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E NGLISH D EPARTMENT PD Thursday, October 1, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "E NGLISH D EPARTMENT PD Thursday, October 1, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 E NGLISH D EPARTMENT PD Thursday, October 1, 2015

2 G OALS More effective content delivery and instruction More diversity in activities, routines, and content delivery More efficient grading

3 A NNOUNCEMENTS Uses Leave a message for the entire class Remind students of an assignment or event Point students to a particular resource Communicate a change in plans how-do-i-make-an-announcement-in-my-course


5 N OTIFICATION P REFERENCES You can set up your preferences to receive email or text alerts about Canvas events You can be alerted about: Students submitting late work Due dates Administrative notifications New discussion posts Submission comments Students can complete this process, as well

6 N OTIFICATION P REFERENCES, CONT. To add an email address or phone number for SMS, go to account  settings  Add contact method (on the right side of the page) To adjust notification preferences: account  notifications Can opt to be notified right away, daily, weekly, or never

7 C ALENDAR Create an Event Course > Calendar > Click on Date > Event tab > Submit More options to open Rich Content Editor and Content Pane Drag & drop events or assignments to make changes across weeks or months Color-coded calendar view Can create an assignment from your calendar, as well Can create a recurring event: recurring-event-to-a-course-calendar recurring-event-to-a-course-calendar Setting a different event date for each section of your course: different-calendar-event-date-for-each-section-in-my-course different-calendar-event-date-for-each-section-in-my-course

8 P EER R EVIEW Allows students to give feedback on each other’s work You can determine the pairs, or Canvas can assign them randomly Can be used for assignments and discussions Basic overview: a-peer-review-assignment a-peer-review-assignment How to create a peer review assignment: i-create-a-peer-review-assignment i-create-a-peer-review-assignment

9 D ISCUSSIONS You can: Create discussions in your course Make a graded or group discussion Make the discussion threaded or focused Attach files, videos, or images Add content directly from your course Delay discussion posts until a specific date Pin discussions so they appear at the top of students’ page Close a discussion so students can no longer comment

10 D ISCUSSIONS, CONT. Settings you can control: Require students to reply to your initial post before viewing other replies Allow students to create new discussions Allow students to attach files to their discussion post Add a rubric

11 D ISCUSSIONS : T UTORIALS Basic tutorial: i-create-a-discussion-as-an-instructor i-create-a-discussion-as-an-instructor Creating a graded discussion: i-create-a-graded-discussion-for-my-course i-create-a-graded-discussion-for-my-course Assigning a discussion to a specific course section or student: do-i-assign-a-graded-discussion-to-an-individual- student-or-course-section do-i-assign-a-graded-discussion-to-an-individual- student-or-course-section

12 F ILES Uses: Share an assignment you created in a Word doc as a file for students to view Share an article you have saved How to upload a file to your course: i-upload-a-file-to-my-course i-upload-a-file-to-my-course Restricting access (by date and available link): i-restrict-files-and-folders-to-students-in-canvas i-restrict-files-and-folders-to-students-in-canvas

13 S AVING C OMMENTS Only works when you are grading with a rubric When editing the rubric, check “I’ll use free-form comments when assessing students” and then click “update rubric.” Open Speedgrader and click “view rubric” You can type comments in the text boxes and save them for reuse Saved comments will appear in the drop-down menu


15 A DDITIONAL I NFORMATION For more information about Rubrics, Assignments, Speedgrader, and Gradebook, see “Assignments” presentation

16 A DDITIONAL R ESOURCES Tutorials for Canvas, broken down by topic: Creating Pages in Canvas: what-are-pages-video what-are-pages-video My email/Room Number:


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