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Many entry points to improve reliability! Research, Prototyping, Development QA & Testing Manufacturing & Installation Commiss- ioning Operation Technical.

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Presentation on theme: "Many entry points to improve reliability! Research, Prototyping, Development QA & Testing Manufacturing & Installation Commiss- ioning Operation Technical."— Presentation transcript:


2 Many entry points to improve reliability! Research, Prototyping, Development QA & Testing Manufacturing & Installation Commiss- ioning Operation Technical Support Maintenance Research, Prototyping, Development

3 ARW2013


5 All is fine … or not?

6 How to promote change?

7 corrective maintenanc e preventive and predictive maintenance

8 Joe: Where is the electric distribution box located? Fred: What is the power of the broken down motor? Don: Who has taken the assembly drawing from the folder? Greg: Where on the server is that damned file – my link does no longer work! Kate: Is the schematics in the rack still valid? Ron: Can I intervene without stopping the machine? Ted: OP, IMPACT, Planβ, CMMS, work permit, fire permit, … have I not missed to inform someone? Chris: Can I call my pump MBExyz? Sam: “The P1 stock was empty, I had to get it in P6. Bob: “Damned, we forgot to repair the dismantled shaft seal.” Tom: “If I only knew how many to order each time.” Boss: “Finally, do we have the seal or not?...And call VAC if they have one.” repair efficiently OR: Do any of these problems sound familiar to you?

9 The Maintenance Management Project (MMP) at CERN Pierre Bonnal Christophe Delamare Marine Gourber-Pace Damien Lafarge Christophe Mugnier Goran Perinić Regis Pilon Ingo Ruehl Eric van Uytvinck David Widegren Zornitsa Zaharieva M aintenance M anagement P roject Accelerator Reliability Workshop 2013 17 th April 2013 DG-DI GS-ASE BE-CO EN-HE TE-EPC TE-CRG TE-EPC EN-HE EN-EL GS-ASE BE-CO + Change

10 Why talking about maintenance at CERN? examples of systemsnumbers Warm magnets (TE-MSC)5’000 assemblies Cryogenic magnets (TE-MSC)1’800 assemblies Power converters (TE-EPC)4’500 assemblies Cooling and ventilation components (EN-CV)56’000 equipm. Industrial controls (EN-ICE)215 types Access control systems (GS-ASE)3400 assemblies Process plants (cryogenics) (TE-CRG)35’000 equipm. Radiation monitoring equipment (DGS-RP)1’700 assemblies Power supplies, power distribution (EN-EL)46’000 equipm.... AND MANY MORE numbers from the computer aided maint. mgmnt. system – CMMS > 500’000 functional positions/assets > 90’000 parts > 140’000 work orders per year 3290 maintenance plans TODAY THE CMMS COVERS PROBABLY ONLY 50% ! CERN maintenance strategy: The maintenance of the accelerator components is ensured by the specialized equipment groups in the four technical departments. Question: Where are the potentials for improvement?

11 External audit of the maintenance task at management level Working group of computer aided maintenance management (CMMS) users External audit of 4 selected CMMS users Internal audit on maintenance in the Technology department Setting up an inter-departmental project team Setting up topic working groups: asset management, documentation management, spare part management, work management and reporting & analysis HERMES project management method

12 Starting point – several audits The maintenance management project shall help each stakeholder to make measurable advancements in the maturity of his/her maintenance process. The MMP project is about HARMONIZING processes, methods and tools.

13 During the 6 month pre-analysis phase the working groups have: Gathered user needs Confirmed project objectives Identified constraints Developed concepts/solutions Listed requirements Identified sub-projects

14 9887654321 Common key-definitions A common naming/coding reference Description of maintenance processes in BPMN The issue concept The maintenance information concept The metadata and search concept Criticality ranking system oriented to the operation/equipment level The roles concept The inter-departmental methods office concept MMP Concept Report EDMS 1173942

15 Description of maintenance processes in BPMN

16 9887654321 Common key-definitions A common naming/coding reference Description of maintenance processes in BPMN The issue concept The maintenance information concept The metadata and search concept Criticality ranking system oriented to the operation/equipment level The roles concept The inter-departmental methods office concept MMP Concept Report EDMS 1173942

17 Logbook, ISSUE, CMMS – ideally three layers in ONE system Entries are linked accross the layers Data available for analysis by all stakeholders LOGBOOK observations ISSUE problem analysis The issue concept 4 CMMS (Infor EAM) physical interventions

18 9887654321 Common key-definitions A common naming/coding reference Description of maintenance processes in BPMN The issue concept The maintenance information concept The metadata and search concept Criticality ranking system oriented to the operation/equipment level The roles concept The inter-departmental methods office concept MMP Concept Report EDMS 1173942

19 Inter-departmental methods office Staffing: equivalent of 5 engineers 3 technicians for documentation and asset management support Mission: collect as-is business processes elaborate harmonized maintenance business processes, methods and tools assist users in setting-up maintenance processes assist users in the further development of their maintenance processes trigger and sustain networking between maintenance responsibles

20 Inter-departmental methods office Asset management tools for Registering equipment Collecting and registering spare part data Labelling equipment

21 Inter-departmental methods office Information management tools for Digitalization, formating,uploading and linking of documentation

22 Inter-departmental methods office Intervention management Harmonized CMMS workflows Simplified CMMS interfaces

23 Project advancement MMP Roadmap Feb 2012 MMP Concept Report May 2012 Maintenance workshop Nov 2011 Methods office implementation July 2012 CMMWG CMMSB Aug 2010 Audit of the operation of LHC and its injectors” audit in 4 groups (BalticBerg) internal TE audit (C. Mugnier) First methods office results: Asset management tools registering equipment collecting and registering spare part data Information management tools digitizing, formatting, uploading, linking Work management tools


25 The roles concept for a modern maintenance organisation at CERN A group quality/methods officer role (GQMO): - promoting policy, procedures and standards - implementing a QA system at group level A group maintenance information officer role (GMIO): - promoting good practices and guaranteeing coherent management of information and documentation A group coding officer role (GCO): - link person with naming service - promoting good practices and guaranteeing that coding is coherently implemented at group level A group spare part officer role (GSPO): - promoting good practices - providing support for managing spare part processes 8

26 All working groups (MMP team) Quality/methods officer Maintenance document officer Coding officer Spare part officer The maintenance management roles concept Establish efficient communication of MMP with stakeholders especially for the implementation phase Allow propagation of documents, methods, procedures and processes Collect return of experience through working groups Prepare the cultural change 8

27 9887654321 Common key-definitions A common naming/coding reference Description of maintenance processes in BPMN The issue concept The maintenance information concept The metadata and search concept Criticality ranking system oriented to the operation/equipment level The roles concept The Maintenance Implementation Office concept MMP Concept Report EDMS 1173942

28 Maintenance strategies Basic elements must be in place: asset management documentation mgnt. intervention mgnt. Collected data will allow strategic choices Run to failure Preventive maint. Predictive maint. Consolidate 07.02.2013 G. Perinić and D. Lafarge for the MMP team28

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