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Observations and Inferences. Observation Using your senses to gather information about the world around you.

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Presentation on theme: "Observations and Inferences. Observation Using your senses to gather information about the world around you."— Presentation transcript:

1 Observations and Inferences

2 Observation Using your senses to gather information about the world around you

3  For Example: This tastes sweet and is cold. I put my hand inside the bag and felt something that was rough and scratchy. I smell smoke. I hear bells ringing. I see a boy sitting on the grass with an ice pack on his knee and a soccer ball beside him.

4 Inference An inference is when you try to draw a logical conclusion of your observation and prior knowledge.

5 Try to make an inference about each of the previous observations Write these in your notes

6 Pair and Share Pair up with one other person to share your inferences Discuss if the inference is logical and what prior knowledge you needed

7 Look at the picture on the next slide and write down as many observations as you can


9 Qualitative Observation observations describe how something looks, tastes, feels, smells and sounds (think quality)

10 Quantitative Observation Describing observations using measurement and numbers

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