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Bell Ringer #10 – 10/30/2009 1.Who were the “rattlesnakes” of the Atlantic? 2.What did the Atlantic Charter establish? 3.What was the Battle of Britain?

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringer #10 – 10/30/2009 1.Who were the “rattlesnakes” of the Atlantic? 2.What did the Atlantic Charter establish? 3.What was the Battle of Britain?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Ringer #10 – 10/30/2009 1.Who were the “rattlesnakes” of the Atlantic? 2.What did the Atlantic Charter establish? 3.What was the Battle of Britain?

2 Japanese Internment Due to war hysteria and public prejudice, many Americans did not trust anyone Japanese 110,000 Japanese Americans on the West Coast (mostly California) were sent to “War Relocation” camps.



5 The camps were dirty and low on supplies; many Japanese lost their homes & possessions when released.

6 In February 1942, Roosevelt authorized the moving of ethnic Japanese from the west coast by moving them to internment camps, Within months, the War Relocation Authority (WRA) moved 120,000 Japanese.


8 Nearly 30,000 residents of the relocation camps left before the "exclusion order" was revoked on Jan. 1, 1945. The largest number went to Illinois, including 6,600 to Chicago.

9 Battle of Stalingrad (Soviet Union) In 1942 the Germans attacked Stalingrad (USSR) and set it on fire. Soviets were devastated. They massively counterattacked the Germans just as a brutal winter set in. Germans struggled through the winter until men died in huge numbers. Soviets took victory - were gaining on Germany.


11 WWII Writing Assignment Due Thursday Write a creative “News” interview with an individual associated with WWII events. 1-2 pages in ink or typed (12 font or smaller) “Reporter” should be one character, you choose second character. Use bold/regular if typed or blue/black ink if printed. Interview should help reporter reason with character.

12 Ideas for Characters WWII Soldier (American, Soviet, Nazi) Adolph Hitler Womens Auxiliary Army Corps member Jewish Holocaust victim Josef Stalin Huey Long Pearl Harbor victim Japanese Internment victim American at home (wife, brother, etc. of a soldier, opponent of war) Franklin Roosevelt Eleanor Roosevelt Atomic Bomb victim A. Philip Randolph

13 Homework WWII Conversation Assignment Complete all terms on the “Ch 16 & 17 Vocab” List. Complete study guide and prepare for next week’s exam.

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