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Supporting Students in the SACE. SACE requirements General SACE requirements –compulsory subjects –number of credits etc Subject requirements: –standards.

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Presentation on theme: "Supporting Students in the SACE. SACE requirements General SACE requirements –compulsory subjects –number of credits etc Subject requirements: –standards."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supporting Students in the SACE

2 SACE requirements General SACE requirements –compulsory subjects –number of credits etc Subject requirements: –standards –skills –knowledge Students should enrol in a subject with a reasonable expectation of being able to achieve the requirements by undertaking the assessments described in the subject outline.

3 Supporting students in SACE DisabilityImpairmentIllness Personal circumstance Misadventure

4 Supporting student in the SACE What is the impact of the situation, condition, disability, illness etc on the student’s ability to: participate in the assessment and/or access the requirements of the assessment?

5 Options for supporting students: Supporting students SACE flexibilities Special Provisions Modified subjects

6 Modified Subjects Subjects at Stage 1 and 2 designed for students with intellectual disability Unable to meet the performance standards for a Stage 1 or 2 subject Must meet eligibility criteria to enrol Awarded completed/not completed against personal goals

7 SACE flexibilities Subject selections Different assessment options eg oral instead of written VET Community learning Local programs

8 Special Provisions Special arrangements or varied assessment conditions For students with a demonstrated significant difficulty accessing or participating in the conditions of the assessment.

9 Grounds for special provisions physical disability vision impairment hearing impairment medical condition psychological illness learning disability misadventure personal circumstances

10 Types of provisions available Just a few examples: Extension to deadlines Reduced number of assessment tasks Rest breaks and/or extra time for timed tasks Use of a word processor for handwritten tasks Use of a scribe/reader Braille tasks

11 Principles of special provisions FairnessSame standards Same skills and knowledge Decisions based on a range of evidence Most appropriate provision

12 Who makes the decisions? Flexibilities – teacher (within the requirements of the subject outline) Modified subjects – school, together with the student, parent, carer Special provisions –School assessment (Stage 1 and 2) – the School –External assessment (Stage 2) – SACE Board

13 Special Provisions – how are decisions made? Consideration of –A range of evidence – particularly functional and teacher evidence –Time and duration when the issue occurs –Nature of the assessment task/s affected The most appropriate provision is granted Decisions made fairly and consistently across students and subjects

14 More information SACE Website – policy, forms, information sheets Modified subjects – Jamie Dunnill 83727473 VET – Adele Broster 83727461 or Melissa Sherman 83727404; Community Learning – Louise Johnson 83727456 Special Provisions – Lisa Wills 83727408

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