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March 2011 VisiBroker ® Licensing Model - Introduction.

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2 March 2011 VisiBroker ® Licensing Model - Introduction

3 VisiBroker – Basic Product Shape VisiBroker Development / Production VisiBroker Services (“VisiServices”) VisiSecureVisiTransactVisiNotify JavaC++.NET

4 Product Functionality - Core Allows development and deployment of a distributed application comprised of heterogeneous objects (C++, Java,.NET). A developer uses CORBA IDL as the “glue” mechanism VisiBroker Development / Production Allows development and deployment of a distributed application comprised of: Inter-operates with object implementations developed with: JavaC++.NET Java objects C++ objects.NET objects C++ and.NETJava and.NETJava and C++

5 Product Functionality – CORBA Services VisiSecure VisiBroker Development / Production VisiBroker Services (“VisiServices”) JavaC++.NET VisiNotify VisiTransact Implements the OMG and Java EE Security models, allowing for secure encrypted SSL data communications Implements the OMG Event/Notification Specification, allowing for advanced event and message handling Implements the OMG XA model for Distributed Transactions, supporting two-phase commit

6 Product Licensing - Development VisiBroker Development ….whereas in prior versions, each product is licensed separately (.NET is free of charge) Licensing is per “named user” – mechanism is node lock In VisiBroker V8.5, the development products are all included in one development license, including VisiServices… With a development license, you may develop and test an application on one workstation. If you deploy the application, it will time out after 10 hours. VisiBroker for C++ and.NET Development VisiBroker for Java and.NET Development VisiBroker for.NET Development

7 Product Licensing – Deployment VisiBroker Production Core VisiBroker Services (“VisiServices”) VisiSecure VisiTransact VisiNotify.NET Deployment (Client) Licensing is per CPU/cores count Production Core allows for server-side execution of any VisiBroker-developed application.NET Client allows for client-side execution of VisiBroker-developed.NET applications Each VisiService runtime add-on is licensed separately VisiBroker Production

8 VisiBroker Release History 2000199920012002200320042005200620072008200920102011 VisiBroker 8.5 BES VisiBroker 6 BES* VisiBroker 5 VisiBroker 3 VisiBroker 4 VisiBroker 4.5 BES VisiBroker 5.2.1 BES VisiBroker 6.5 VisiBroker 7 VisiBroker 8 (*) BES = Borland Enterprise Server

9 Frequently Asked Questions

10 March 2011 VisiBroker ® Licensing Model

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