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AIDA Unit 4 – Assessment task 3. 2 Collect a leaflet as you come in… You are going to use this leaflet for a short activity at the start of the lesson.

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Presentation on theme: "AIDA Unit 4 – Assessment task 3. 2 Collect a leaflet as you come in… You are going to use this leaflet for a short activity at the start of the lesson."— Presentation transcript:

1 AIDA Unit 4 – Assessment task 3

2 2 Collect a leaflet as you come in… You are going to use this leaflet for a short activity at the start of the lesson

3 3 Aims To understand the importance of AIDA in promotional materials To be able to identify the AIDA in promotional material To be able to apply AIDA concepts to your own marketing material

4 4 AIDA…. Attention Interest Desire Action

5 5 AIDA AttentionInterest DesireAction

6 6 Attention The most vital part of any advert, email, leaflet, sales letter, brochure or any other promotional activity. Tell your customers IMMEDIATELY precisely 'what's in it for them'. Without answering this question, why should anyone read any further? The headline MUST be compelling, attention grabbing and totally irresistible to the target market, or the company will lose them!

7 Attention What section (s) of your leaflet do you think grabs your attention? How does it tell the customers IMMEDIATELY precisely “what's in it for them”? Fill in your worksheet to explain how your attention is grabbed in your leaflet

8 8 Interest Once you have successfully attracted your customers you must keep their interest. Re-emphasising and expanding on the headline, assuming that your headline includes the main benefit, can do this. If they like the headline customers will want more of the same, so immediately follow on from the benefit in the headline.

9 Interest What section (s) of your leaflet do you think keeps you interested? Fill in your worksheet to explain how your interest is grabbed in your leaflet

10 10 Desire You need to create desire in a customer, because they will buy what they "want" not necessarily what they need. You can do this by introducing bullet points or some more punchy info. One of the best ways to do this is to look at the features of your product or service. Firstly write them all down and then alongside write "which means that...". What comes next is the rest of the benefits to the prospect: why they may want what you are selling.

11 Desire Look at the use of language & images to make you WANT the product/service/place Fill in your worksheet to explain how they make you WANT to buy/go there?

12 12 Action Strange though it may seem the call to action is most definitely required. Just because you have put your address, phone number or e-mail address etc on the bottom of your leaflet means nothing. You must use words like 'Call Today', 'Call Now to avoid disappointment!' 'E-mail us today', 'Fill in the reply slip below and post it free today', and so on. Make it as easy as possible for customers to contact you, because most people are lazy and so the simpler the better. Tell your customers what they need to do to take action.

13 Action How have they used language/layout to encourage customers to make contact or act to buy now? Fill in your worksheet to explain how they make customers take action!

14 14 AIDA These are the four vital components of any successful advert, in whatever form it appears. A well-written, properly designed advert, placed in the right publication, in the right position, will without doubt increase response and ultimately sales.

15 15 Examples of AIDA in action!

16 16 Here's some Great Headline / Word Combinations How to..... How Would..... How Much..... 100% Guaranteed….. How You Can..... Who Else Wants..... Profit From..... Discover How To….. Save Money..... Save Time..... The Truth About..... Little Known Secrets.. Yours FREE.. The Ultimate In.. Take Advantage Of….. Your Chance To..... Proven To..... Your Last Chance To..... Money Back Guarantee...... Best Kept Secrets.. 7 Reasons Why..... Discover The Magic Of...... Now You Can....... Incredible Offer..... Here's How You...... Best Kept Secret...... What Better Way To...... Never Seen Before..... Cash In On...... Absolutely FREE.....

17 17 Golden rule of AIDA A golden rule is to always include your telephone number, address, email address, website address or order form on all literature.

18 Your work for Unit 4 Assessment 3

19 19 Your task is to collect and comment on the appeal of current promotional materials from ONE travel and tourism provider. You should consider commenting on: their range of promotional materials the use of AIDA the use of design, logo, images, colour, language, sound, impact, quality, corporate image, promotional message.

20 20 This means You have to collect info YOURSELF… to get more than a pass! You need to use MORE than the INTERNET! You need adverts, images of posters, leaflets, merchandise, examples of press releases, video/radio promotions….!

21 21 So over the next few weeks You need to go and visit somewhere Ring, email or write to a business Look on line for their marketing section of a website….

22 22 Achievements…

23 So for now…. Which business do you think you will ‘focus’ on for Task 3? Your task is to collect and comment on the appeal of current promotional materials from ONE travel and tourism provider.

24 24 Use the Internet Have a look at a few T&T businesses for ideas….. Remember that you MUST use more than the INTERNET Ideally to go and visit the T&T to collect examples & take photos! At the least you need to have a ‘leaflet’ & advert/website page!

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