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Early school leaving Zespół Szkół Poligraficzno-Medialnych im. Zenona Klemensiewicza w Krakowie November 2015.

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1 Early school leaving Zespół Szkół Poligraficzno-Medialnych im. Zenona Klemensiewicza w Krakowie November 2015

2 What is the problem? Early school leaving is mainly associated with unemployment, social exclusion and poverty. There are many reasons why some young people prematurely give up education and training: personal or family problems, learning difficulties, socio-economic situation, health-related aspects, mental and emotional problems, drugs or other adiction. Other important factors include the way the education system operates and the environment in individual schools. In this regard, the reasons for early dropout differs and finding a solution is not easy. The education authorities in Poland and in EU countries try to reduce early school leaving but it needs a common work and cooperation to connect: educational methods, social policy, work prospects for young people.

3 What has been done so far? What has been done so far? EU countries are committed to reduce the number of early school leavers to below 10 percent by 2020. In June of 2010 Ministers of Education have agreed on a framework for a coherent, comprehensive and evidence-based policies to reduce early school leaving. They will also cooperate and exchange best practices and knowledge in this field. 2011-2013, the Early School Leaving Working Group was set up, there are experts and practicioners from almost all EU countries, plus Norway, Iceland and Turkey. They are responsible for making policy and exchanging good practice and experience in Europe to prevent premature school leaving. In March 2012. Commission organized a conference on political strategies aimed at reducing early school drop outs. A year later, a programme began and started to develope in eight EU countries.

4 Situation in Poland The rate of early abandonment of school: countries of the European Union 14.4 percent. Poland 5.3 percent.,uniwersytet-lodzki-bada-porzucanie- szkoly,id,t.html?cookie=1

5 Reasons of early school leaving reported by the headmasters of primary and secondary schools. The study was conducted in Eastern Malopolska, Mazovia and Pomerania.


7 Conclusions 886 headmasters of primary and secondary schools were questioned 115 students out of 5240 attending the schools left due to the reasons: 22 % (26) careless parents, 11 % (13)pathological families, 7 % (8)school difficulties, 5 % (6)influence of informal groups, subcultures, 4 % (5)poverty, not sufficient financial means, shame, 3,5 % (4)drugs, 2,5 % (3)alcohol adiction of parents, school phobias, independence, earning money, juvenile crime, disability of parents,

8 In Poland education is compulsory until the age of 18, after graduating high school (gimnasium) student should complete two classes of secondary school or vocational school. After that they are free to choose their way of life. In the Secondary Technical School of Printing and Media in Cracow students start school at the age of 16. Usually with a mininum of willingness to work and learn students can finish school with a support of teaching staff. During the last few years we noticed only some drop outs: First year students - their choice was not proper, want to change a type of school or profession or the requirements are too high. The students who repeat a year and are already adults ( more than 20 years old) move to schools preparing them for profession or in a difficult financial situation start to earn their living. Pregnancy

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