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Entrepreneurship Born Became ENTREPRENEUR Characteristics ENTREPRENEURIAL ATTITTUDE Iniciative Pró-Activity Inovative spirit Self-Confident Risk Taker.

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2 Entrepreneurship Born Became ENTREPRENEUR Characteristics ENTREPRENEURIAL ATTITTUDE Iniciative Pró-Activity Inovative spirit Self-Confident Risk Taker Self Motivation Self-Sufficiency Decision and sense of responsability Team worker Be a leader Capable of motivate the work team Manage by objectives Capable to adapt to the situations Be objective

3 Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship: Ability to transform ideas in actions; Requires creativity, innovation, risk taking, ability to plan and manage projects in order to reach objectives; stimulate the skills of the students without influence their decisions, prepare them for their own options; Develop the potential of students to be entrepreneurs in any actuvity;

4 Education for Entrepreneurship “The School should promote na entrepreneurial attitude” Vision: All the students are entrepreneurs if they live in a favorable environment that encourage their potential Mission: Guarantee that all the students have access to an education that incentive the entrepreneurship of each, through the development of competences integrated in a critical thought, turned to the change and for the resolution of problems. Values: Social Responsibility, Innovation e Action-Thought. Methodology: Learning by doing

5 Education for Entrepreneurship Learning by Doing Learning by doing implies to the students to: - Obtain information - Select an activity - Plan - Organize a group/team - Execute - Control This methodology permits to face the “ERROR” as a way of “LEARNING and DEVOLOPMENT

6 Education for Entrepreneurship “What is expected from the teachers and other education, training and orientation agents?” “Teach how to fish without put the bate” Valorize the effort, the process, and the individual and collective result

7 Education for Entrepreneurship Competences to develop Self Confidence / Risk Taking Initiative / Energy Resistance to failures Planning / Organization Creativity / Innovation Inter-personal relationships Create real situations, in order to all these competences develop integrally The Evaluation of competences for entrepreneurship, is done by the teacher with the help of the psychologists of professional orientation

8 Education for Entrepreneurship Orientation for the results The focus on results, quantitative and qualitative, is the main method of proposed. This method facilitates the self-learning and self-evaluation of organizations and persons, in opposition of the orientation for the tasks, and will be the most important mediator between the objectives of the Education for Entrepreneurship and the practice.. “ It is important to have quantifiable results, since it they establish a relation between the effort of the student d the result obtained ….”

9 Education for Entrepreneurship Main Curricular Subjects Portuguese/mother language Mathematics English Information Communication Technologies Non- Curricular key subjects Project Area Citizen Education area

10 Education for Entrepreneurship Key factor of success 1.Active participation of students – the process is leaded by the students; 2.Group Activity – All the work is done by a team; 3.Integration of the curricular subjects in the activities organized by the students – The contends are integrated in the contextual reality of the students, their problems and real needs; 4.Conception and concretization of entrepreneurial activities – They pass through an entrepreneurial process: Mission, Organization, Execution, Evaluation; 5.Contextualization of all the entrepreneurial process and the potentiating of the key competences of the students – Responsibility of the education agents;

11 Education for Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurial activities in School 1.º Step - Strategy a) Constitution of a comission - Management of School - Teachers - Psychologist - Parents - Auxiliary People - Students - Specialized Entities (BIC´s)

12 Education for Entrepreneurship b) Questions to answer - What is the dimension of the action? - What the cycles involved? - What themes to support? - Integration of the groups? - Funsction os the Comission and who will do them? - How to integrate students in the Comission?

13 2.º Step – Planing Education for Entrepreneurship The Commission Should do a Action Plan: - Communication of the project - Goals of participation - Events to valorize the project and its results - Moments of Evaluation

14 Education for Entrepreneurship 3.º Step – Action Promote the Favorable environment - Contests - Campaigns - Creative Messages - Flyers/outdoors - Exhibitions - Actions of cultural ad artistic - Discussion is the classroom

15 Education for Entrepreneurship 4.º Step – Evaluation VariávelConteúdoAvaliador Principal Universo de alunos envolvidos Foram realizadas acções com a participação de 500 alunos Comissão Grupos 100 alunos organizaram-se espontaneamente em 20 grupos Comissão Plano15 grupos apresentaram um planoComissão Execução10 grupos tentaram executar o planoComissão Resultados5 grupos atingiram 75% ou mais dos seus objectivosComissão Desenvolvimento comportamental O Grupo XPTO revelou elevada iniciativa, etc. mas uma baixa resistência à frustração SPO/Peritos/Prof. Desenvolvimento Curricular O Grupo dos YPTO não só utilizou o nível xxx de expressão oral, como conseguiu ao nível da escrita utilizar expressões yyyy de uma forma muito evoluída Prof. de Português Desenvolvimento CurricularO grupo dos F5 utilizou conceitos estatísticos do seu nível, de forma adequada … Prof. de matemática

16 Education for Entrepreneurship With this project we could see a change of attitude and behavior of students, that permit the discovery of their own potential. To plant the seed of entrepreneurship in this universe of students, will for sure contribute to build a new mentality in society

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