Low Income Households Goal = 1,724

4 Polk County’s Role  Leverage Tax Credits Provided by Florida Housing Finance Corporation (FHFC) – Contribute Federal and State Funds to Construction of Rental Housing Units  Provide Rental Assistance or Subsidy  Waive Impact Fees for Affordable and Workforce Housing  Implement Land Use Policies to Allow More Affordable Housing Providing Affordable Rental Housing


6 Polk Ecumenical Action Council for Empowerment (PEACE) Goal: Provide Affordable Rental Housing for Low Income Households New Units: Over 1,400 new units have been constructed since 2003 and close to 400 are under development. The BoCC has contributed approximately $6.5 Million towards the construction of these new units.

7 Apartment Rental Units in Polk County There are over 12,000 rental apartment units in Polk County. The current vacancy rate for apartment units exceeds 10%. As the vacancy rate increases, the ability to obtain tax credit financing decrease. Increasing access to existing units is part of the solution...

8 Access to Rental Housing  The average monthly rent for rental apartments is $749.  To keep housing costs less than 30%, a household must earn $2,163 monthly or $31,360 annually. Monthly Increasing access to existing units is part of the solution...

9 Rental Assistance  Housing Choice Vouchers are provided through:  Bartow Housing Authority  Haines City Housing Authority  Lakeland Housing Authority  Lake Wales Housing Authority  Winter Haven Housing Authority  Polk County HND  Polk County also provides subsidies through the Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (TBRA) Program  30 Vouchers – Existing  $300,000 Allocation Beginning this Fiscal Year

10 Polk Ecumenical Action Council for Empowerment (PEACE) Goal: Provide Affordable Rental Housing for Low Income Households New Units: Polk County plans to invest $300,000 annually in the Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (TBRA) Program. This will provide 30 low income households with access to affordable rental housing.

11 Tennant Based Rental Assistance Voucher TBRA Apartment Guide Anywhere in Polk County

12 Impact Fee Waivers  Polk County eliminates or reduces impact fees for Affordable and Workforce Housing  Affordable Housing (Low Income) 100% Exemption – Up to $9,763/Unit  Workforce Housing (Moderate Income) 50% Waiver – Up to $4,881/Unit  Since 2003, Polk County has waived over $2.4 Million in impact fees for Affordable and Workforce Housing

13 Land Use Policies  Polk County has reviewed the Land Development Code to identify and remove obstacles to affordable housing  Staff is currently pursuing the creation of “Transit Centers.”  As proposed, affordable housing projects within a Transit Center will be eligible for a density bonus – 1 to 5 dwelling units per acre.

14 Transit Center Rail or bus station within convenient walking distance of worksites, homes, shops, schools and other public services. Improved Access to Transit Compact, Walkable Places Job Opportunities Mix of Housing Types Medical and Social Services Shopping Education and Training Sites

15 Access to Transit... Means Access to  xxx Job Training Grocery Shopping Childcare Education Recreation Healthcare Services Employment

16 Transit Oriented Development (TOD) can contribute to more affordable housing. TOD can add to the supply of affordable housing by providing lower-cost and accessible housing, and by reducing household transportation expenditures. Housing costs for land and structures can be significantly reduced through more compact growth patterns. California Department of Transportation The average American household spends approximately 18 percent of its annual income on transportation and lower income families spend as much as 33 percent. FTA-HUD Affordable Housing-Transit Plan, August 2008 Households with workers who take transit save $32 per week ($1670 per year) on fuel costs compared to similar households whose workers drive to work. National Household Travel Survey Transit Makes Housing... More Affordable

17 Housing Opportunities  Staff is identifying opportunities for affordable and workforce housing within the proposed Transit Centers.

18 Other Actions  Increase home ownership for low or moderate income households (Free up existing rental units)  120 Units provided through the Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP)  9 Units constructed through funding provided to Habitat for Humanity  Provide 50 new rental units through the NSP.  Seek additional federal and state funding.

19 Polk Ecumenical Action Council for Empowerment (PEACE) Goal: Provide Affordable Rental Housing for Low Income Households New Units: Additional Efforts: Creation of Transit Centers Density Bonuses Increase Home Ownership More Rental Units Increased Funding Goal = 1,775Progress to Date = 1,828

20 Conclusion Slide  Polk County shares PEACE’s commitment to providing more affordable housing options for low and moderate income households.  We respectfully request PEACE’s help to:  Secure increased federal and state funding for affordable housing; and  Keep affordable housing a legislative and community priority.

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