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JAN is a service of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy. Job Accommodation Network and Job Corps: A Partnership for Employment.

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Presentation on theme: "JAN is a service of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy. Job Accommodation Network and Job Corps: A Partnership for Employment."— Presentation transcript:

1 JAN is a service of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy. Job Accommodation Network and Job Corps: A Partnership for Employment Melanie Whetzel, MA, CBIS Lead Consultant, Cognitive/Neurological Team Daniel Tucker, MS Consultant, Cognitive/Neurological Team

2 Using JAN 2

3 Learning Objectives Using JAN 1 Explain the services provided by JAN 2 3 Perform basic accommodation and resource searches on Discover real-life accommodation situations and solutions 3

4  Established in 1983 as a national, free service.  Specialize in job accommodations and the employment provisions of the ADA.  Assist with the interactive process.  Give targeted technical assistance.  Provide comprehensive resources.  Maintain confidentiality.  Communicate via telephone, chat, text, TTY, relay, email, and social networks.  Offer live and archived training.  Work as your partner. 4 Using JAN

5 JAN Consultants can be reached M-F 9am-6pm ET by  Phone - (800) 526-7234 (voice); (877) 781-9403 (TTY)  Email -  Skype - Janconsultants  Text - (304) 216-8189  Chat available online at  Social Networks  Searchable Online Accommodation Resource (SOAR) 5 Using JAN

6 Overview  Employers  Individuals  Service Providers  Others 6 Using JAN

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8 What JAN doesn’t do  Provide legal advice  Recommend one product over another  Make employment decisions  Guarantee employee success  Guarantee job security 8 Using JAN

9  Customized Corporate or Organizational Training  Free Monthly Webcasts  Free Archived Webcasts  Workshops at National, Regional, and Local Conferences 9 Using JAN

10 So… What can JAN do for you? 10 Using JAN

11 What JAN can do for you  Identify accommodations for individuals with:  Mobility impairments  Sensory impairments  Cognitive or neurological impairments  Accommodations for:  Classroom  On-the-job training  In the workforce 11 Using JAN

12 What JAN cannot do for you  Advise which career choice is best according to impairment  Determine eligibility for the programs  Approve placement choices  Guarantee success  Approve or deny accommodations 12 Using JAN

13 When you’re ready to call… 13 Using JAN

14 Before you call, gather this information:  Individual’s career technical choices  Medical, psychological, and social evaluations, if available  Educational (or other) criteria for chosen vocation  Any information about prior work history 14 Using JAN

15 During the call, be prepared to discuss:  Individual’s occupational choices  Individual’s limitations  Previously-attempted accommodations  Alternative accommodation solutions 15 Using JAN

16 After the call, you can expect:  Follow-up through these methods:  Email  Postal mail  Phone  Direction to JAN’s website  Referral to organization or product vendor 16 Using JAN

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23 Let’s review some cases! 23 Using JAN

24 Case Study #1  Individual with LD  Career Technical choice: Health Care  Limitations:  Deficit in reading skills  Deficit in writing skills 24 Using JAN

25 Accommodation Ideas  “Talking” medical products  Apps  Electronic Medical Speller  Talking medical devices 25 Using JAN

26 Case Study #2  Individual with severe ADHD  Career Technical choice: Automotive Repair  Limitations:  Inattention  Highly distractible 26 Using JAN

27 Accommodation Ideas  Mechanic’s stool with organization shelf  Instructor “loads” stool with regularly used tools  Provide written instruction  Color-code and/or label compartments 27 Using JAN

28 Case Study #3  Individual with TBI and Epilepsy  Career Technical choice: Food Prep / Culinary  Limitations:  Poor visual acuity  Impaired memory  Seizure activity 28 Using JAN

29 Accommodation Ideas  Safety Precautions  Keep area free of clutter  Use edge and corner guards  Use rubber matting  Consult Plan of Action  Adaptive kitchen products  Safety knife  Talking food scales  Auto-dial spice dispenser  One-handed jar opener 29 Using JAN

30 Case Study #4  Individual with Cerebral Palsy and Intellectual Disability  Goal: GED Completion  Limitations:  Fine Motor  Gross Motor 30 Using JAN

31 Accommodation Ideas  Test Accommodations  Take test using computer and special software  Use alternative input devices  Using a reader  Using a scribe  Extended time  Private room 31 Using JAN

32 Case Study #5  Individual with brain injury  Career Technical choice: Welding  Limitations:  Slower processing  Memory 32 Using JAN

33 Accommodation Ideas  Book / text on CD  Recorded class notes and lectures  Study buddy  Alternate testing formats 33 Using JAN

34 Case Study #6  Individual with bipolar disorder  Career Technical choice: Carpenter  Limitations:  Memory problems due to medication  Managing stress 34 Using JAN

35 Accommodation Ideas  Allow student to take breaks to call support person.  Have meetings more frequently to give feedback and provide positive reinforcement.  Communicate in writing when possible, especially when giving instructions on how to complete new tasks.  Encourage student to let instructor know about stressors that could be addressed 35 Using JAN

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37 JAN Consultants can be reached M-F, 9am-6pm ET by  Phone - (800) 526-7234 (voice); (877) 781-9403 (TTY)  Email -  Skype - Janconsultants  Text – (304) 216-8189  Chat available online at 37 Using JAN

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