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Connecting Power BI to On-Prem SSAS Tabular Kerry L. Tyler SQL Saturday #390 Philadelphia.

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Presentation on theme: "Connecting Power BI to On-Prem SSAS Tabular Kerry L. Tyler SQL Saturday #390 Philadelphia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Connecting Power BI to On-Prem SSAS Tabular Kerry L. Tyler SQL Saturday #390 Philadelphia

2 About Me  Recovering Sysadmin  Ten years of data—Varying degrees of SQL Server Engine & BI  Currently Senior BI Developer/Consultant in Nashville  Used to fly little airplanes 2 |06/06/20152 || SQL Saturday #390 PHL

3 Agenda  Discuss/Demo new Power BI Preview  Demo Connector  Connector’s Architecture/How it Works  Setup Walkthrough  Pros/Cons/Caveats 06/06/2015| SQL Saturday #390 PHL3 |

4 Power BI Preview  “v2”  Replaces “Power BI for Office 365”  No longer requires O365 Licensing (completely stand-alone product)  New dashboard  “Offline” designer  Free version!  Emphasis on the “Preview” 06/06/2015| SQL Saturday #390 PHL4 |

5 Power BI v2 Demo 06/06/2015| SQL Saturday #390 PHL5 |

6 Power BI Analysis Services Connector (ASC) Demo! 06/06/2015| SQL Saturday #390 PHL6 |

7 Azure IaaS DAX Architecture 06/06/2015| SQL Saturday #390 PHL7 | DAX Power BI Preview ? ? corp\klt Results

8 ASC, AD, and “Effective Username”  The Power BI login needs to match the UPN of an AD user 06/06/2015| SQL Saturday #390 PHL8 |

9 ASC, AD, and “Effective Username” (con’t)  This could break in a number of scenarios  O365 email address  Email Address doesn’t match AD login name  Multiple domains involved in Trust(s) between ASC, SSAS, where users live, etc  Dealt with via AAD dirsync  Log in to PBI with actual UPN 06/06/2015| SQL Saturday #390 PHL9 |

10 AuthN/Z  ASC connects to SSAS using dedicated account (more on this later)  Within the Tabular Model, security behaves as it normally would  Role membership(s)  Row-level security 06/06/2015| SQL Saturday #390 PHL10 |

11 ASC Setup 06/06/2015| SQL Saturday #390 PHL11 |

12 First, Get the Connector (Signed in)… 06/06/2015| SQL Saturday #390 PHL12 |

13 Get the Connector (Not Signed In) 06/06/2015| SQL Saturday #390 PHL13 |

14 Things You’ll Need  Domain-joined servers (SSAS & ASC)  Decide where to install  ASC requires.NET 4.5.1  Domain account with “sa” rights on target SSAS box*  Security within the model configured “like you usually would” 06/06/2015| SQL Saturday #390 PHL14 |

15 …about that asterisk  Think about/Treat this like you would any other Service Account  Password Expriry  Treat it separately from the Engine sa accounts 06/06/2015| SQL Saturday #390 PHL15 |

16 ASC Setup Demo 06/06/2015| SQL Saturday #390 PHL16 |

17 Things You Can Do  Use real-time Tabular data to feed any dashboard or report object  Upload Excel Workbooks with Power Views in them which utilize SSAS Tabular  The DMG does still exist, so can still use it to refresh workbooks 06/06/2015| SQL Saturday #390 PHL17 |

18 Things You Can’t Do  Install the ASC on same machine as DMG  Install more than one instance of ASC on a single machine  Feed this on-prem data to Power BI Q&A  Tug on Superman’s cape 06/06/2015| SQL Saturday #390 PHL18 |

19 Things You Probably Should Know  Each ASC can only talk to a single SSAS Instance  This could get messy  “Sharing” may or may not work like you expect  Dashboard Tiles refresh every 10 minutes 06/06/2015| SQL Saturday #390 PHL19 |

20 The Future!  Paid sub (“Power BI Pro”) will be required to use ASC  Multidimensional access is “coming” (!)  Mobile Power BI app for Android  Expect fast changes  Go forth and use Power BI, even if regs or little Power Pivot data islands kept you from using it before 06/06/2015| SQL Saturday #390 PHL20 |

21 URLs/References   Pricing/Feature comparison breakdown:  Troubleshooting ASC: articles/505324-troubleshooting-analysis- service-connector articles/505324-troubleshooting-analysis- service-connector 06/06/2015| SQL Saturday #390 PHL21 |

22 Questions? 06/06/2015| SQL Saturday #390 PHL22 |

23 Contact Kerry L. Tyler Blog: Twitter: @AirborneGeek Email: 06/06/2015| SQL Saturday #390 PHL23 |

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