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Construction Safety Audit Scoring System (ConSASS) and Its Progress 19 January 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Construction Safety Audit Scoring System (ConSASS) and Its Progress 19 January 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Construction Safety Audit Scoring System (ConSASS) and Its Progress 19 January 2012

2 Introduction Fundamental understanding of ConSASS Progress of ConSASS Benefits of Adoption of ConSASS FAQ Scope

3 ConSASS Construction Safety Audit Scoring System

4 Since 1994, a worksite with a contract sum of S$30 million or more is required to be audited on their SHMS once every 6 months. The checklist used to conduct safety audit differs from one auditing organization to another. Introduction

5 The use of different checklists and a lack of a standardised scoring system pose challenges when differentiating worksites in term of their effectiveness and implementation of SHMS. For example, the audit score given by auditing organisation A is 70%. Is it same as the audit score (70%) given by auditing organisation B? Introduction

6 The Construction Safety Audit Scoring System (ConSASS) was therefore established to overcome these challenges by providing a standardised checklist and scoring system. This unified system provides an easy cross comparison for audit results. Introduction

7 For example- Project A with all the 17 elements at band 3 is definitely better than Project B with all the 17 elements at band 1. On the condition that same phase of construction rather than different phase. Introduction

8 The Construction Safety Audit Scoring System (ConSASS) is a standardised audit tool which provides an independent assessment of the safety and health management system (SHMS) at a worksite How it works? Fundamental Understanding of ConSASS

9 ConSASS comprises of a standardised audit checklist and score card that can be used to evaluate the effectiveness and development status of the worksite’s safety and health management system (SHMS). Fundamental Understanding of ConSASS

10 ConSASS checklist encompasses approximately 330 + questions. Interview checklist comprising 51 interview questions for site personnel from all levels. They are structured based on “Plan - Do – Check – Act (PDCA)” cycle in 17 elements as follow. Fundamental Understanding of ConSASS

11 OSH Policy (Plan) (1 element) Planning (Plan) (4 elements) Implementation & Operation (Do) (7 elements) Checking & Corrective Action (Check) (4 elements) Management Review (Act) (1 element) Continual Improvement Fundamental Understanding of ConSASS

12 OSH Policy 1 OSH Policy Planning 2.1 Planning for hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control 2.2 Legal and other requirements 2.3 Objectives 2.4 OSH Management Programme(s) Implementation & Operation 3.1 Structure and responsibility 3.2 Training, awareness and competence 3.3 Consultation and communication 3.4 Documentation 3.5 Document and data control 3.6 Operational control 3.7 Emergency preparedness and response Checking & Corrective Action 4.1 Performance measurement and monitoring 4.2 Accidents, incidents, non-conformances and corrective and preventive action 4.3 Records and records management 4.4 Audit Management Review 4.5 Management review Continual Improvement Fundamental Understanding of ConSASS

13 The audit questionnaires is derived from: Fundamental Understanding of ConSASS

14 Distribution of the 330+ ConSASS audit questions Fundamental Understanding of ConSASS SS506 = 186 CP79 = 57 UAI = 127 SS506 / CP79 = 26 UAI / CP79 = 9 UAI / SS506 = 0

15 Companies can identify the 118(127-9) question which are purely contributed from UAI. Companies can then enhance their SS506/OHSAS 18001 & CP79 based on these questions to cover the gap created by these UAI questions. Fundamental Understanding of ConSASS

16 Sample of Document and Physical Verification Checklist Fundamental Understanding of ConSASS DR – Document Verification PI – Physical Condition Verification IP – Interview of Knowledgeable Personnel

17 Sample of Interview Checklist Fundamental Understanding of ConSASS

18 Sample of ConSASS Score Card Fundamental Understanding of ConSASS

19 The questions in the ConSASS checklist are categorized into 4 bands, from band I to Band IV with each increasing Roman numeral reflecting the higher development status of the element being audited. To pass each band, the element being audited needs to satisfy >70% of the questions within the band. Fundamental Understanding of ConSASS

20 S/No.System Elements Band 1Band 2Band 3Band 4 1 OSH Policy 2644 2.1 Planning for hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control 6653 2.2 Legal and other requirements 2211 2.3 Objectives 2575 2.4 OSH Management Programme(s) 3332 3.1 Structure and responsibility 1644 3.2 Training, awareness and competence 71596 3.3 Consultation and communication 610127 3.4 Documentation 1442 3.5 Document and data control 2641 3.6 Operational control 811135 3.7 Emergency preparedness and response 3743 Fundamental Understanding of ConSASS

21 S/No.System Elements Band 1Band 2Band 3Band 4 4.1 Performance measurement and monitoring 2665 4.2 Accidents, incidents, non- conformances and corrective and preventive action 38113 4.3 Records and records management 2832 4.4 Audit 2963 4.5 Management review 11073 Fundamental Understanding of ConSASS

22 DR – Document Verification PI – Physical Condition Verification IP – Interview of Knowledgeable Personnel

23 DR – Document Verification PI – Physical Condition Verification IP – Interview of Knowledgeable Personnel Fundamental Understanding of ConSASS





28 The score card is a final report card which tabulates the results from the different elements audited. It allows for quick and easy visualization of the development status of the different elements in the safety and health management system. Fundamental Understanding of ConSASS


30 Progress of ConSASS

31 ConSASS Audits Conducted Companies started to take up ConSASS since 2007 Total of >150 ConSASS audits conducted since Oct 2007 25 Companies participation in ConSASS 20072008200920102011 Jan-Aug TOTAL No. 329414549167

32 ConSASS Audits Conducted Why ConSASS? (25 Companies) Proactive approach – 9 (36%) Contractual (HDB) – 9 (36%) BUS – 4 (16%) WSH Awards – 3 (12%) 139 Audits, Project Contract value (S$34Millions to S$1 Billion) Proactive approach – 90 (65%) Contractual (HDB) – 20 (14%) BUS – 23 (17%)** WSH Awards – 6 (4%)

33 Summary of ConSASS Score BAND IBAND IIBAND IIIBAND IV 200715128.333.67 200813.18.385.002.1 200916.413.58.64.6 201016.613.89.64.6 Average number of Elements in each Band Note: Max 17 Elements in each Band


35 Summary of ConSASS Score Elements 2007200820092010 3.7*** 3.2 2.2* Average banding in each Element

36 Summary of ConSASS Score Elements 2007200820092010* 1.9*** 2.4* Average banding in each Element (Continue..)

37 Band IIIIIIIV 18 th & 19 th May 2009Project A 15920 13 th & 14 th May 2010Project A 171372 01 st & 02 nd Dec 2010Project A 1716113 15 th & 16 th Mar 2010Project B 161120 21 st & 22 nd Mar 2011Project B 161451 10 th & 11 th Jun 2010Project C 16 117 24 th & 25 th Jun 2010Project D 16 117 10 th & 11 th Jan 2011Project D 16 117 07 th & 08 th Jul 2010Project E 171583 29 th & 30 th Jul 2010Project F 1615105 21 st & 22 nd Oct 2010Project G 161353 Average 16.2147.53.5 SC2 Average (2010) 16.613.89.64.6 ConSASS Score of a Co. under BUS (From Reactive to Proactive)

38 Review of ConSASS Checklist SCAL’s WSH Committee sent out email to all users(PM, SM, WSHO) of ConSASS users A workgroup formed under the SCAL WSH Committee to conduct the review. Workgroup chaired by Mr Howard How (Boustead) Workgroup members from Woh Hup, Shimizu, Progressive, Hexacon, Straits, Tiong Seng, Singapore Piling, Gammon Email feedback from CES, Sato Kogyo Above companies involved in > 75% of the ConSASS Audits conducted.

39 S/NoBandComments on ConSASS ChecklistSuggestion that more challenging but realistic objectives are set to ensure continual improvement need examples to understand 2.3.13IVDo not understand what evidence to produce. To give example of appropriate evidence. 2.4.7IVAmendment made to management programEvery year review the management program then what is the evidences can produce? 2.4.8IVWhen ever objective not meet with in the time frame Always not applicable 3.2.14IINon conformance that related to inadequate training Always not applicable (need 3 samples?) General Comments 1. Guidance notes and standard specification in the ConSASS Audit checklist Those making reference to SS506 to be updated to the latest version of SS506 : Part 1 : 2009. 2. Guideline for implementation of the ConSASS Audit checklist Referring to the concept of developing the SS506 : Part 1 2009, the relevant authority should attempt to develop Guidelines for the implementation of the ConSASS Audit checklist. This would benefit the system as a whole and align the requirements expected for the audit questions. 3. All UAI question in Band IV is very difficult to understand, even different auditor give different interpretation. Checklist should guide us to improve our system not to confuse and argue with auditor. Give examples for all UAI question, for easy understanding and the whole industry can benefit from that.

40 The workgroup under the SCAL WSH Committee has completed the review. Comments were further validated. In summary, we have conclude the following: Total presenting comments on 78 questions; Out of which 34 questions to be removed; 10 recommendation to combine questions; 5 recommendation to rephrase questions; 7 recommendation to re-word questions; 3 recommendation to move questions to other elements/Band. SCAL will put up a formal proposal to WSHC on the review of ConSASS Checklist.

41 ConSASS audit is more objective and will help standardize the audits, so that the safety standards of construction industry can be raised. ConSASS audit provides auditors the convenience of using one checklist to fulfil the purpose of SS506 (OSHAS 18001) audit and mandatory (CP79) audit. Benefits of Adoption of ConSASS

42 ConSASS can be used for cross- comparison between worksites in relation to their effectiveness in managing workplace safety and health risks. Benefits of Adoption of ConSASS

43 ConSASS provides a profile of the development status and maturity level of each component of a worksite's safety and health management system. This helps management to better allocate resources in order to elevate the standard and improve the effectiveness in managing a worksite's safety and health risks Benefits of Adoption of ConSASS

44 Basically the Award Audit checklist is established based on ConSASS audit checklist. Option 1 - If your company / worksite has attained more than 70% of all elements (i.e. 12 elements) at Band III or above, you can apply for WSHPA & SHARP Awards – using Award Audit Checklist. Benefits of Adoption of ConSASS

45 Option 2 – your worksite can apply for SHARP Awards – using ConSASS audit results, which were audited within the period specified by WSHC (e.g. for 2011 - from1 July 2010 till 25 Mar 2011). The audit score must be all elements (i.e. 17 elements) at Band III or above with evidences compiled and submitted. No additional audit is required for the SHARP Award application. Benefits of Adoption of ConSASS

46 Is it compulsory to have ConSASS audit? MOM announced in February 2011 and followed by a circular in June that with effect from 1 Aug 2011, all construction worksites with contract sum of S$30 million or more are required to have their mandatory SHMS audits conducted based on the ConSASS audit checklist. FAQ


48 Subsequently, MOM has agreed with SCAL request that contractors who are not ready to adopt ConSASS can apply for a deferment through their auditors. This deferment will be applicable until 1 February 2012. In the meantime, SCAL would like to urge all contractors to learn and adopt the ConSASS audit system to better assess your SHMS at worksites. FAQ

49 Who can be engaged to provide ConSASS audit? MOM approved auditing organization; e.g. SC2 Pte Ltd FAQ

50 How long will it take to conduct a ConSASS audit? The duration varies from 3 to 6 mandays depending on the auditing firm’s auditing system (1 manday is defined as the work done by one auditor in one day). SC2 protocol is at least 4 mandays (i.e. 2 days and 2 auditors), as we cover all 330 + questions. FAQ

51 What is considered a “passing” mark under ConSASS? There is no “pass” or “fail” under the ConSASS audit. It provides a profile of development status of each element of your safety and health management system, so that you can improve the weaker elements and elevate the overall standard and effectiveness of your SHMS. FAQ

52 Whether necessary to establish a manual to fit ConSASS? No need, If you have a SS506 / OHSAS 18001 manual. However, you just need to add on in your manual to close up those gaps, mostly UAI questions. Most of UAI questions are more difficult and mostly in Band 3 / 4. FAQ

53 Some barriers to adopt to ConSASS audit Most of the sites are familiar with CP 79 rather than SS506 / OHSAS 18001. It need to involve more personnel / departments than only WSH personnel. WSHO not familiar with organizational SS506 / OHSAS 18001. FAQ

54 S/No. System Elements Audit QuestionAssistance may be required 2.1 Planning for hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control e.g. 2.1.14Design team /Engineer 3.6 Operational control e.g. 3.6.18Procurement Department 4.4 Audit AllHQ(MR) 4.5 Management review AllHQ(MR)

55 Where can I get a copy of ConSASS checklist and relevant material? The ConSASS guideline, checklist and score card can be downloaded from the following website: FAQ : :

56 FAQ


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