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Science TAKS: Bell Ringers Prepared for the Scurry-Rosser High School Science Department Objective 1, B.01A The student will demonstrate an understanding.

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1 Science TAKS: Bell Ringers Prepared for the Scurry-Rosser High School Science Department Objective 1, B.01A The student will demonstrate an understanding of the nature of science.

2 #1) Classification symbols for certain fire extinguishers are shown below. Which class of fire extinguishers should be used when a hot plate overheats and catches on fire? State Average: 25% correct

3 #2) Reactions that produce toxic gases should be performed in a F. laboratory fume hood G. beaker with a watch glass on top H. well-ventilated area of the lab J. warm, airtight drying oven State Average: 35% correct

4 #3) The safest way to dilute concentrated sulfuric acid is to add A. a series of small volumes of water to the acid while stirring B. the acid to water slowly while stirring constantly C. the acid to a small volume of water and then add more water D. dilute sulfuric acid to a small volume of the concentrated acid State Average: 45% correct

5 #4) A science class is conducting an experiment that produces noxious fumes. Because of inadequate ventilation, some students begin to feel nauseated and dizzy. The first response should be to F. neutralize the acid that is reacting to produce the noxious fumes G. carry the reactants outside, away from other students H. leave the room and go to an area with fresh air J. spray the reaction with a fire extinguisher State Average: 66% correct

6 #5) All of these procedures must be followed when using the setup shown except A. putting on safety goggles B. handling the beaker with tongs C. securing loose clothing D. wearing rubber gloves State Average: 73% correct

7 #6) The label shown contains information about some harmful effects of acetone. A group of students plans to use acetone to rinse out a glass container. A second group of students is working at the same lab table. Which of the following lab procedures should the second group of students avoid? F. Heating water with an open flame G. Pouring hydrochloric acid into a beaker H. Filtering precipitates from a liquid solution J. Collecting oxygen from plants in a test tube State Average: 78% correct

8 TAKS Question Set Answers #1 C #2 F #3 B #4 H #5 D #6 F

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