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What is behavior? Jane Goodall. There are two basic types of behavior: Innate (think instinct) Learned What is an innate behavior? What is a learned behavior?

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Presentation on theme: "What is behavior? Jane Goodall. There are two basic types of behavior: Innate (think instinct) Learned What is an innate behavior? What is a learned behavior?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is behavior? Jane Goodall

2 There are two basic types of behavior: Innate (think instinct) Learned What is an innate behavior? What is a learned behavior? Which one is this:

3 instincts examples of instincts

4 Examples of Innate Behaviors Migration Taxis Hibernation Estivation

5 Learned behaviors A behavior that an animal acquires during its lifetime Chimpanzee using a tool Little baby Albert

6 Types of Learned Behaviors 1. Imprinting- when an animal forms a social attachment to another object. 2. Conditioning -response to a stimulus learned by association with a specific action (example: bell rings?) 3. Trial and Error 4. Habituation- stop responding to a stimulus (ex. Strong odors?)

7 Social Behaviors Behaviors that are in response to other animals Examples -territorial -courtship -communication

8 Territorial Antagonistic behavior to defend space Examples frilled lizard Meerkat vs. Puff Adder

9 Courtship Behavior to attract a mate Examples: Ostrich alligator

10 Communication Dance Pheromones/odors Herring /wgbh/nova/bees/d ancesdire.html

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