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6th period Town Hall Meeting: How can we (the students and the teacher) make this class a more positive environment for learning? What behaviors can we.

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Presentation on theme: "6th period Town Hall Meeting: How can we (the students and the teacher) make this class a more positive environment for learning? What behaviors can we."— Presentation transcript:

1 6th period Town Hall Meeting: How can we (the students and the teacher) make this class a more positive environment for learning? What behaviors can we adopt? What structural changes can we make? Biweekly films? Friday film less content. Not enough time to do it and get a good grade. Flexibility with weekly journals. Rapid writing. Individual film grades. Try to fit journals, quizzes, and films into 1 day. Teacher provides skit scripts, students film.

2 Standards: 1. Communicate in Spanish. 2. Understand other cultures. 4. Compare your culture with others. Agenda: 54-49Objectives / Daily Dictionary 49-40Table setting 40-30Treasure Hunt 30-25Rapid Write 25-20Compete 20-0Blind Directions and Quiz Objectives: 1. Give and follow instructions in Spanish. Materials: Notebook, Folder, Journal, Pen/Pencil 21 st Century Skills: Critical Thinking, Collaboration, Adaptability, Initiative, Communication, Info Analysis, Imagination Homework: Homework: NA Daily Dictionary: Pon… (Put…), No pongas… (Don’t put), el tenedor (the fork), el cuchillo (the knife), la cuchara (the spoon), el plato (the plate), la servilleta (the napkin), a la derecha de (to the right of), a la izquierda de (to the left of), en el centro de (in the center of)

3 El plato

4 La servilleta

5 El tenedor

6 El cuchillo

7 La cuchara

8 Simón Dice… Simon says to set the table. Listen and follow the instructions. Check to see if your neighbors are following the instructions.

9 Pon la mesa. Use what you know in Spanish to tell a buddy to set the table. (Use a table setting that does not make sense, just to see if your buddy understands you.) When you finish, trade roles and do the game again. When you finish, write down any words you used that you had not used for a while. Set a goal for how you plan to speak Spanish outside of class.

10 Treasure Hunt: You are a Spanish pirate. Write step-by-step instructions for how to find a buried treasure on an island. The island is our classroom, and the treasure is an item in here that you have secretly chosen. When you finish writing your instructions, we will trade and follow each other’s instructions to see if we can find and guess what the treasures are.

11 Quick Writing:

12 Compete:

13 Trust Walk: ► Camina… ► Dobla a la derecha/izquierda ► Para.

14 Exit Quiz: ► 1. servilletaA. fork ► 2. izquierdaB. knife ► 3. cuchilloC. right ► 4. cucharaD. spoon ► 5. derechaE. napkin ► 6. tenedorF. left

15 Score out of 3 (each answer equals 0.5 point) ► 1. E. ► 2. F. ► 3. B. ► 4. D. ► 5. C. ► 6. A.

16 Haag Culture Project

17 Standards: 1. Communicate in Spanish. 2. Understand other cultures. 4. Compare your culture with others. Agenda: 54-49Objectives / Daily Dictionary 49-0Learning Activities Objectives: 1. Write and talk about clothing sizes, styles and brands. Materials: Notebook, Folder, Journal, Pen/Pencil 21 st Century Skills: Critical Thinking, Collaboration, Adaptability, Initiative, Communication, Info Analysis, Imagination Homework: Homework: NA Daily Dictionary: apretado (tight-fitting), flojo (loose-fitting), conservador (conservative), exagerado (extravagant), estar de moda (to be stylish, in style), ¿Cuál es la talla de...? (What is the size of…?), pequeño (small), mediano (medium), grande (large), la marca (the brand), Ponte otro/otra… (Put on a different…)

18 Readiness Differentiation: If you scored 3/3 on yesterday’s exit quiz, get together to make up a way of remembering the meaning of yesterday’s vocabulary. If you missed any points, unscramble these: LatpoRetnoedChucllioRachuca

19 Write the correct version: Ella lleva un vestido (conservador / exagerado).

20 Speaking Practice.

21 Apretado / Apretada

22 Flojo / Floja

23 Write the sentence correctly.

24 El hombre lleva ropa (apretada / floja).

25 El chico lleva ropa (apretada / floja).

26 Survey the people at your table: ► ¿Prefieres ropa floja o apretada? ► Record your data.

27 Speaking Practice.

28 Conservador / Conservadora

29 Exagerado / Exagerada

30 Write the sentence correctly.

31 Ella lleva ropa (conservadora / exagerada).

32 Él lleva ropa (conservadora / exagerada).

33 Survey the people at your table: ► ¿Prefieres ropa exagerada o conservadora? ► Record your data.

34 Call Out: ► ► If I call on you, be ready to describe the clothing.

35 La ropa es (exagerada / floja / apretada / conservadora).

36 Body Spanish exagerado flojo apretado conservador

37 Compete: ► Translate the sentences.

38 La talla PequeñoMedianoGrande

39 pequeño

40 mediano

41 grande

42 extra grande

43 ¿Cuál es la talla de tu camisa? La talla de mi camisa es grande.

44 La marca

45 Marca ► Write the name of your favorite marca down the margin of your page, like this: GAP Then, write a Spanish word for each letter of the brand name.

46 ¿Cuál es (la talla / la marca) de tu camisa? La (marca / talla) de mi camisa es grande.

47 Body Spanish GrandeMedianoPequeñoTallaMarca

48 Compete: ► Translate the sentences.

49 Ponte otra camisa.

50 Ponte otro sombrero, por favor.

51 Tell someone to put on a different type of clothing. Ponte otro… Ponte otra… Ponte otros…

52 Fashion Show Estar de moda (to be in style, stylish) Make a fashion show with your table.

53 Exit Quiz: 1. PonteA. loose fitting 2. ExageradoB. size 3. FlojoC. brand 4. ConservadorD. tight fitting 5. ApretadoE. Extravagant 6. TallaF. Conservative 7. MarcaG. Put on

54 1. G 2. E 3. A 4. F 5. D 6. B 7. C

55 Standards: 1. Communicate in Spanish. Agenda: 52-51Objectives 51-0Learning Activities Objectives: 1. Write about and discuss different items of clothing. Materials: Notebook, Folder, Journal, Pen/Pencil 21 st Century Skills: Critical Thinking, Collaboration, Adaptability, Initiative, Communication, Info Analysis, Imagination Homework: Homework: NA Daily Dictionary: estár hecho de (to be made of), algodón (cotton), cuero (leather), lana (wool), seda (silk), tela sintética (synthetic fabric), esto (this [unclear gender]), este / esta (this), ese / esa (that), aquel / aquella (that [further away]), estos / estas (these), esos / esas (those), aquellos / aquellas (those [further away])

56 This and That 1. Catch the ball, say, “Esta pelota es…” 2. Toss the ball to someone else and say, “Esa pelota es…” 3. Repeat Steps 1 and 2.

57 Aquella pelota es amarilla. Esa pelota es amarilla. Esta pelota es amarilla.

58 Rapid Writing: Write each sentence correctly.

59 ¿Qué es esto? Ésa es una (camisa / chaqueta).

60 ¿Qué es esto? Ése es un (paraguas / impermeable).

61 ¿Qué es esto? Ésa es una (bufanda / gorra).

62 ¿Qué es esto? Ésa es una (bufanda / corbata).

63 Quickly Correct Your Work:

64 ¿Qué es esto? Ésa es una chaqueta.

65 ¿Qué es esto? Ése es un impermeable.

66 ¿Qué es esto? Ésa es una bufanda.

67 ¿Qué es esto? Ésa es una corbata.

68 Ask and Respond: For each of the following slides, discuss with a partner: ¿Qué es esto? Ése/Ésa es…

69 ¿Qué es esto? Ése/Ésa es…









78 ¿Qué es esto? ► If I call on you, respond beginning with:  Ése es un… ► or  Ésa es una…

79 Inventory Time: ► You work at a clothing store. You and a partner have been challenged with writing down accurate information in Spanish about 11 specific items of clothing (not belonging to students). ► Since this is a respectable clothing store, all items must be left neatly folded after examination.

80 Write down this information about each of the 11 items: Tipo de ropa: ________ Color: ________ Talla: __________ Marca: ________________ Material: (algodón / seda / tela sintética / lana / cuero) ¿Exagerado, moderado, o conservador? ¿Flojo o apretado? (If applicable)

81 Present Your Findings: Example: Esta falda es una mediana. Es roja. Su marca es Polo. Es floja y exagerada. Está hecha de algodón. Each pair will get one item of clothing to present to the class.

82 Body Spanish: ► ► Algodón ► ► Cuero ► ► Tela sintética ► ► Seda ► ► Lana

83 Write these examples down: Estos pantalones están hechos de cuero. Esa camisa está hecha de algodón. Ese sombrero está hecho de lana.

84 Translate from English to Spanish…

85 Exit Quiz: 1. CueroA. That 2. AlgodónB. Cotton 3. SedaC. That (further away) 4. EsteD. This 5. EseE. Silk 6. AquelF. Leather

86 Trade and Grade: 1. F 2. B 3. E 4. D 5. A 6. C

87 Ask a partner in Spanish for the following information about an item of his or her clothing. Write down the information. Tipo de ropa: ________ Color: ________ Talla: __________ Marca: ________________ Material: (algodón / seda / tela sintética / lana / cuero) ¿Exagerado, moderado, o conservador? ¿Flojo o apretado? (If applicable)

88 Standards: 1. Communicate in Spanish. 2. Understand other cultures. 4. Compare your culture with others. Agenda: 54-53Objectives 53-49Review 49-44Weekly Quiz 44-40Watch Films / Set Goals 40-30Weekly Journals 30-20Friday Films 20-0Extension / Culture Projects Objectives: 1. Take the weekly quiz. 2. Watch Friday Films and set a pronunciation goal. 3. Write the weekly journal. 4. Make Friday Film. Materials: Notebook, Folder, Journal, Pen/Pencil 21 st Century Skills: Critical Thinking, Collaboration, Adaptability, Initiative, Communication, Info Analysis, Imagination Homework: Homework: NA Daily Dictionary: NA

89 House Standings, 1 st p (10-21-11)

90 House Standings, 6th p (10-21-11)

91 Cultural projects ► Melanie ► Marcia

92 Compete: ► Translation

93 Charades:

94 Weekly Quiz #10, 10-21-11 1. SedaA. fork 2. TenedorB. cotton 3. MarcaC. silk 4. TallaD. brand 5. AlgodónE. knife 6. LanaF. leather 7. CuchilloG. size 8. CueroH. wool

95 Trade and Grade: 1. C 2. A 3. D 4. G 5. B 6. H 7. E 8. F

96 Watch Friday Films ► While you watch, write down any pronunciation errors you notice. ► Also, set a pronunciation goal for yourself for today’s film.

97 Weekly Journal #10, 10-21-11 ► Write one paragraph about a piece of clothing you are wearing, using these words: talla, marca, color, está hecho de, exagerado, moderado, conservador, flojo, apretado. ► Friday Film: after 10 minutes, film each person in your group describing his or her clothing.

98 Extension: ► Imagine someone stole your clothes while you were on vacation in Spains. You have to write a statement for the police that gives all the details of your outfit. It can be the clothes you are wearing today, or an imaginary outfit.

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